Sunday, June 3, 2018

Matchbooks anyone?

My ideas for posts are piling up (lots going on around here) so thought I'd better post something before I just get totally overwhelmed!

In between yard work, planting, digging, raking, seeding and moving dirt (that's another post), I've also been squeezing in some craft time.

I started out with a sweet little "matchbook album" following a YouTube video by  Helen Griffin UK for a French Country Themed Matchbook Album.  I loved how she used printed papers from a site called Nitwit Collections. All of their papers are "digital". I didn't use digital this time but instead, used some of my older papers in my stash.

 Here's my album (above).  Helen's is below:

The little album is just like those little matchbooks that have been around for years..........that hold matches.. only a little bigger!

 The lower edge has a tuck in spot for the cover.....

Helen's album held pages of pretty papers for placing photos. I did the same thing.. used up some of my scrap papers for the pages, and then printed out some little photos that I glued on just for fun.

Here's the back.

I added a few little heart gems for some bling.
This was so fun and easy!  So I went searching for any other matchbook type albums on YouTube. I found some darling little "matchbook notebooks" made by lyriclover810 which are the cutest little Matchbook Notes. I made some of these also, and then it dawned on me.... duh.. these are almost exactly like the ones by Helen Griffin, but instead of pretty papers inside for photos, she used copy paper so the little booklet could be used for jotting down notes and ideas. 

So of course, had to make a bunch of these!  First I started with a set of three for my good friend for Mother's Day. These are so easy... in fact I made this set of 3 the day BEFORE Mother's Day, knowing we were meeting my bestie and her husband for lunch... it was a spur of the moment thing.

The pretty flower pictures on front are from a calendar I had saved, with the idea I would use all of those pretty little tiny photos on some future project. These were perfect!  I matted each photo on some matching designer paper.
There are 20 pages of white copy paper for notes. 

I even made a pretty box to put the set of three "matchbooks" in.

I couldn't stop there...... so a few days later (in between planting, hoeing, raking, etc.)... I made another set of three with a little box to hold them.

 Using up some of my older "stash" papers. So much fun!

 I may put this set in my Etsy shop, after making several more sets (when I have time)..... so much yard work going on right now.

 Pretty little box I made with a belly band that slides over it to keep it closed.

 Here's another one I made just for fun.........

The "tuck edge" on this one is on the left hand side.

I used some of my vintage looking "antique wallpaper" look papers... and added some pockets just for something different.

I just wanted to share these with you............ 


My yard is looking a little better finally.. after MUCH work........ a post coming soon with some of the progress.

Here are some "before" pictures of our "horribly gone wrong" back yard! Just awful after the long, cold and dry winter:

This is part of the dirt and rocks piled up that we moved from the front yard last summer, after the tree that fell in the big wind got taken out. We had also removed a front raised flower bed with the rock wall... so our backyard has been filled with piles and dirt and rocks all winter! Time to get rid of it! We had some good ideas (coming soon).

BEFORE: Back lawn (what there is of it). It's mostly dandelions and all sorts of hard to get rid of weeds!
Progress posts coming soon!

Happy Sunday everyone!

Hugs..... ~Marilyn~


  1. I was just thinking about you and BAM, there you were in my inbox!

    Before I forget, I meant to ask if you’ve always had https or if Blogger automatically gave that to you? I’m hesitating getting it on my Wordpress site because it will be pricey and I haven’t been blogging much. I’m going to wait to see how things go once we’ve moved and are settled. Did you know that google also makes it impossible for Wordpress users (or maybe it’s just me lol) to comment on google blogs unless they’re on Chrome? I always have to remember to switch before typing out my comment or else it will be for nothing. Ugh!

    Your matchbooks are adorable and truly have that vintage feel. I can tell you had fun making them.

    I’m sure you’re happy to be getting your yard in order. The one good thing about not so great looking befores is the afters look awesome! It’s all relative, right?


    1. Hi Doreen! Hope you get this response! Blogger must already have the secure (https) site as when I read about it and checked it out, my URL has the "https" on it, so I didn't have to do anything. I did add a cookie banner and Privacy Policy to try to comply with all that new stuff, but now I don't know if it's working and I've lost all of my sidebar stuff! Not a happy girl. Yes I do love those matchbooks and prefer the shabby and vintage ones. The first ones were just for "practice" as my girlfriend is not into shabby or vintage stuff. She likes the clean more modern lines so I thought the gray stripes was a good pick for her! And our grass is just starting to come up now! I've very happy! xoxoxo Marilyn

  2. Everything is so fun and beautiful, my friend. I always enjoy seeing your sweet creations.

    Happy June, dear Marilyn! Hugs!

    1. Thank you Stephanie..... I've been a little remiss on my blog posting and also my Etsy shop! Time just flies by and I can't keep up. Hugs back! Marilyn

  3. Hi Marilyn,
    Love your sweet matchbooks. Love to see your creative soul have so much fun doing your crafts. I know your backyard re love will be so nice. Cannot wait to see it. Have a wonderful new week.

    1. Kris, thank you so much.Those little matchbooks are fun and gives my soul a little smile when I make them. Our backyard grass is just starting to peak up.. so in another week or so it should really start looking green! I can hardly wait. I've never had so much trouble with a lawn before.... gr.r.r.r... but of course, usually lived in the country and would just mow the weeds and a little grass that happened to be there. This "town lawn" is for the birds! Hugs.. Marilyn

  4. Oh Marilyn, these matchbooks take me back! Years ago I held classes where we made these matchbooks, and they were so much fun! I would put my kids school pictures in them and keep them in my purse as kind of a way to share pictures on a moment's notice... that was before cell phones of course, lol! Your matchbooks turned out darling! I confess that you have been way more productive than I have in the craft room, I have done NOTHING in there since gardening went full speed, lol! I can't wait to see what you have done with your yard, I know it will look amazing! It is so much work, but so wonderful to be able to enjoy it throughout the summer months. Once I get my watering system in place, I hope to have more time freed up to do more crafting again, hopefully! I have enjoyed the pieces of the package you sent to me, I just loved all the pretty papers you sent :) Many hugs to you sweet friend, don't work too hard out in the yard :)

    1. Hi Marilyn... thank you for the sweet comments. I did manage to get some crafting done in between yardwork. I needed to "rest" you know? That's funny that you made those matchbooks years ago. I think they are so perfect for little pictures inside and keep closed so nicely without having to tie it shut. I can't go very long without making "something". Yes I've been busy busy busy with our yard and trying to get some more perennials planted. When we moved here 2-1/2 years ago, the yard was absolutely NOTHING BUT WEEDS... tall brown dead grass and weeds about 2 feet tall! It's been a clean slate but I get stumped on what to do to make it look pretty. I just kind of dig wherever it seems right and plunk something down. Haven't really done any sort of plan! Our grass is finally coming up so in another week or so, I hope I can show you how it's looking. If this doesn't work, it's all going to be gravel baby! My hubby and I both agree! I enjoyed your blog post from today (or yesterday?) about your trips and family. I'm going to the coast on Saturday for a few days of much needed rest! Hugs.. Marilyn J.
