Friday, December 24, 2021

Have a Blessed Christmas

Merry Christmas to all... and to all a goodnight!

I wrote this poem (below) back in 2013. It just popped into my head the other day when I was telling a friend I wrote it, so had to go to my blog to find it!

The writing is a little blurry, as I saved it in a smaller size, and the original size is on one of my (many) thumbdribes!

Thought I would post it again, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas... full of joy, peace, love, and the "warm fuzzies"

Love to all..........




  1. Merry Christmas sweet friend. Big virtual hugs. xoxo Kris

    1. And to you too Kris! Hope you had a blessed and joyful Christmas! Can't believe it's over now.. and we walk on into the new year! xoxoxo Marilyn

  2. Marilyn, good wishes and hugs to you and hope that this new year will be kinder to us all. Love to you my friend..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, thank you for the good wishes. I think positive wishes and prayers really do help.. and I too am praying that 2022 is kind to everyone and that there can be more peace in this beautiful country of ours. xoxo Marilyn

  3. This is a lovely way to say Merry Christmas. I didn't know that you wrote poetry . . . another talent to add to the list of many. I'm happy to see that you are starting to post more often again . . . let's encourage one another to get back into the swing of blogging. There are so many wonderful people in blog-land . . . friends we may never meet in person and then, look at us, friends that we might meet face to face and grow nearer to through this marvelous venue.
    Thank you again for the sweet gift and for the beautiful handmade card.

    1. I agree Connie... many wonderful and kind ladies out there and we only find them through our blogs! I've always had a "thing" for poetry. I wrote a poem way back when I was in grade school that I still have somewhere! It was pretty good if I do say so.. I think it was also about Christmas and about the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I will encourage you if you will encourage me (to blog!). I guess even sharing the little things is fun... it is very inspiring for me to know that I can do a blog post if I get something done! Hugs.. Marilyn

  4. Love the poem, Marilyn. And I agree with Connie: "another talent to add to the list of many." I'm so glad you're posting and sharing your life with us. I'm so grateful to God that He is strengthening you during this difficult time. You are a wonderful testimony to His power, Marilyn. Never forget the influence you have on others as they witness your faith. Love you, dear friend. Hugs.

    1. Oh Nancy you brought tears! Thank you for your sweet messages and words.... it has been a huge help to me during this sad time and loss. I sometimes wonder how I'm getting through it, and it doesn't seem so horribly hard... and then I know why... HE is blessing me and lifting me up.. and helping me along this path. I may get "down" and wonder "where am I going now in this life?" and then I just feel reassured and just tell myself to Let Go and Let God.. and that calms me and I go on with my day, feeling calm and assured that my life will be OK. Thank you again Nancy for all of your loving thoughts and kind words! xoxoxo Marilyn

  5. Sweet poem. Hope the new year brings you peace.

  6. Happy New Year Marilyn! This poem is just so beautiful, Happy Birthday Jesus, I love it! It's true, there is so much that goes on in the season hustle and bustle, but it really is all about sitting and praising the Lord for His great gift to us. I pray for you daily, I know these days are so difficult for you. Your faith in Jesus will sustain and keep you through the difficult days, He is with you. I hope you continue to blog, just little things that make your day are special for us to read about too! Blessings to you dear friend... may the Lord be with you in a special way this year as you navigate this new place in life. Much love to you!

    1. Thank you so much Marilyn!!! I so appreciate your (always) positive and loving words. I pray that my faith will sustain me. Yes it is a difficult time, and I'm amazed that I'm doing as well as I am.. though of course, there are some days that are hard to get through. This is definitely a new place to be in life, after all the years of having a partner in life and life's experiences. I pray that the Lord will lead me on the path I need to be on... as I have no idea where I need to be! Hugs.. Marilyn J.
