Monday, September 11, 2017

Alot happening..............

Oh my! Has it been 3 weeks since I last posted??? SO MUCH is going on around here (and has gone on) that time is speeding by like the trains that chug through Madras in the wee hours of the morning! 

I'm feeling pretty good now but have had kind of a rough month. The total eclipse here on August 21st just did me in for some reason. I don't know if it was the actual eclipse that was going to take place, or all the media hype leading up to the eclipse, making it sound like Madras, Oregon was going to become a catastrophic place to be with over 170,000 people here! About two weeks before the eclipse, I started having anxiety attacks and started dreading the event... I felt like doomsday was coming! 

"They" said we would more than likely run out of water, have no internet service, run out of food at the stores, ATM machines would not work, the card machines at stores would quit working, cell phones wouldn't work, and to have cash on hand, and have stores of food and water and ice, "just in case". I mean, it was like they were predicting the end of the world. Not good. 

I'm what they call "A Sensitive", meaning the negative energies going on in the world really get to me. I feel everyone else's pain, sorrow, fear, worries, tension, sickness, etc. When the negative things happen in the world, and when predictions are made for these big life-changing events, I just about have to tune them out as it usually affects me in very negative ways. 

I got too wrapped up in the coming eclipse and as I said, it really got to me, in not so good ways. And of course, I heard on TV how the eclipse can effect people in huge ways, either negative or positive. I sure didn't need to hear that!

I've had heart A-fib for 5 years now, comes and goes, and I just live with it. It hadn't bothered me AT ALL for about the last 8 months, until I started hearing all the bad stuff about the coming of the eclipse in Madras, Oregon! We were the epi-center of all of Oregon for viewing it (99% total for us) and the media just ran all the negative things that would happen, into the ground. It was awful. So my A-fib started acting up around August 7th (I remember the day it started up again)...........stress really aggravates A-fib.... and boy did I have stress!

It's been a month now, and I'm just finally starting to feel better. I was "in A-fib" almost constantly and even went for some tests to see what was going on and will have to wear a heart monitor for 14 days. Of course, when I went for the tests, there was no A-fib going on! Isn't that how it usually works? But I am feeling better... and by the way....... the eclipse WAS totally awesome! I was so busy trying to get a video of it, that I hardly saw it happen.. it lasted for about 2 minutes, but was truly magical.

Amongst all of that, we also got our house painted! It was quite a spur of the moment thing. I'll go more into that in my next post. Not going to reveal the pictures yet...........

ON ANOTHER NOTE: A fun happening for me was winning a wonderful "5th year anniversary of blogging giveaway" put on by Stephanie Dunsdon at The Enchanting Rose. I am so  happy that her sweet kitty, Melly Belle, "pawed" my name on August 2nd! I won some wonderful gifts which I'll show below. They all came tucked in a darling painted blue and pink wood tote (from Rose Garden Market). The giveaway was tea themed, and I LOVE every single thing that was tucked into the tote!  Stephanie purchased many of the items in her giveaway from fellow Etsy shop owners (what a great idea!).

Look at these darling teacup coasters.... made by Stephanie and in her Etsy shop, RosePetalBlessings(I think I may have ordered the last of her stock of these!  I just ordered her last two..... I hope she makes some more!)

Daisy washcloths (oh, my favorite color!) are from Kitty's Kozy Kitchen... and the sweet smelling Raspberry Sorbet soap was made by Judy at Homemade Soap N Such.

Connie, at Connie's Crafty Creaions made the lovely rose cards. They are truly each a work of art!

Two pretty zipper totes sewn by Linda at Eastern Ave Designs..... love these!  And look at this wonderful tea themed fabric from Stephanie........I'm in love.............

And more tea themed fabric from the Etsy shop Lady Linda Lou (above)....... she has a tea party themed Etsy shop. I'm in love! She also contributed a "Tea Party Time" quilt book by Nancy Martin, one of my all time favorite quilters..... and some patterns for tea time linen towels.

I received in this giveaway, the most precious "pocket letter" from Deb at Garage Sale Gal. Each little pocket contains some darling paper that is tea themed, and little goodies that relate to a tea party. Look at all the detail she put into this! I was thrilled... even a sweet little letter inside to ME from  Deb! How fun!

There's some lotion from Little Hopes Blessings, and a pretty kitchen towel with fabric hanger on top, made by Sarah from Lilacs in Spring.  I also received a pretty Hymn card made by Joy at Vintage Verses... you can see a peek of it in the tote above (where I show the pink and blue tea fabric from Stephanie).

Links to all of the shops are in Stephanie's blog post that I've referenced above. THANK YOU SO MUCH STEPHANIE! And thank you Deb from Garage Sale Gal for the beautiful and intricate tea pocket letter!

Another giveaway I received awhile ago, and meant to mention on my blog (but never did - forgive me Kris).... is a pretty large tote that I've already used many times. Uh...... it says "Hello Spring" and I think I received it last spring! Thank you Kris, from Junk Chic Cottage.  THANK YOU SO MUCH KRIS!

Well...........that's all the excitement I can handle for now! I'll show you pictures of our newly painted cottage in my next post. Plus.... my son and his girlfriend/fiance came for a visit a week AFTER the eclipse... we took a couple of quick little excusions while they were here and had a really fun time. More on that later..............

I'm trying not to stress and worry about the hurricanes happening in Florida (though I do)........ all I can do is pray for those in the midst of it all. My nephew and great nephew live on the east coast of Florida, and my sister has a house in the central middle area of Florida. I'm learning that worry depletes joy...... it's better to pray....... and I am.

And I'm also praying for all of the families effected by 9/11/2001. That is still so vivid in my mind and memory....... I can't even imagine to this day, the people who are still suffering from that horrible act of terrorism. 

Have a nice Monday everyone.

Hugs.... Marilyn


  1. Hi Marilyn, sorry to hear that the eclipse affected you so, but glad to hear that you are finally feeling better! The world has so many awful things going on lately - it's hard not to be affected.

  2. Oh my goodness, all those lovely gifts! It must have felt just a little bit like Christmas! I sympathize with you on the anxiety issues. I myself have dealt with anxiety/panic disorder for years. Recently I read that hops and lemon balm are good additions to tea that soothe and calm, so my daughter and I are adding those to our tea 'arsenal'! Take care! Pam

  3. I had no idea you experienced anxiety and afib Marilyn. I can't imagine what that must be like as I'm the exact opposite. Nothing bothers me! I swear, a bomb could go off in my house and I'd go about my day lol.

    I'm so sorry you had a bad month, but sounds like things are looking up, and how nice that you won such pretty goodies! The fabrics are just darling and right up your alley. I'm sure receiving those cute items really lifted your spirits.

    We just got back from NC and are in the process of getting BAM ready for the final trip down Thursday. My MAC is packed and in storage down there so blogging is on hold until we're settled and I'll use my husband's laptop when I can. Lots going on here too! Well, they say the eclipse is symbolic of new beginnings :).

    Take good care of yourself and I'm looking forward to seeing your newly painted house!


  4. Good evening, sweet Marilyn! Oh, what a delight it was to visit with you for a little while. I am truly honored by the kind and gracious words you shared and I am SO GLAD you were the winner of my giveaway {{smiles}} Thank you for being so sweet.

    I am so sorry to hear you had a difficult month. I found it very interesting about the eclipse and how it can affect you. I truly hope you are doing much better now, dear friend.

    Take care and have a most lovely week! Love and hugs!

  5. Oh Marilyn! I'm so sorry about the crazy stress put on you about the eclipse! It seems the media thinks they are doing their job to hype everything up, when it is not necessary. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy the eclipse even with all the hype that went on, and that it turned out to not be a problem at all. How wonderful to have seen it eclipse completely, we only got about 94% here, but it was still neat to see. I can't wait to see the pictures of your house painted, how exciting that will be to have done! It feels so good to get those things done, and marked off your bucket list of things to do! I hope your a-fib has returned back to normal, and maybe the next time there is a lot of hype on tv, just shut it off. You don't need all that excitement.

    How wonderful to have received such an amazing and incredible gift package from Stephanie! She always goes over the top, and thinks of so many amazing details to really bless your heart! I've ordered several things from her, and she always adds in extra beautiful things to make your order so special. What a gem she and her mother are! I know you will love, enjoy and appreciate all that you received, I'm SO thankful it was you! You needed that uplift in your life :)

    With love and hugs to you dear friend!

  6. Hi Marilyn. I'm glad you are feeling better. I didn't know you had A-fib. I do too. Mine flares up when I have to go to the doc, I hate it. Did they put you on blood thinners. I was already on them (and still am) from my blood clot in my leg, so doc said I was good to go. It is a very common ailment with lots of people affected. There really is lots of negative stuff going on in the world today and it is hard not to be affected, but I try to keep the good things in my mind. Your treasures that you received are all so pretty and thanks for your kind visit..Have a wonderful rest of the week.xxoJudy

  7. I am so glad you are starting to feel better, Marilyn. Love the pretty photos :)

  8. Thanks to you guestion on cozy little house about the candles, I found your lovely blog.
