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Friday, April 30, 2021
My Life Is Good - 2
Thursday, April 29, 2021
My Life is Good - 1
This is Day 1 of 10 days of "My Life is Good" . I will post 10 pictures that bring me joy . 10 days, 10 pics. 10 words.
A friend recently challenged me to do a post each day on Facebook for 10 days, with the quote "My Life is Good", and post only one picture that brings me joy, and no words! Now "no words" was hard for me! I did manage to post all ten pictures - it took alot of thought due to the circumstances of the world today........ and I was a really good girl because I only used maybe one or two words to describe my joy.
I thought it would be fun to do the same thing here on my blog, since I'm kind of blog challenged these days. I changed the rules though. I'm going to post one photo a day for ten days (hopefully) but I'm allowing myself TEN words also.
So... one photo a day for ten days, and ten words.
Here goes!
Beautiful Metolius River in the mountains west of Sisters, Oregon.