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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Power Outages

This is the time of year in Astoria, Oregon where the winds howl and the rains pound on the roof! Today is one of those days! I'm cozy inside, but no power!

So today, I'm experimenting with Blogger and attempting a blog post using my phone. My phone still works thank goodness!

What can you do without power? You can paper craft, read a real book, scroll on your phone, email people or fold laundry. I had taken photos of some large gift tags I made last week, so thought I'd post those. They are what I call wonkey house tags.

They're large, about 6 inches tall, and I glued on bits and pieces of papers, and then added lace and little embroidered flowers.
I love the pink and green of course! I added little satin bows to the heart on the roof.

Isn't the purple pretty?

I'm doing this in the dark, with a little battery lamp beside me, with the wind gusts of at least 40 mph outside.

And the blue and green is a nice effect. I then doodled around each tag with a black pen. I love doodling!

I'm going to scan these and add them to my Etsy shop as printables. I'm going to make more as they are fun to make!

How did this post look, attempting it using my phone? Actually, it was pretty easy!

Wherever you are, have a great day!



  1. Good evening Marilyn, your little wonky house tags are adorable. Remember where you're living now and that all that rain turns into beautiful flowers everywhere as soon as it warms up. Seems like it doesn't matter where you live you have to take the bad a long with the good. You have beautiful Springs, Summers and Autumns where you're living now. You'll just have to trade your winter coat in for a rain slicker, LOL.
    As far as doing your post on your phone, it looks great, way to go girlfriend. I would also say that you took your "no power" lemon day and turned it into lemonade 🍋
    Have a sweet week my friend.

  2. Love your sweet tags so cute. Hope you get your power back on soon. It is hard to do just about anything when there is no power. Hugs. Kris

  3. I love a good storm, but the power outages are not fun! Glad you had full charge on your phone and were able to make a post that way! Love your house tags, they are so adorable!!! You are so creative, and I love all the beautiful things you create! Like Connie said, soon all this moisture will bring spring blooms, and we really can't wait for it! Thank you for your email, I hope to reply soon! Much love to you dear friend!
