Friday, January 21, 2022

To keep me warm.

Hello friends,

My brain is still in a fog from all of the past events...... nothing seems to pop into my head that I want to share on my blog... not like it used to anyway. I was always inspired to share "something".  I hope I get that part of me back. I do want to share two of my most recent purchases that I just love, and one keeps me warm and one keeps me company!

I've needed a little heater for my bedroom, as there is no heat at all in there, and I close the door at night to keep the kitties from jumping on my bed during the night. Oh yes.. I would LOVE to sleep with my kitties if they wouldn't walk all over me, but they do, and I need my sleep! So the door gets closed... and then the bedroom gets pretty cold.

I just LOVE this little "heater"/fireplace. It makes for such sweet ambiance in the evening when I retire to the bedroom and spend a little time playing a few games of solitaire or working on a crossword puzzle. Those things relax me......... and then I'm ready to snuggle in and go to sleep.

The pink lantern on top is one I had outside last summer, hanging on my fence. It had fallen off the fence and sat there on the ground for the last few months (under snow even). I found it, picked it up, and the batteries still worked, so inside it came. It's such a nice soft light.

And what better way to play my solitaire on then a NEW smart phone! I treated myself to my first ever "smart" phone... and is it ever smart.. way smarter than me! But it's my new toy and I'm enjoying it. (did ya notice the pink wallpaper????) of course.........

And I even got a little tripod to take pictures of me and ???, family or friend if the need arises. The stand arms can bend and twist, and you can wrap them around a pole, or fence, or car mirror, or whatever, so that a timed shot can be taken. Love it!

I even tried taking some selfies........ such fun, but maybe one out of 100 turned out decent.... decent enough to show the world. And by the way, yes my Christmas tree is still up.... I so enjoy the lights that I'm not ready to take it down for the year.

I want to thank all of my blogging friends for reaching out to me, either by commenting on my blog or emailing me. These are lonely days, and I so appreciate the rays of light that shine on me when I receive a card, email or comment. Each and every one is such a blessing!



  1. Grief is such a hard part of life. I am glad you have your blog and blog friends you can talk to and share. I think that is such a great part about blogging is the friendships made and the support. I sincerely hope with time your pain will lesson. xoxo Kris

    1. Thank you Kris for your kind words... I too hope pain will lessen with time... I know it does....I so feel much support from my blog friends which is just to be cherished during this time of my life. Hugs.. Marilyn

  2. Hello, my name is Lynn and I blog about my cat mostly. I have seen your comments on JoyfulCottage with Nancy and thought I could drop in if that is alright. I love to see the craft work of others and do a bit of embroidery and crochet but not the work you and Nancy do. I live in north central Ohio and this winter has been weird. Rain most of early December and into the new year. Now it is bitter cold. I do like your new stove for your room. And congrats on the new phone. Mine is not new but is still smarted than me. Lynn and Precious

    1. Hi Lynn.... nice to meet you and thank you for the visit! Anytime you want to visit is fine with me! I usually show things I've made (in most posts) but sometimes lately I forget to take pictures or don't feel like it, so just thought I'd chat with this post. I went to your blog and it is very sweet! I had a laugh about your Precious, as she reminds me of my Maddie girl.. she loves to drink out of glasses whenever she can find them so I have to be sure and keep them up away from her, especially my tea, as she loves that too! And she loves new places where I store things as she has to explore them and decide I made them just for her! She's a little "pill" as my mom would say, but loveable (mostly, but sometimes aloof). I didn't see a spot where I could follw your blog.. would like to so will go back and search some more! Marilyn

  3. Hi Marilyn, it is so good to see you posting and I love your little stove fireplace. I've looked at those and thought many time of purchasing one but never have. It already sounds like you know way more about your smart phone than I do and I've had mine for two years, LOL.
    One day at a time . . . walk them with the Lord and He will give you hope and comfort. I could not make it without Him . . . grief can be so empty and void . . . fill it with Him one step at a time . . . and don't let anyone try to rush you into anything that you are not ready for. Trust Him to guide you through this new life. It is a new life, not so pleasant but a journey that we can grow in and find a future of hope.
    You are in my prayers.

    1. Thank you Connie... as always very uplifting words, and I need that encouragement all the time! It is definitely a "new" life and so strange and different.. I still can't get used to it yet... just feels weird and stange.. that's all I can say to describe it. I know with time (hopefully) things will feel a little more normal, whatever that is in this day and age. Thank you for your prayers.... xoxo Marilyn

  4. Marilyn, I just love your sweet white heating stove/fireplace. It's a great addition to your home, and makes for a cozy atmosphere. In fact, your vignette with the lanterns, cozy booties and stool with pillow is very cozy, indeed. I need a new phone, but it will have to wait awhile. I had a new furnace installed in October, and we all know how that goes. Love the selfie you took. You are one pretty lady, my friend! I enjoyed your post. And to think you were having trouble coming up with something to blog about. ;) I've said it before, and it's worth repeating. I admire the way you are moving forward after such a tragic loss. I know God is strengthening you and helping you do this, as you lean on Him. I think of you so often and pray for your heart to be encouraged. Hugs, Nancy

    1. You are so sweet Nancy! I think of you often too.. and wish you weren't so far away! My home also needs some sort of better heating, but it may never happen. I get by with a few baseboard heaters, a wall heater and now my little "fireplace". It seems to work good so far. Would love those "on the wall" type heater/air conditioner but they are very spendy. What can we do but move forward with this type of loss? I did the same when I lost my son.. I think I was on "auto pilot" the first couple of years.. and now am the same with losing Mac. I feel like my hand has been taken and I'm being led along and have gut feelings when I'm "told" to do something. I know life is a journal and we go through many things on the journey, good and bad, and sometimes devastating, but somehow we keep on going. I still do have hope for good things to happen along my journey (and people like YOU help me along!). Hugs... Marilyn

  5. You may feel that the inspiration isn't coming like it used to, but the fact that you are still blogging and connecting with your loving and caring blog "family" is good therapy. I hope the new heater keeps you toasty warm all winter, and the new phone provides lots of entertainment (besides doing its primary job of making phone calls!).

    1. Amy, I guess there IS some inspiration to do a few things! So I'm not totally deprived of it! I'm loving my new heater so much, and my phone too.. such a "toy" and I'm learning new apps to add every day, and new tips! Thank you for commenting! Marilyn

  6. Marilyn, so good to see this post from you! I just adore your new little fireplace, and how cozy you've made it! I have lanterns that are on timers and come on every day, adding such a special ambience to the home. I have invested in candles and lights that have timers, and keep them on through the winter months, it helps to make the whole house feel cozy in the dark months. And happy for your new cell phone purchase, along with the tripod! How fun is that! Maybe you can start making some of your own crafting videos. I know some ladies do that on youtube, and I know you could do it too :) You are so creative, and always make the most darling things. Praying for you as you walk through these days of grief, and I'm so thankful that you are feeling the Lord's presence with you. So good to visit with you tonight, and sending love, hugs and prayers your way :)

    1. And I also wanted to say your selfie picture is just darling! I love it! You look radiant! :)

    2. Oh Marilyn good to hear from you too. I love the idea of putting those batt. operated candles around here and there. I have a few, but the batteries have died and I keep forgetting to replace them. I love little twinkly lights in the house as it starts getting dark out. Is so welcoming. I love my heater and my camera is so fun.. I'm learning new tips and tricks every day! I have to deny myself from carrying it all around the house with me and leave it alone! The tripod is fun. I've thought about YouTube but I don't know yet if I would want to do it. Would be fun if I didn't try to keep a schedule.. I don't do well with schedules ad "have to's". The gals on you tube who do tutorials are so wonderful, I don't think I could add anything else, as I just follow and copy what everyone else does! I may have a new little idea now and then, but not too often. I'm also not all bubbly and happy like so many good you tubers are! I think a person who talks and makes on there needs to be very social, though I do notice some aren't. So I guess there is every kind of person making them! I may try a practice one just to see how long my phone would video and the quality. Have a great week! Love, Marilyn (oh and thank you for the selfie comment.... It was one of the best out of about a hundred!).

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