Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sparkling water... and grassless yards.

Oh boy did I have a nice week at the Oregon coast visiting my sister! We had such a good time and I got to see the ocean, eat lunch with a view of the crashing waves, and drive to lakes and a river. I was in Heaven for sure.

I didn't take any photos of the ocean as I have so many already. Here are a few from the past couple of years, "just because" I never get tired of looking at them.

I think the most fun was going down south to a little town about 20 miles from Florence (Reedsport) and driving to Winchester Bay to look around. Lots of little RV parks and fish shacks there.. very quaint. Then we went to lunch at the Schooner Inn which is a sweet cafe right on the old wharfs overlooking the Umpqua River. What a gorgeous river! The entire area there was made up of the old wharfs where canneries used to be many years ago.

You know me..... I was SO happy to be on the water!

There were several areas of boat docks and fishing boats.

What a beautiful area. The day was perfect!  And of course, I LOVED the sparkling water.  We even were fortunate to spy an Osprey nest on top of one of the railroad bridge spans.... we saw it from inside the museum next to the restaurant......... she had an old ship's telescope! The Osprey was sitting on her nest of eggs.

By the restaurant, there was a little museum and gift shop that we visited. Out front was a pretty painted seal and totem pole. There is so much history around this area. My sister told me that the entire town of Florence had a festival last year of the painted seals. There were about 10 of them all around town, and several artists had painted one each..... and then on the special day, people could bid on them to buy them. The proceeds went to help update their Event Center. 

Here's the sweet gazebo in Florence, OR Old Towne.......... it overlooks the Siuslaw River, as do many of the business and restaurants that line this street.  More water! I was so happy!


My sister had moved to a new place... a gated community of about 800 homes. They are all either double wide or triple wide manufactured homes, and they were just gorgeous. I've never heard of this before, but there were NO LAWNS allowed! Everyone had to have "natural" yards, no grass, nada! I was amazed. We drove all through the community so I could see the natural yards. There were so many great ideas. 

Alot of difference sizes and colors of rock were used.. plus lots of ground cover.

This was all bark mulch plus rock in the middle that was sloped into a "bowl". It was really pretty.

Pretty shrubs everywhere, plus ground cover and grasses. Alot of the yards had little features such as bird baths, windmills, statutes, benches, etc.

This is from Pinterest, but I saw many front yards there very similar to this! I could picture this as being MY back  yard! (and it WILL be if our new lawn doesn't grow more. It's very sparse.) I really like the fire pit, and would have a water feature somewhere too.

The above two photos are also from Pinterest. Love the ground cover... and this photo above... love the bigger rocks (round ones) with the flowers dancing in between.  Sweet garden bench and trees.... sigh.

It was a very nice trip and I had a great visit with my sister, just me and her. Hubby stayed home to take care of our kitties and water the new lawn and flowers. 

Have a nice weekend everyone!!!



  1. The pics of the ocean reminds me of Maine. Something about waves crashing on rocks that I find so fascinating and romantic.

    I doubt we will ever take BAM that far, but now that I’ve seen your pics and read how much you like that area, it’s tempting!


    1. I bet the crashing waters on the Maine shores are just as beautiful as the ones here! I've never been there but have seen pictures. I must say though.. that the Oregon coastline (and the Washington coastline) are absolutely stunning in some places. The sounds and smells are just intoxicating and many times, I think I want to move there, but the overly amount of gray days and rain keep from doing it. But oh.. to stay there awhile is Heavenly! xoxoxox Marilyn

  2. What a great post! So much beauty, places I've yet to visit, new ecological alternatives to watering lawns and more! I loved the photon of you, your bewhrjgul header, I need to look at your full blog and not just condensed mobile one more often.

    1. Michele..... thank you... and yes, take a look at my full blog.. there are SO MANY past photos of trips I've taken, oceans, lakes, waterfalls, etc... I think I've condensed them under the top title bar under "Photography". And I agree, no more lawn mowing, weeding, watering, mowing, watering again, weeding again, etc. would sure be nice! Could you let me know via email if you do get this response? I'm not sure when I respond here on my blog, that anyone gets it! Hugs to you.. Marilyn

  3. And I need spell check...hahaha.My typos above are terrible.

  4. Glad you had such a great time. Nothing better than the sound and smell of the ocean. Love the grassless lawns so much easier to care for. I think though I would miss having grass. One of most favorite smells is the smell of fresh cut grass. Oh when someone is cutting the grass I love it. Love your little photo bomber kitty in the one picture! Happy New Week.

    1. I agree Kris.. I do LOVE the smell of freshly cut grass, or grass that is being watered on a hot day. I think I would miss the grass, but it sure has been alot of work trying to get our backyard lawn to grow and I'm about ready to give up! I can walk down the street and smell someone else's lawn!! hee hee.... That photo bomber kitty is one of our "community cats" and he LOVES attention and to be petted and loved on. Take care... Marilyn

  5. Wonderful pictures, so glad you had a great time! Loved all the sea pictures! And thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog too, Marilyn xox

    1. Thank you Helen. As you know, I absolutely ADORE your blog and all of your projects! I have two of your books but have yet to make anything... I think I'll go right now and take a look again and see what I can make! xoxo Marilyn

  6. I am so happy that you were able to get away and have some fun. The ocean is always a beautiful place to visit. As for the no grass landscaping, that is our daughter's style, she loves it. Her thought is, if I want grass I'll go sit in the park and never have to mow it. Not me! I love grass and I enjoy mowing it. I use every clipping and put them back into my garden. I appreciate that we are all not alike, it makes life much more interesting.
    Happy summer!
    Connie :)

    1. I know where you're coming from Connie - I do too love grass and lawns...nice green ones and the coolness of them and the fresh smells when they are cut. Just can't seem to get this one going here.... I've never had problems before. I would never have a grassless yard... unless.. unless.... unless we can't get this one going. I told hubby we should just follow nature, and let the grass grow now where it is.. and where there are big brown patches, just put circles of gravel for shrubs and flowers... and we can mow our pathways! Just being silly,,, but... maybe? Have a good Sunday... could you let me know if you do get this reply? I'm answering/replying on my blog and don't know if anyone gets these! Thanks... Marilyn

  7. P.S. Great photo of you with the colorful fish :)

  8. I really miss living near the water. It soothes the soul in a way that nothing else can. Glad you were able to have such a wonderful visit with your sister. xo Laura

    1. Yes I feel the same way Laura.. about the soothingness (is that a word?) of water.. I need it close to me.. need it like anyone else needs air. Not having it around here is very hard for me. xoxo Marilyn

  9. Just wanted to let you know that you are the winner of the Country Sampler giveaway on my blog.
    My email is so please send me your address.
    I sent a private email to you and wrote a blog post announcing the winner, but I haven't heard from you. So, the magazine probably won't arrive before the 4th. I'm sorry.

    1. Thank you so much for the give-away win. I did email you.. thank you for tracking me down.. was gone and must have missed that specific blog post. Happy Sunday! Marilyn

  10. Congratulations on winning Carols Give-A-Way!
    Couldn't have happened to a sweeter gal:)

    1. Connie thank you! I'm so happy.... I missed her blog post as was gone.. but she emailed me so I'll be getting the magazine. Such fun! xoxo Marilyn

  11. Hi Marilyn. I'm so glad you had a good visit with your sis. I love the OR coast and have been there many times in past years. It reminds me of the California coast where I grew up, only I think it is a little more wild looking with the big rocks, etc. I love the water too but I just can't live by it anymore if there is a lot of fog, like Santa Cruz. It depresses me in the winter a little bit. Congratulations on winning the magazine. I didn't get my copies in time to give them out so just gave them to friends close by. Thanks for your visit and I hope you can get your comments fixed.. Keep your lawn watered and have a Happy 4th..xxoJudy

  12. Just catching up on your posts Marilyn, sorry for my lack of blogging lately! What a wonderful time you had with your sister! Oh yes, I too love the ocean, any sight or sound of the water thrills my heart! What a wonderful weekend to just relax and enjoy being near the water and being with your sister! Beautiful pictures of the ocean that you shared! I read with interest about the grassless lawns, and wondered if maybe that is what I need to try here too. We suffer from very rocky weedy soil here, and grass is sparse and mostly filled with weeds. A rock garden sounds pretty nice! Those pictures you shared of grassless lawns were beautiful! There is a lot of room for creativity. Hoping that your efforts for a nice backyard will result in a fun place for you both to retreat to! Take care dear friend, I'm off to bed for now... will try to get a letter package off in the mail to you within the next day or so :) Hugs and blessings!
