Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Another loss.

It's been awhile since I posted. I've been in a fog since my sister passed but trying to be as positive as I can. 

We had another slam hit us at the end of August. My husband's cousin, who has lived in Montana for many years, but grew up in southern Oregon with my husband, was killed in an automobile accident not far from his home in Hardin, Montana.  They were like brothers... two peas in a pod.....grew up together, were neighbors, lived together in their 20's, hunted together, and kept in close contact via email and phone calls. We visited in person as much as the distance would allow. 

The accident happened on August 25th 3 weeks after my sister passed. We are both still in denial and shock. It is very hard to understand why such good people must leave so soon. The ironic thing is that he and two of his very best friends, were driving home from church on that Sunday. Jerry and the driver, his very good friend, were both killed immediately. It was a head-on collision with a semi truck. His friend's wife did survive with some serious injuries.  Jerry was my husband's closest friend and relative. So we are both pretty much just dragging around in a cloud.  Rest in Peace, Jerry Lively... we will both miss you very very much. 

Jerry was a military man - he loved his country, and he loved serving his country for 14 years in the Marines and Air Force.

Jerry loved living in Montana. He loved hunting and fishing and the outdoors. 
We had just two hours previous to finding out about the accident, made reservations to go camping with my sister and husband, at a lake about 90 miles from us. We had paid with a "no refund" clause, since it was so close to Labor Day weekend when we planned to go. We were in denial all that week.. weren't even sure if we would go camping, but decided that maybe going up to the mountains and being in a nice peaceful setting for a few days, would do us both some good.

I'm glad we went. Here's the view from our campground. It was so good for my soul...... and I found some peace up there in the mountains.............listening to the water lapping at the shore. I just sat in the sun for hours, letting the quiet soak in and reliving memories.

Hopefully I will post in awhile about our "camping" trip. It was interesting to say the least. We took our new old "toy" and I'll tell you about that in my next post.

For now..... I must get through yet another loss... it is tough getting old(er) and seeing our friends and family departing to their "real" home away from Earth. I know it's inevitable and yet I know that they are all in a wonderful place. I just miss them so much.

Hugs to all........  hold your loved ones close.



  1. Marilyn I am so sorry you have another big loss. Your poor heart must be breaking into a thousand pieces. I will remember you in prayer. May you find peace as you grieve. So sorry.

  2. I am so sorry for your losses, Marilyn. Losing people we love is definitely one of the hardest things about growing older. Sending prayers your way. xo Laura

    1. Thank you Laura, for your thoughts and prayers. Yes it is hard getting old and losing our loved ones. xoxo Marilyn

  3. It’s hard enough losing people we love, but when it happens so close to one another, it’s almost unbearable. I know you’re probably numb and in shock, still realing from the loss of your sister, and now this. I’m so very, very sorry. Such a tragic end to what sounds like a life well lived and well loved.

    My father died in an accident at 59 and that same year my bil died at 35 of a brain aneurysm. It’s almost like you’re living in a bad dream, isn’t it?

    Many blessings to you my friend, and may your heart find peace and acceptance.

    1. Doreen, you are so right. I AM kind of in a dream right now.. life is kind of foggy and just trying to accept what has happened. I'm so sorry about your father dying so young, and then your bil. We just start coming out of shock from one death, and then when another one happens, we just wonder "why"?? Hugs... Marilyn

  4. Oh, Marilyn. I am so sorry for another great loss in your life. It is hard to lose our loved ones at any time, but almost unberable when it happens so close together. I'm glad you went camping too. It must have been a bit of solitude that a person needs so much of at a time like this.Take care my friend and again I am so sorry and thanks for your visit..xxoJudy

    1. Thank you Judy. Yes.. the camping trip was a nice little refresher and a way to feed the soul when it's running kind of dry. Loss is so hard, whether in our younger years or as we age. It just leaves such holes in our hearts. But we go on..... hugs... Marilyn

    2. Hi Marilyn: Hope you are feeling a bit better. Thanks for your visit and your kind words about my kitchen. I do love it too. Believe it or not, I have never worn that apron. I had great plans to when I bought it but when we took a cruise to Alaska a long while back, I picked up a black one, just plain and simple, no frills, and I find that I have it adjusted just right so that is the one I wear all the time. It wouldn't be the first time that I have something, "just for looks". My hubby gets perturbed with me! Isn't it fun to have the memories of all the "olden times"..xxoJudy

    3. Another thank you, Marilyn, for your last visit. You will see all those Santas pretty much together come Christmas. That tree never looked like a beautiful tree to me, even when we moved here 30 years ago. I know I shouldn't think like that as trees are our lifeline in so many ways but we just never had a good relationship!! Now that it is so ugly it is even worse..Have a good week..xxoJudy

  5. So incredibly incredibly sorry. Hold your loved ones closr indeed 💞💞💞

    1. Yes indeed Michele, we must love and appreciate our loved ones who are still with us on this earth. We so often take them for granted. Hugs to you... Marilyn

  6. I am so sorry for your losses. Life can be so hard.
    God bless you both and bring you comfort.

    1. Thank you Connie. Life sure does throw bricks at us sometimes doesn't it? Thank you for your kind words. xoxoxo Marilyn

  7. Sometimes it seems that difficult things seem to team up and hit all at once, and I'm just SO sorry Marilyn for the two losses so close together that have really left you and your husband in shock. Praying that the Lord will somehow comfort and help you through the days of grieving. You both remain in my prayers! Much love to you sweet friend!!!!

    1. Thank you Marilyn for your words and prayers. I'm still in shock but living each day as it comes. I thought 2018 was a bad/hard year and that 2019 would be better, but I guess not. I just take a day at a time and try to continue to count what blessings I have. Hugs to you... Marilyn
