Monday, February 7, 2022

A little sprucing up....

Happy February everyone!

Another new month in this new year. I hope it doesn't zoom by like January did! I've been puttering and doing a little bit of clean-up, sprucing up and reorganizing.

And my Christmas tree is finally put away for another year! I can actually SEE out of my front window now!

She's gone for another year.

I shouldn't have Spring fever yet, but I seem to be wanting to clean things up, remove "stuff" and make my surfaces more clear and open. So I've been swiping stuff off, either for just tossing or putting in a donation box. I don't know what has gotten into me!

I'll walk into a room and think, "now there is just too much STUFF in here"!! 

My little master bath received a teeny tiny makeover. My counter was just too cluttered..........  here is the "before"....

The little plastic drawers took up too much room... and the little dish of my combs and brush cluttered it up..... so I removed the plastic drawers and put everything that was in them, into some little glass (yogurt) jars I had saved to use for "something". I actually hadn't thought of this until I was rummaging around in my kitchen cupboard looking for something, and saw those glass jars. It's very unusual for yogurt to come in these darling, cute, glass jars so I kept them. 

Here is the brand of yogurt that comes in these cute little glass jars.

So when I was trying to decide what to do with the contents of the plastic drawers, a light bulb went off in my head! use those little glass jars.

And voila........... this wicker shelf (below "before") got cleaned off and became the holder for all the little glass jars filled with things from the plastic drawers.

"Before" shelf... didn't need those ugly pill bottles there, or fingernail polish (which I NEVER use!

I love it! I made the circular labels and printed them out on sticker paper.

And my counter is now cleared off and it feels so much nicer and cleaner. 

It doesn't seem like much, but each little "spruce-up" makes me feel lifted up. I need these little things to pass the time and cheer me up, since my husband passed. 


I don't know if I ever showed pictures of our main bathroom vanity that we had (someone else) installed last summer, so here is a photo......... and I cleaned it off just recently, and cleared the clutter off, and I like how it looks much cleaner and clearer now.

Below is the "before" photo. Awful! I still have to patch the holes in the wall where the old mirror was....I actually was going to do it one day a few weeks ago, and had everything ready to go, plus an (older) container of spackle, and when I went to get started, it was all dried out. So that project got put aside and I never have come back to it! One of these days when the mood strikes me............... and I also have a can of painting sitting there, inviting me............

And one more thing I don't think I ever showed, was the work I did on our fireplace/wood stove area last summer. Here's a "before".....

The wall behind was red brick, like the hearth, and it had been torn off so it was just bare wallboard and the metal plate that was installed.

I sanded the wall and painted it white. Then I bought some molding and painted it white, and nailed it to the sides. I left room at the top for a mantel eventually (I need a handyman!).... and used heat resistent ceiling tiles to cover up the metal plate.  I really like the results, and felt good that I accomplished this little project on my own (last summer before all the sickness started).

I don't know if I'll ever get a "real" mantel, so my next project is using some decorative black scrolly metal supports to hold up a nice white shelf. That is on my ever growing annoying "to do" list.

I've also been having fun with some Valentine's Day crafting. That'll be in my next post.

We are having GORGEOUS sunny weather here. It feels like Spring, but I know there is probably still alot of winter weather ahead of us. For today though, it's sunny and bright, blue sky, 60 degrees and no wind. 

Be blessed............




  1. Good Monday Morning Marilyn. Oh I love the little jars from the yogurt re loved into your little storage cuties. I love that yogurt too. That is so cute how you are using them. I have been doing the same early Spring cleaning per room of late too. Winters here in Illinois are not great to get outside so I have been doing inside things to declutter, purge and organize too. Have a good start to the new week. xoxo Kris

    1. Kris I know! Those jars are so cute! We just don't find many things these days packaged in sweet little jars! I'm going to get a few more, as the yogurt of course, is yummy.. and love the jars for various uses. Have you tried the key lime flavor in that brand? It's so so good! We are having spring like weather here... today is 66 degrees and sunny! Hard to believe as is usually so awful here in Feb. and March. We will see.. it can still turn back to winter any time! Take care... Marilyn

  2. Just lost my comment. I hate when that happens. Anyway-I save those little yogurt jars, too. I have one that I use to hold Q-tips and hubby likes them for juice 'glasses'. You did a great job on the fireplace and on the bathrooms. Hope you have a great week. xo Diana

    1. Oh Diana.. I love the idea of using these little jars for juice glasses. I'm going to do it! I like a small glass to hold in my hand. Have you tried the key lime flavor?? It's so good and my favorite, though they all are good. Too much sugar in them but they are just a treat for me now and then. Thank you for the comments on the f/p and bathroom. I hope I get more motivated now to paint my main bath. I hate painting and keep putting it off! xox Marilyn

  3. Well look at you go! It does feel good to clean things out, and get organized! I love how you repurposed the yogurt jars, what a cute idea! The bathroom makeover looks great! And I LOVE what you did with the fireplace. It would be really nice to eventually get a mantle too! But it looks great so far with what you've done, and the shelf would look nice too. It is feeling like spring here too, up into the 40s this week. You're so right, it could change on a dime, lol! Winter usually lasts here until the middle of March. Enjoy the rest of your week Marilyn!

    1. Marilyn, yes it does feel good to clear up some cluttered areas... I do it when the whim hits me! (or when I find little jars in the cupboard and think, hum.m.m.m. what can I do with these?). My goal is to get that mantal on the f/p... even if after winter as I love a mantel to decorate on. I'm going to see if I can find just a mantal top, and then use my brackets to brace it up. I think I can at last handle a power screw driver! it's been in the 60's here! wow... so like spring. I wonder if we'll get snow still? Who knows? the weather can change so fast.. but I'm sure not ready for snow again! Have a great week! xoxoxo Marilyn

  4. Oh my what a lot of work and how lovely it turned out. I especially like the Wicker shelves with the little glass jars. Very pretty look at and it also makes you so well organized. You've put a lot of work into cleaning up your fireplace in the other bathroom and take your tree down, makes me feel kind of lazy. I'm just coping with lots of snow and trying to keep the birds fed. I do my housework a little at a time to keep the boredom away. Lynn

    1. Hi Lynn... I love your blog, Precious. Say hi to Precious for me! yes.. I do my cleaning and organizing on a whim when it strikes me. I have no regular routine. I quit all "routines" after I retired, as hated the routine of working every day! My house I'm sure, will sit "as is" for awhile, until another whim hits me to do this or that. I do want to get a fireplace mantel up. No snow here either, beautiful warm days, just like spring, but I know cold weather can move in pretty quickly here. It IS nice to have my Christmas tree taken down. That was a feat for me! take care... Marilyn

  5. Sometimes it's the little things that bring the greatest satisfaction, isn't it? The fireplace and vanity are great "afters!" I have to take advantage of those bursts of energy to declutter, organize or fix up, because they don't come often!

    1. I agree Amy... my bursts of energy are few and far between! I do little bits at a time. I may just be looking for something in a cupboard, and say to myself, hum.m.m I should clean this out and get rid of a bunch of stuff, and then right in the middle of whatever else I was doing, I stop and do that! I get easily distracted. and is hard for me to make a plan to accomplish any big task! Oh well... I just do as I can. Take care... Marilyn
