Thursday, August 8, 2019

RIP my dear sister

My dear "big sister" passed away on August 2, 2019. She was 4 years older than me. She has been my friend, confidant, partner in fun, helper, and the master of wisdom when I needed advice. I will miss her so very much.

February 29, 1944 - August 2, 2019

Yes, she was a "leap year" baby. Every 4 years we teased her that she was only a year older!

She was always there for all of us other 3 sisters.

She loved sports, fishing, camping, and reading good mystery novels. She was passionate about the San Francisco 49er's! And her idol was Joe Montana. She was a Centennial High School graduate in 1962, in Portland, Oregon. She played softball for a Portland women's softball team back in the 60's. 

We were always best friends, even when she was living in California.  We grew up in Portland, Oregon until she moved to California when she was 20 and I was 17.  I had the privilege of living in the same little town with her for the years 2012 through 2015 (in La Pine, Oregon). The rest of her years from 2015 until now, she lived at the coast, either in Waldport, Oregon or Florence, Oregon. She had quite the wanderlust before that, and loved to travel and move around!

It was just wonderful having her for my "neighbor" for those 3  years. Precious memories were made.

We played together as children and were always getting into mischief!

We loved going fishing with our dad!
She had quite a struggle with the cancer that took her, for the last 11 months. She is at peace now and on her way to a wonderous and beautiful place where she will be young and vibrant again! I will miss you dear sister, but I know you will continue to guide my path through this life.



  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that all of your wonderful memories carry you through some of the tough days ahead...

    1. Thank you Kim for the sweet thoughts. Memories are what carry me through. I've suffered loss in the past, and the memories always stay with us. Marilyn

  2. Im so sorry for your loss..wonderful memories and pictures

  3. Oh, Marilyn,I am so so sorry that you lost your wonderful sister. I lost my only brother/sibling a few years ago and loss of a sibling is hard to take. God bless you- My belief is that you will see your sister again someday....xo Diana

    1. NanaDiana... Yes I believe that too.... we will be with our loved ones when the time is chosen for us. I relish that thought. My son is already "there"... and now my sister can be with him too. They were close when he was younger. My parents are also there. Pretty soon there WILL be a family reunion.... hugs.. Marilyn

  4. Marilyn I am so sorry for this loss. Sisters have a bond like no other. May all the wonderful memories stay with you while you grieve this loss.
    Big Hugs,

    1. Thank you Kris. Yes.. there was such a bond between us, from when we were kids. I have such great memories, and lots of wonderful photos to remember our "doings" and mischief! I'm still in shock and can't quite believe that she is really gone. Thank you for the big hugs... Marilyn

  5. Your sister had a wonderful smile. I believe we can tell a lot about a person just from the way they smile. It’s easy to see why you two shared a special bond, and why you will miss her so much. Nothing can replace the loss of one we love, but your memories and the joy and comfort she brought to your life will always be within you.


    1. You are right Doreen. That bond will always be there and I have wonderful memories of our times together. Sisters are just SO special in so many ways. Such good friends. Hugs.. Marilyn

  6. We will miss our big sis, thanks for the pictures, nice to see the old ones when I wasn't even born yet. We will all be together again some day. Love you Chris, Love you Marilyn!

  7. So incredibly and truly sorry for this huge loss dearest Marilyn. I wasn't blessed with a sister, just four younger brothers and as the oldest of 5 and only girl, I would have dearly loved one.

    My heart goes out to you and I pray your healing journey through loss will be as gentle as is humanly possible.

    I find with time and age that I feel things more, not less but it's only because we have loved so deeply and when all is said and done with living that can only be a life well lived with much love as well as great loss. Hugs to you, my friend. 💜

    1. Michele, thank you so much for the kind and wise words. You have such a way with words and give such comfort. I never had brothers and always thought how nice it would have been to have a brother. I have two other sisters. We are all very close.. this loss is so hard on all of us, as we've remained close through the years. I know I will see her and my parents again, and my beloved son.... on the other side. It helps me to get through this life, knowing I'll be with them again. This life continues to have blessings, but as we get older, it seems harder sometimes, to see the blessings that we do have. Take care and hope all is well my friend.. Marilyn

  8. There is something so special about the bond of sisters, and my heart is broken and grieving with you about the loss of your sister! I enjoyed reading the memories you shared of her life, and the beautiful pictures too, both past and present, you can really tell you are sisters! I am so thankful you were there to be with her during her last moments on earth. Such a difficult tragic thing to go through, cancer is such a thief. I'm praying for you Marilyn, I know your grief is deep and rough right now, but I'm praying that the sweet memories of good times will be a blessing to your heart. This was such a beautifully heartfelt and very special tribute to your sister! With much love to you sweet friend!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much Marilyn for your heartfelt words and thoughts. I'm still kind of numb and in shock... I feel like she is still here! I sent you an email too as don't know if anyone even gets my replies that I make here at my blog. Memories will definitely see me through the rest of my years, until we see each other again. She was always my rock! Hugs to you too.....

  9. Oh, Marilyn, I am so sorry for your loss. It is such a sad time such as this but you do have some wonderful memories that will live on forever. Sister's are such great companions when we are lucky enough to have them and even though you will miss her so much, I can tell she will be in your heart forever..Thanks for your two recent visits. I appreciate hearing from you, my friend and take care..xxoJudy

    1. Thank you Judy..... kind thoughts and prayers are so appreciated by me. Yes.. our sisters are our bestest friends and I've been so lucky to have 3! She was #1, I'm #2, then I have #3 (4 years younger than me) and #4 (10 years younger than me). My mom always called us by number! Hugs to you..... Marilyn

    2. Thanks for your visit today, Marilyn. Hope you are doing well. I am finding out that I am not a fan of "hot" summer. If the weather would stay like it is in the beginning, I could take summer all year long. That little pillow is so cute, I think. It is wool felt and I bought it a few years ago. I would love to try to make one..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

    3. I"m not a fan either of weather in the 90's and above. Our summer this year was not as hot as last year, where we had many many over 100 degree days. I hated it. I'm enjoying it being somewhat cooler this year. You should try the sewing with wool felt.. it is very addictive and fun! xoxo Marilyn

    4. Thanks again for this visit, Marilyn. I am trying to type my answers fast to everyone as it is thundering and lightening and raining more than cats and dogs here and my electricity has been flickering..Happy Monday..xxoJudy

    5. Wow Judy! Hope you don't lose your power! We've had some rain here but not too bad.. and the sun is back today.. with some clouds too. Perfect for us.. around 60 degrees with sun breaks. Perfect day for some vanilla chai tea and sugar cookies! Marilyn

  10. I am so sorry Marilyn. She looks like a fun loving woman and I know that your heart is broken. God bless you.

    1. Thank you Connie. Yes.. my heart is so very sad but I have wonderful memories of her 75 years, and I cherish every one of them. Hugs to you sweet friend... Marilyn

  11. I am so sorry you have lost your sweet friend. I still miss my best friend and it's been 7 years. I loved seeing the cute picture of when you were kids. Blessings and hugs, Susie

    1. Thank you Susie. We never "get over" losing our friends, family, siblings, children. They will be with us always, until we get to be with them again. I too love those pictures of us as kids.. we were such best of friends! Marilyn

  12. I'm so sorry you have lost your dear sister, Marilyn. This is such a beautiful post in tribute to her, and the photos of you both as children are so sweet. Sending love to you and my condolences. XXX

    1. Thank you Helen. It has been so hard... we were so close! I appreciate so much your sweet thoughts. xoxoxo Marilyn

  13. I am very sorry for the loss of your sister! I lost my sister when she was only 56. There is just a strong bond between sisters. You wrote a beautiful tribute to her. The picture of you two together was previous!

    1. Yes Cathy. Sisters do have a very very special bond and relationship. My older sis and I were so close. We got into ALOT of mischief when we were little kids! Such fun and such good memories that I cherish. Marilyn

  14. Your childhood pictures together are just wonderful - how you must miss her! I am so very sorry to here about her passing. ♥♥♥

    1. Carrie, thank you for your kind words. I'm still in shock from her being gone... that hole will never go away I'm sure. I love that my mom took so many pictures when we were little. I guess she was a camera fiend like I am! Hugs... Marilyn
