Thursday, March 29, 2018

I'm on a roll...........(jelly roll that is)........

I don't know when this happened, but for the last few weeks, at least, I've been on a REAL roll with my crafting and sewing (mostly sewing)! My mojo has returned full force, even while I was sick with the diverticlitis (well.. I had to take a few days off!).

What is this you say?
I'm in the MAKING MOOD. I know some of you get like that, as I've read your posts where you make things over and over and over again because you are addicted to it! That's me lately. I haven't sewn that much in years.. but lately... I just WANT....TO....SEW!

I mean... I've made a few cards (will show those later), and in my mind I want to make some more sweet and unusual mini albums, but the sewing machine has taken first place for now........

First up...........placemats. Why? I don't know. (Well I think I may know..... I watched so much YouTube while I was sick, that I saved TONS of things I want to make and watching it reminded me of things I've made in the past - that I want to make again!).

I think I happened upon some "easy placemats" on YouTube, and they were using some jelly roll strips, so I just had to try them. I have had an old jelly roll (42 strips of coordinating fabric, cut 2-1/2" wide) laying around for years.... have been hoarding it as so so pretty.... but decided.. why not? Use it up and enjoy it!

Here's what a jelly roll looks like (not mine... as mine is totally desecrated now!).....

To make the placemats, cut a backing fabric (from my stash)...  cut the batting...... sew the strips on, through the batting and backing fabric, and  you've already quilted your placemat! So fun! I used two large pieces of fabric from my stash for the backings.... 4 yellows with roses, and 2 yellow with tiny tiny roses on it. The strips are all uneven and stick out over the edge...........

 So once done sewing them on.. you "square up" the mat and trim off all the strips and then make the mat the size you want. Mine are 13" x 19".
Pretty already, right? Just love the pinks, lavenders, yellows and touches of green.
Next...... cut some for 2" strips (I used mostly strips from the jelly roll) and sew them on for the binding. I didn't take any pictures of sewing on the binding but it was fairly easy. I followed a YouTube video of a different way to sew it on, using the machine rather than finishing it by hand. Here's a link to the video: Easy and Fast Quilt Binding.

For me to make SIX placemats and actually finish them... a true miracle! Here's the finished product and I'm very ecstaticly pleased.... and I'm going to KEEP something I made for a change! (NOTE: these were not hard to make, but they were quite time consumming).

See the center mat? It is turned over to the pretty yellow cottage rose side.

The binding on this one matches the backs of two of the mats.

I'm SWOONING over that fabric 2nd from the left, that is white with the soft pink roses on it... wish I had yards and yards of it.

Here's the pretty backing on 4 of the mats. They are all reversible so I can use either side. I have hoarded this fabric for years!

Isn't it funny how when we finish something, and love it.. that we take WAY TOO MANY photos of it? I'm guilty of that..........

These are the two mats with a different backing. I really like it too and it matches pretty well. On these two, I used different colors for the binding.

Ta da! All six FINISHED placemats!
Now that's just a start. Should I show you more now or wait for another post????????????????

Think I'll wait......

Hugs to you.. 


  1. Just a start? Girl you have been BUSY! OH MY GOODNESS! I just love the gorgeous placemats you created! And I am with you on the gorgeous pink rose fabric, it is soo beautiful! I think it is wonderful you made yourself something you can enjoy each and every day! I can't wait to see what else you have been up to, but how exciting to have that feeling of creativity bubbling within! It really makes creating things so much more fun when you are excited about doing it! My sewing machine sadly has gathered some dust, and I need to get it dusted off quite soon and make something fun with it! Maybe that's the key... :) I was inspired just visiting your site tonight :) Hugs to you sweet friend!

    1. I know what you mean... being on a roll is so fun! I think I may be done with this "roll" though! It was fun while it lasted!!!!

  2. Marilyn: Swooning is right!! How beautiful to look at and your sewing skills are beyond anything I could ever do. You did a great job and the colors are exceptional. I love them..Happy Weekend..and thanks for the visit..xxoJudy

    1. Yes I DO so love those colors. That's why I hoarded this jelly roll for so long.. but glad I can now actually enjoy it! I have more strips to use from the same jelly roll.. so trying to think of something smaller to make. xoxo Marilyn

  3. Great job!! Love those colors!! Are you planning on doing more? I gave my sewing machine away when we I wish I had at least kept the sewing machine and just gave away the cabinet it was in :-(

    1. Yes... I've posted a couple of more posts of things I've been making. I think my "roll" is coming to a close though.. this time anyway. Sure was fun! I'm trying to finish up a couple of things before my sewing machine gets put away for awhile. Usually, when I go anywhere, I almost ALWAYS take my sewing machine and some fabric to play with (used to.. but not so much anymore) as I felt naked without it. Now... I take my craft supplies and papers! Maybe you can get yourself a little portable machine that is lightweight.. to tuck away somewhere in your RV! Marilyn

  4. These are so fabulous Marilyn. All the pretty prints. Love that you finished the edges so nicely too. Have a great weekend and wonderful Easter.

    1. Thank you Kris! I loved this way of putting the binding on.. was easy and no hand sewing. I don't mind hand sewing really, but wanted to get these puppies done! I like the zig zag stitch and next time I may use a more decorative stitch. Aren't these colors just perfect for spring? Yes! Love them! Loved your Easter table setting! xoxo Marilyn

  5. I’m going to try again with my name and url instead of google. Hope it works!

    Marilyn, the way you finished the mats is sheer perfection! I love all the fabric that came with that roll, but like you, I’m especially drawn to the pink roses.

    I know you know that I know how it feels to get addicted to sewing :). As far as I can tell, there are far worse ways to pass the time ;).

    1. Oh yes... the sewing addiction is so fun. I think I've slowed down a little bit now... phew.... what a run! Trying to finish up a few things though before the sewing machine goes back in its hidey hole..... Hugs.. Marilyn

  6. My dear Marilyn, I so enjoyed catching up with you this evening. I can't believe how much I have missed! I just love all of your handmade goodies, sweet friend, and these mats are simply beautiful!

    I hope you had a wonderful Easter, lovely lady! Hugs to you!

    1. My Easter was OK. Hubby is gone right now... house sitting for my sister about 70 miles away...but I decorated my table a little bit and made myself a nice little dinner. I'm anxious to use my pretty mats for company and yes.. I've been busy but I think my "roll" is slowing down now. Phew....... Marilyn
