Thursday, March 8, 2018

The only woods we have around here

Hi my friends.... here it is March already and has been almost a month since I posted. Like alot of the blogs I read who say "where does the time go?".... I'm in total agreement!

I went for a little drive a couple of weeks ago on a nice sunny day, out a road I had never driven on, and found some pretty country.... pretty for HERE that is! This town of Madras, Oregon is very dry and not many trees, except some deciduous trees that green up in the summer.. not many fir trees or pine trees, in fact probably none! We do have some junipers (and sagebrush!), that look like stunted pine trees, but stunted junipers a woods do not make.

On my little drive, I passed a few "ranches" (small ones), horses, pastures and barns... and at the very end, which was only 4 miles out of town, a really pretty ranch with pastures (of hay probably) that were starting to turn green. It was such a nice color to see amidst this brown landscape of winter.

See in the distance? That's our "woods". Pretty scraggly really, but it's better than nothing I guess. I REALLY miss true deep dark woods, with lots of undergrowth. In my 2-1/2 years here, this is the closest thing to "woods" I've found... at least within a few miles of the town.  Of course, if you drive about 35 miles west of town, you can get into the big woods and closer to the mountains (Mt. Jefferson). Now THAT area was wonderful. Hubby and I took that drive last October. Here is that post.  A.a.a.a.h.h.h.h. it was a soul moving drive!

Here are some of the pretty views from my drive:

We had the funniest clouds that day - they looked like UFO's!!!

The road to nowhere.... well not really... it does drive out into the bare lands again, east of town.

A view of one of our pretty pink and purple skies, from the side of our house.

I think some warmer weather is coming up this may just be time for another drive!

I've done some crafting too... that will be in another post. Have been having fun with some pretty papers I got (as if I need any more!).

Be blessed!


  1. Beautiful pictures Marilyn. Love the sky you captured. Beautiful.
    Have a Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Kris, thank you. I always love the wide open pink and orange skies! Half the time we don't see them though, as we have NO west facing windows! My weekend was OK but am kind of sick right now... a flare-up of diverticulosis... haven't had one for over 5 years! Don't know what I did to make this happen and is very frustrating! Marilyn

  2. What are you talking about?? There's no such thing as too many pretty papers :).

    Such lovely photos Marilyn and that sky is gorgeous and awe inspiring!

    I've missed you but glad to see all is well!


    1. Hi Doreen. I've missed YOU too! I wonder what you've been up to? geez.... that's right, you are building a new home!!! I KNOW what you've been up to! I know... I know.... we always need more pretty papers and fabrics, don't we? Hope all is going well and looking forward to an update on your house. Hugs.. Marilyn

  3. It's so different over there than here in the Columbia River Gorge. We have our own little woods next to our old farmhouse on our little 5 acre farm place. I do enjoy visiting your area. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Teresa, I agree. It's GORGEOUS there! I used to live right across the Columbia River from you.... up in the hills north and east of Washougal. It was like a rain forest there and I truly miss it. Oh those woods.. the drippy ferns and bushes, huge fir trees, damp dirt....and the smells.. nothing like it. It WAS nice to come over here and visit, but I always loved going home to my woods and mountains. Marilyn

  4. Marilyn, your photos are so pretty. I love driving up to Oregon. We haven't been for awhile but when we think of a vacation, it usually is Oregon and Washington..Happy Weekend..Judy

    1. Judy... there is so much to see in both Oregon and Washington. So much variation and there are so many micro climates here and in Washington. I've lived in both states my entire life, and still haven't seen everything I want to see! I love the mountains the most, and the ocean, but the dry climates in between can also be breathtaking. Hugs to you.. is Monday already!

  5. Hello, dear Marilyn! What a delight to pop in for a visit. I have been away on vacation with my family and have just gotten back so please forgive me delay in visiting. Your images are simply lovely and I enjoyed getting a peek of where you live.

    I hope you are well and enjoying this month of March. Hugs!

    1. Hi Stephanie, I hope you had a nice trip with your family! How fun! I saw that your Etsy shop was closed for awhile. I like to share photos of where I live, because it's so different than what I grew up with.. so dry here and I grew up on the west side of the coastal range so was way more rain and green and lush. I do miss it. March is going OK but I've gotten sick for a few days, but feeling somewhat better now. Hugs back to you! Marilyn
