It's been awhile since I posted............ life has been just busy....... and I've been a little sick....... and my hubby has been real sick........... and the time just continues to speed by!
My old friend "vertigo" from about 10 years ago, has come back to haunt me! I think going to a new chiropractor (for my lower back and neck), who uses some sort of "thing" that vibrates against my bones in my neck and back caused the vertigo to rear its ugly head. I never thought of that when she was hammering my neck bones with this "thing" she uses... she said it really helps. Yah right. Mine is the type of vertigo caused when little crystals break loose in your ear and float around and cause you to be dizzy and nauseaus... not fun at all. It has really curtailed my activities. I have had two Epley Maneuvers (done by a physical therapist for this type of vertigo) and they have helped me alot.
In the meantime, while vertigo has been happening (and hubby got sick - see below)........... there is ORANGE, and GOLD and yellow, and lush greens (and a little pink left) everywhere in my yard it seems!
Nasturtiums came back to life after the horrible heat wave we had! |
Tomato flowers by our bedroom window. |
We have picked alot of cherry tomatoes and regular sized tomatoes from our two plants.
I think this is a Sumac but not sure. We transplanted it from a friend's place up in SW Washington 3 years ago and it just blazes in the Fall! Love it! |
My new rose bush has had beautiful peach flowers all summer long... even after the little buck ate some of it a few weeks. ago. |
My marigolds came back after our heat wave and are falling all over themselves. |
Hubby became very ill about 8 weeks ago when he got mold in his lungs while (attempting to) work on an old 5th wheel RV that was practically given to us. ............ (now I know why as it needs TONS of work).......... as he tore down moldy, yucky rotted wood and insulation, all WITHOUT wearing any sort of mask! He didn't really do that did he? (I asked myself)......... yes he did........... so he got horribly sick and ended up in ER because he was having trouble breathing.
After several doctor visits and tests for his heart (of all things), being given asthma inhalers, and meds for water retention, and then more blood tests, etc., with nothing helping, we finally convinced the doctor to give him an antibiotic, because he had contacted this very same thing about 5 years ago after going for an ATV ride in dry dirt and moldy dust. It's called "Valley Fever" that people get sick from the mold in the dust in very dry climates, so it made sense to us that the mold from the trailer was doing the very same thing! Within THREE days of starting the antibiotic, he was feeling way way better. We are so thankful! At my insistence, he will no longer STEP FOOT INSIDE that 5th wheel RV without a good respirator on!
The 5th wheel is another story......... we sold our little truck camper. Hubby wants this bigger 5th wheel that we can still pull with our smaller truck. It's very "cozy".... the body is only about 13 feet and the part in the gooseneck has room for a queen bed... the layout is nice and there is actually a full bathroom! That's what convinced me.
These pictures were taken by me before it's even been touched or cleaned inside or out. It's quite a mess still. These are TRUE before pictures! |
Dusty and dirty........... sorry. |
I think it's about a 1978 model. |
I like the full shower. The Bathroom is actually in pretty good condition. |
But.............. it had mold and rot and needs the entire ceiling replaced and part of the floor. And again........ neither of us are very handy! Hubby did do some work in the little camper so it was looking pretty nice.. and almost ready to use. So now we/he start(s) over.
Some pretty green in our garden too:
My Coleus plant went CRAZY, until one of the neighborhood cats used it for a bed and shade.. now it's all smashed down. I sure enjoyed it while it was upright! |
Tons of green tomatoes on our larger bush now... will bring them all in pretty soon before a big frost hits. |
Our front yard looked pretty nice this summer, even with us both not feeling so well..... we managed to plant two trees (which I showed in a previous post) and the Quaking Aspen I swear has grown 8 feet this summer!
See the tall tree on the left side of this photo? When we planted it last April, it was about the size of that other little tree over to the right. |
I've also been spending every spare moment trying to get the strip quilt done for my son's 40th birthday. His birthday has past..... I didn't quite make it... so we pushed back our trip to Astoria to give it to him. I just finished the quilt 2 days ago as we "were" going to go this weekend, but my vertigo is still making it so it's hard for me to travel. We have plans to go next week and I hope it all works out. I'll post pictures on my next post... I just haven't had time to get it hung outside in the nice light for it's official photo shoot.
So that's an update for now. It's been a long hot summer.... of not feeling too good...... of a sick hubby.. of lots of company.... and getting my quilt done, which I"m very proud of. I usually don't finish many of my projects, and this one is a rarity!
Until next time... be well my friends.