Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Yard pretties......

Things are shaping up a little bit in my (just a few weeks ago not so pretty) yard! The long hard, dry and cold winter sure did a number on most everything (including our lawn) and many of my perennials never survived.

Here are a few that survived:

Vinca Minor (?) vines.. they must be really hardy.... they are growing in my gravel out back!
My Irises are profuse! I dug these up almost 2 years ago at a friend's house up in SW Washington and they must LOVE this soil! I'm so happy! (Since this photo, they are done blooming and all the flowers are already gone). I wish they would last longer.
Some hardy little pansies and Johnny Jump-ups - they came up all by themselves in this barrel.... sweet things you are! Since this photo a couple of weeks ago, this pot is exploding! I added some more of the little Jump-ups that were taking root in my gravel.
Oh.... that sweet little kitty is one of our "community cats" that we helped trap, and then they were taken to the shelter for neutering and their shots, and then they were returned to our yard/community. There are 3 tiger striped ones and we just love them! They are not really "ours" but they have made our place their home (and of course, we feed them and be sure they have water). How can we not????????

Here some new pretties I've bought to add some color..... and I think as of this date, most have been planted! I still have a few to go.

English Daisies.
Blooming crabapple tree (Prairie Fire).

Dianthus, English Daisy, carnations, one I can't remember, and tree azalea (far right).

Wonderful, peach colored rose.. a smaller variety called Sunrise (I think). It is SO FRAGRANT! 

Marigold and petunias.

Pansies - aren't those colors gorgeous/

Crabapple tree on left, Quaking Aspen on right - both planted in our front yard.
I'll post some photos soon of some of our perennials that are finally beginning to show their faces.. some I thought had not survived, but I was wrong.

A post will also be coming soon of our backyard project!



  1. Your flowers are so pretty, Marilyn. I'm sure they bring you a lot of joy after the harsh winter you endured. Pansies are such happy little flowers. They always make me smile Your Iris is thriving. This is the first time I've heard of rounding up community cats, neutering them, vaccinating them, and taking them back to their neighborhood. I think that's a pretty good idea. Enjoy your beautiful yard. Hugs, Nancy

    1. Nancy, I replied via email as not sure you will get a response I make here on my blog. If you do happen to get this reply, could you let me know?? With all the new rules in Blogger, I"m not sure that anyone gets my replies now.. and I don't get notice when someone comments, so I come here every few days to look and reply. Have a good week! xoxo Marilyn

  2. I see LOTS of progress Marilyn! That rose is absolutely gorgeous, and fragrant to boot. So many aren’t it seems.

    Take it all in because you deserve it after all your hard work.


  3. Hi Marilyn,
    Your yard it looking so pretty. I love the peach roses soooo pretty. Love that you all take care of the community kitties. So sweet.

    1. Kris... I responded by email. Not sure you would get this reply! Marilyn

  4. Loved seeing your yard!!! All the flowers are beautiful!!!!

    1. Thank you Char! My flowers seem to be stunted right now and don't know why. My green thumb has turned brown! Marilyn

  5. Your yard is really coming along. Vinca is a very harty groundcover and fills in nicely too. Love all your blooms but I love roses and the preach rose is beautiful! Thanks for sharing...

    1. Thank you Cathy. I do love that Vinca and it is growing like crazy. We are going to put some along our front rock wall, on top, so that it will cascade down over the wall. I wish it bloomed longer though.. very short lived as far as the flowers. I hope you get this as not sure people are getting my replies. I'll try sending you an email too! xoxo Marilyn

  6. So exciting to see all the colors of spring!!! So fun to plant new trees! And those iris are gorgeous! It sure is a lot of work in the spring, but wonderful to enjoy their beauty throughout the summer! I live Johnny jumpups too and was worried some of my perennials weren't coning back but they are, just slow. Have fun with your sister on the coast! Hugs to you sweet friend!!

    1. Marilyn.. am sending you an email as don't think when I reply here, that anyone gets it! xoxoo Marilyn

  7. Hi Marilyn, Your flowers and trees are wonderful, you have been working hard and it is certain paying off with a pretty yard. It takes time to develop any landscaping projects, they just don't happen over night. Seems like it takes a couple years for roots to truly get established and everything to get strong and healthy. Then we hope for mild enough winters to not destroy our hard work. I love the cat thing, I wish they would have done that in our old neighborhood. We have a cat lady living next door with a dozen or so cats. She was one of the main reasons that we built our screened in porch on that house :)
    Thanks for stopping by to visit. Answering your comment: I know exactly what you mean, having a blog is a great motivator. It gives you that little push to not procrastinate and to get things done so that you will have something to post about. I think that that is a good thing. I also like that I can look back and see exactly when I did something instead of guessing. It an excellent memory tool, and there are times that I need that, LOL.
    here's to getting all of our blogging issues cared for and resolved in a good way. Keep on blogging sister; Don't give up the ship!
    Connie :)

    1. Connie... I answered this via email as don't know if you'll get my reply from here! xoxo Marilyn

  8. Hi Marilyn. Your flowers are so beautiful and the photos are too. What a great collection of iris you have, all such pretty colors..Thanks for your visit, we did have some beautiful days but now it is overcast and not really nice, but not hot or cold either. Beggars can't be choosers I guess. Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, thank you. My flowers aren't doing as well now for some reason! Sending you an email! xoxoo Marilyn

  9. Hi Marilyn, believe it or not that piggy was already painted like that . . . cute right:) I kind of love him.
    Have fun on the coast and eat some yummy seafood for me. Our best friends are camping the Oregon coast right now and everyday they call and say how they wish we were there . . . me too :)
    Have a sweet visit with your sister.
    Connie :)

  10. It is so encouraging to see all the beautiful flowers push themselves thru the dirt - even when we haven'tgiven them any care. Yours are gorgeous!

    1. Carrie thank you! I do love perennials, but also like to plant some annuals for pops of color. For some reason, nothing is doing very well this year. My green thumb has turned brown!

  11. It is great to hear that you are finally getting some spring weather. I see that you posted this on June 6, that gave you a short spring before summer was actually here. Well, now it's warm and you can enjoy :)
    As for the cat, I think that he probably is yours . . . you know that cats pick who they belong too and not vice versa.
    Have a sweet day dear friend.
    Connie :)

    1. Yes that kitty surely did adopt us! I sent you an email too! Hugs.. Marilyn
