Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Flowers.... food.... birds.......favorites......

I've been under the weather for a few days. Has anyone ever had diverticulitis?????  It HURTS!......... so to pass the time, I've been browsing my old blog posts and the photos I've used on my blog for the past few years. 

And then I started looking at pictures I've put in "my favorite things" folder... and then I started playing with to make some collages of my favorites. A little bit of this and a little bit of that..........So here they are!

Enjoy the show....... I really enjoyed it. I think I'm yearning for some color in my life right now since it's been so dull and gray here.
Loved these yellows and purples from 2013 and 2014.

Pinks and purples and wildflowers - around 2014.

Way back in around 2010 at our house in SW Washington. Even the strawberry plant has such pretty little flowers for a short time.

More from our house in SW Washington - such beauty.... and LOVED my garden gate!

Oops, not just flowers here, but...... pink, lots of pink!, and a wool radiant star I made, and of course, the vivid colors of flowers.
My "what not" shelf on the left (above). My mom always had one, with all of her most favorite miniature things. Each sweet item on this shelf has a very special memory for me. And on the right, my Red Wing pottery collection (part of it), and the Corvette car from my son when he was 12 years old... and dogs that were part of my mom's dog collection.

Pottery items - this was my mom's Victorian House cookie jar that my kids loved dipping into over the years! On the right..... every gal needs a shoe shopping jar right?

China  plates..........these were mostly my mom's... I have TONS more!

More china/pottery. The gorgeous lamp on the upper left was my mom's and her mom's.... an old clock that my mom had since I was a little girl......... a tiny creamer from England that my mom gave me... and another fabulous antique "vase" that was my aunt's.

Here are some pretty pink things..........
Can't leave out the food!

Banana bread, cinnamon rolls and oatmeal raisin cookies - all gluten free of course!
Ceramic birds...... I love them all.
Real birds! Pretty hummingbird I captured around 2010 in our garden in SW Washington..... chicadee a few years ago (blue)..... winter bird "barn"....... two quail I caught on camera back in about 2013.
Have you tried Meyer Lemon tea? It is the GREATEST if you love lemons! A friend had this Meyer Lemon candle and I raved about the tea so much, she gave me the candle!  And my wonderful fairy and unicorn which is a new addition to my "favorites family"....and a sweet little pitcher that my hubby found for me at one of our local thrift shops. Love the saying on it.
I love this quilt that is hanging on my wall in our I didn't make it.........sweet lamb given to me by my bestie... and the sign that says "Love more and worry less". This  little vignette just struck my fancy and I didn't even plan it. 
That's what I've been doing to pass the time. I'm feeling a little better today. Haven't eaten much for 4 days now.... living on yogurt, canned pears (whoo hoo... lost 4 lbs... but I'm sure I'll gain it all back). 

More than the joy I found from looking back at my photos... all of the bright colors have given me a real uplift.. .which I needed.

Hope you all are WELL!



  1. So many pretty things in this post Marilyn! You've definitely cheered me up with this beauty. Hope you have a lovely day. Hugs, Autumn

    1. Thank you Autumn! Going back through these bright and cheery posts definitely brightened up my day too! Marilyn

  2. I hope you are feeling a lot better, Marilyn. I have never had that stuff, but I remember my mom did and yes, it was painful. Isn't it fun to go back through the archives and see such pretty memories that you might have forgotten. I enjoyed seeing them all. All so pretty and color is good this time of year..Keep feeling better..xxoJudy

    1. Judy.. yes I'm feeling better. Those antibiotics kicked it in the behind! Still some discomfort but not bad. Yes it is VERY painful so I have to be good again and stay away from the foods that cause harm to me. It is very fun to go back through our own archives isn't it? I do it now and then and am amazed at how much I've put down on "paper". I would love to make it into a book... I think all bloggers should, but just too expensive for my budget. Hope spring is around the corner! Hugs.. Marilyn

  3. Oh, Marilyn, so sorry you're dealing with Diverticulitis! I've had about 3 uprisings of it over the last 4 or 5 years and it's definitely painful. You'll figure out what triggers it and learn to steer clear of those foods!
    All your lovely photos look like they should be the next line of postage stamps! SO pretty!
    Hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. Thank you HTH! I'm sorry you've had it too. I KNOW what foods irritate my intestines, but not having had an episode for 5 years, I got slack and lax and started eating things I shouldn't have. It adds up.. and eventually the body revels and makes you sick so you won't eat it anymore! I HAVE to eat gluten free and I've actually taken a few bites in the last month or so of things with gluten in them! Shame on me! My body said NO NO NO. I do love all the flower pix I've taken. I love looking at them when the days are bleak and gray and spring is not here yet!

  4. I was trying to figure out what your pics reminded me of and then ivread the previous comment and it hit me...definitely postage stamps!

    Never had diverticulitis but know it's NO fun :(.


    1. Hi Doreen... hope things are going well for you and wonder how your house is coming along? I bet you are BUSY! Oh my.. little postage stamps.. how neat would that be? I love looking at my old photos of flowers from years gone by (or even last year!) as they do cheer me up. I AM feeling better too.. the antibiotics kicked it in the butt! Now I just have to be careful again and stay away from the "bad" foods. xoxox Marilyn

  5. Very pretty pictures Marilyn. Love all the pretty flowers. Diverticulitis is a harsh flare up. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Hi Kris... I AM feeling much better thank you! Just have to be good now and stay away from the harsh foods that bother me. My body had to take me in hand and get sick so I would LISTEN to it and not eat the things that do me harm. I've listened, hopefully for a long while! It's been 5 years since the last "flare-up" which is way more than a flare. Have a great weekend! Marilyn

  6. My dear Marilyn, I am so sorry you have been under the weather. I have a friend who struggles with Diverticulitis and I know there are times when it can be very, very difficult. I hope you are feeling much better now.

    Your post was filled with beauty and it was truly a blessing to scroll through the lovely photos. Thank you for sharing.

    Hugs to you!

  7. I know I've already seen this post, Marilyn, but I enjoyed it doublely!! Is that a word? The quilt on your bedroom wall is gorgeous and thanks for your visit. Hope spring is on the way soon..Happy Weekend..Judy

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon. Lovely photos and do remind me of postage stamps. One great thing about our blogs is that we can look back and bring us memories of what we share. The flowers are beauitiful and can't for the Spring weather to finally arrive. I didi some some daffodil leaves sprouting up!

    1. I also see our new Irises poking up finally! they survived the winter! I'm getting a little anxious to start some planting. Flowers are just so wonderful and colorful!

  9. Hi Marilyn, this is such an interesting post . . . Love seeing photos of your late gardens. That quilt is gorgeous.
    Happy Easter.

    1. Thank you Connie! I've been on a sewing binge lately. Maybe I'll get a quilt made for my wall that I made myself!
