Monday, July 29, 2019

A few more things...........

I'm trying to squeeze in another quick blog post before I head to the coast again. My sister is very ill, so I was there last week for a week, home for a few days, and going back again on Tuesday.

I've managed to do a few more things to our yard. I think I'm about DONE for the rest of the summer! All flowers are planted (I bought about 15 more perennials mostly).....I painted our smallish pallet wall planter (see below), and did a little trimming on one of our lattices to make it even. I actually used our circular saw! .................feels like I've been busy constantly!

We got rid of our 5th wheel... ..........just too much work for us and as I've said before, we're NOT handy! So we gave it away to a man who needed his own little "home". It needs tons of work and he professes to be very handy and says he'll fix it up. I was so glad to get it off of our gravel driveway area! 

He did some work for us, such as rototilling our entire back yard, laying down the rest of our bark mulch in the back flower beds, weed eating all over, and seeding about 1/2 of our back lawn. And.... it's coming up and looking pretty good, except for a few big patches that didn't grow. I just spent 3 hours today re-seeding all the bare patches and putting some compost on top of it all... all this done in about 95 degree weather. Needless to say....... I'm pretty worn out.......

Here are some pix:

Got a few flowers planted for the top of my bench with the wood "lattice". I need to paint that bench again!

I'm hoping the nasturtium will climb up the lattice.
My front yard bark dust area is doing very well. I'm so happy!
Back yard current pictures from today:

This dirt area is ready for some rock and gravel paths.  It's been rototilled and raked, but needs a little more raking and smoothing out.

Our glads are blooming!

Our new (again) lawn.... coming up good in the back but not the front area. I re-seeded it today.

Not much privacy as you can see, from the house next door. They can see everything in our yard from their deck!

Our sweet Maddie always wants to be in the pictures.

A new "fence sign". "Do What Makes You Happy".  Love it!
My raspberries produced about 3 pickings - so I made sauce to go with my gluten free graham crackers... and covered it all with whipped cream! 

Balloon plant that I planted - is a perennial.

One of my new planter boxes with geraniums, chrysanthemum and some pansies. I had a marigold there but something ate it right down to the stem! Same with all of my other marigolds that I had planted. They are gone, zap, nadda.

Decimated marigolds. Darned bugs.
Sun faces hung on our fence. I... um.... kind of fell down on the rocks when I was putting one up. Not hurt thank goodness, other than a slightly sprained ankle. 

Every yard needs a pink flamingo right?  (My hubby bought it).
 Until next time....... everyone have fun greeting in August (already?). 



  1. Really looks nice, Marilyn! You've got a lot of really cute touches and all together it's a wonderful yard. Hard hard work, I know. So sorry about your sister, health problems are hitting so many of our families now. Challenging times. Big hug for all you di 💜

    1. Thank you so much Michele. I am loving our little oasis! My sister just passed last Friday. I was there with her and I'm so thankful I was. She will now be in a happy and peaceful place with our parents and my son. Thank you for the much needed hugs. Marilyn

  2. Everything looks beautiful Marilyn. Love those yummy raspberries. Yummo. I am sorry about your sister being so sick. Prayers for her and prayers as you travel back and forth. You are a good sister.

    1. Thank you so much Kris. Prayers are needed right now as my sister passed last Friday. I was there with her thank the good Lord. I am happy to know she will be in a wonderful peaceful place now and back with our parents. Sending hugs... Marilyn

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words on your recent visit to my blog, Marilyn. I am so sorry to hear about your sister's illness. What a good and kind sister you are to make the trip to be with her :) Your raspberries look divine...and I so understand about the 5th wheel being too much to keep up with - how generous to give it to someone else in need. Blessings ad safe travels to you, my friend.

    1. Thank you Carrie. There are 4 of us sisters and we have always been very close and take good care of each other. My big sister passed last Friday and I am so sad and will miss her so much. I'm glad I was there with her and to say a prayer for her. Thank you for your prayers and good wishes. Marilyn

  4. Looks like you have been very busy . . . there is nothing so satisfying as making your house a home, inside and out :)
    Thank you for your sweet blogging friendship.
    Connie :)

  5. Marilyn, thanks for your visit, I always enjoy them. Your yard is looking good and your pallet planter is quite an undertaking and it looks so good. I'm glad you were able to get rid of your 5th wheel. They are such fun when used but then sometimes they just take up space. So sorry to hear that your sister is ill.Hope she gets to feeling better and am sure she is thankful that you can be with her. Safe travels, my friend..xxoJudy

  6. Oh Marilyn, I just stopped by for a visit tonight, and after reading the comment responses from you, my heart is saddened to hear that you have lost your precious sister! It helps knowing she is in a much better place, but of course, it is the loss of her here on earth that hurts so much. I'm praying for you, sweet friend, as I know how close you were with her! Many prayers being lifted for you!!

    I really enjoyed the pictures of your beautiful backyard! You have really made some wonderful progress this year in spite of your surgery, and then hurting your ankle too - ouch! I imagine everything is really blooming and quite happy now, it seems things really take off in August, at least they do here. How wonderful that you were able to trade out work for your 5th wheel, what a blessing that was! I just love your little oasis that you have created, such a charming spot to visit and enjoy! All of your plants are blooming so prettily, and isn't it a wonderful feeling to enjoy their blooms!

    Thinking and praying for you as you walk through this valley of grief for your sister. I'm glad you got to be there with her as she passed and to pray with her.

    Many hugs and prayers!!!!
