Friday, August 18, 2017

It's still a little wonky but it's done!

It's done! It's done! she cried in excitement! My old blue hutch has her new (many) coats of white..... uh.. I mean FIVE coats of white.......

Here's the old tired ugly girl BEFORE I got started (above).  But nothing that is vintage is ugly right? Just needs some TLC..........  Below is after first coat of white spray paint. I had to put paper on the house as this thing takes about 3 people to move it.. and I had it right where I wanted it so wasn't about to move it again! (I did later level it up more).

I took no progress pictures ... go figure...... it got done in bits and pieces.... a little here... a little there..... ran out of spray paint... got two more cans... but wasn't covering real well.. so found an old can of primer I had that was all chunky and thick.... and doctored it up..... stirred and stirred.... and added water...... and put two coats of that primer on it! Then added two more coats of white spray paint.

So voila! Here she is! I'm been so anxious to get it done so I could show you!  She's pretty "rough"... a little wonky and crooked, but I love her anyway!

She's all dressed up for company.......

New pink glass knobs for the drawers....

Pretty pink hat mailbox that was my hubby's and mine at previous houses.... the I "heart" country banner was from our local thrift store.. just happened to see it as I was walking out the other day.

The "potting shed" sign used to be on my fence above that yellow bench I painted last year!  but hubby decided it should have a new home here. It's worn and faded so needs a new uplift (one of these days)......

What a pretty yellow "teacup" to hang on the side... I got it from the lady who gave me the hutch. I couldn't see throwing it away (as she was doing) so grabbed it up. My hubby got me the little green basket to hold my seeds and such.

Those darling birdhouses, yellow candle lamp, yellow bird, mug, two white and pink ceramic candle holders (on top) and flower pots.... also from thrift stores here in town. I want to hang the yellow bird with a little plant in it.

I think I actually squealed when I saw this little pink "ice cream chair" at an antique store the other day (about 20 miles from here)!! Can you believe it was already pink? It's really meant for my garden somewhere, but it looked so cute sitting here... just for a short time... and my little terrarium with the "air plants" just fits there, right? the chair may have to stay.

These are two little air plants I found at the local Fred Meyers store about 25 miles from here. They don't need water ladies! You just mist them every few dayswhen you feel like it, and they are good to go. The gal said they are meant for indoors, but they are dong fine in this 100 degree heat outside. Instant love.  I got the sand and rock pebbles and moss from the local Dollar Tree.. easy deal.

The little chair does look sweet sitting on the ground too, with my new (free) shrubs, thrift find watering can and green tin planter.  Yes, Bi-Mart gave away ALL of their flowers and plants about two weeks ago, right before this big heat wave hit! Most were really wilted and they just didn't want to deal with them anymore, so I got a few Ivy Geraniums (on their last legs), two lilac bushes and two Snowberry bushes, and they are all doing well and very happy in their new home. (Note to self:  tell hubby to remove that horrible ugly black cord that goes up the side of the house to the TV "dish"!!! We don't even have dish TV or anything, so get rid of it!)

There was a big empty hole on the hutch surface top. I think a little door used to be there.... so I added a little curtain to cover it up... tacked on with decorative tacks.. and now behind it I can store my little not so pretty (practical) things.  I stacked a few garden books with another little tin planter hubby found for me.. and bought a little cactus to put in it..... the pink birdy is compliments of the Dollar Tree... and the little aqua blue jar holds my plant fertilizer!

So here she is in all her glory! She's too pretty now to use for a planting table, isn't she? 

I had so much fun decorating her. And yes... I really HAVE used her as a work bench for planting my free plants from Bi Mart. The surface gets dirty but I just let it dry, and then sweep it right off. 

Of course, when it rains, I'll have to take a few things in! And in the winter, I'll remove everything and tarp it for the winter. But for now.... she's such a joy to look at..........


I found a few more darling goodies for my garden at that antique store about 20 miles from Madras... I'm going to place them throughout my tubs and pots of flowers....... and I actually NEED the watering can for my front flower pots.

I think the pink chair might have already found a home at the hutch! (Rudy loved that chair.....) The galvanized watering can was in perfect condition... no holes... no rust.. for only $10! I was thrilled.

The little red bench/chair I just had to have.... just because it was so cute.... and the lid comes off to store goodies inside.... it'll sit amongst my flowers somewhere... and the chicken wire frame... already hanging on my fence!

And our "catio" is almost done! More on that soon............

Have a nice week everyone.... the solar eclipse here is fast approaching... and I"m dreading it to say the least.. our little town of 6,000 people is supposed to grow to close to 200,000 people.. who are all coming to view the (2 minute) total eclipse! Oh boy..........

Hugs to all............


  1. Marilyn, your potting bench turned out just beautifully. A very handy piece to have and if even you don't use it for potting, it just looks so pretty on the patio. That little pink chair is just too cute..Everything is looking so good. Thanks for your visit and your water sounds delicious AND healthy..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

    1. Thank you Judy. It's almost too pretty to use now! I've used it once and got it all dirty and cringed a little! Also has rained once and got things in the drawers wet, but just gloves and tools. Trying to get back to normal now after the big eclipse yesterday! Our town is still a madhouse! xoxoxo Marilyn

  2. Well done! It looks just great! I especially like the sweet curtain! Clever idea!!
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Marilyn this is awesome. Such a great job. Love the sweet little pink chair too. Happy Weekend.

    1. Thank you Kris... was a fun though time consumming project. The most fun was decorating it! Now I don't want to use it for a potting bench anymore.. but I will as is very handy. For awhile though, she'll just have to sit and look pretty, as most of my potting work is done for this summer. she'll do her duty next year. xoxo Marilyn

  4. It's precious Marilyn! Admittedly, the periwinkle blue was very pretty, but the white looks so fresh and new and what a great little piece to have at your disposal for all of life's necessities (or just pretties).

    Looking forward to your 'catio'. Sounds intriguing :)


    1. Yes I love white furniture Doreen! I debated on keeping the blue or painting it. Would have been easier to "dirty up" leaving it blue (which I did.. used it alot). Now that it's white, I hate using it for potting! I need to put a clear coat sealer on the surface that I'll use the most to protect it. And it's so fun having all the fun little goodies on it.. I enjoy just looking at her! Next summer I'll put her to work again! Hugs.. Marilyn

  5. You have been a busy girl and it looks wonderful. The little banner is perfect, love the pink mailbox and the potting shed sign (I would never change that, the chippy paint is perfection). I'm sure that you are busy today with the eclipse and you being right in the center of it all. I've heard that your little town is bursting at the seams with people. I hope they don't leave all their mess behind when they leave. Be care and don't burn your eyes.
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

    1. Thank you Connie. I love all the little treasures I found at the thrift store to grace my hutch. That was the fun part! I'm not much of a lover of painting so took alot of fortitude on my part to actually get it done! Yes.. this town has been crazy. Yesterday after the eclipse and today especially, the traffic is just horrible and like downtown Portland! We ventured out yesterday after the eclipse (which by the way was so awesome!).... and traffic was at a standstill on the main highway, but side streets were OK. I'll be glad when everyone leaves and things can get back to normal around here. I'm not even going to go and look at what messes were left.. I'm sure there were many. Also... we live close to the hospital and have counted at least TEN lift flights to the hospital during the last few days. Have a good week Connie... I've been remiss on posting comments on your blog and trying to catch up today! Hugs.. Marilyn

  6. I've been thinking of you all day, Marilyn. We heard what Connie heard -- that Madras would be bursting at the seams with people. Your hutch is adorable. I just love all the things you used to dress it up. And I agree with Connie that the potting shed sign is perfect as is. The pink chair, the bird, the little pots and the curtain you made, etc. It's all so charming. Your little red chair and the chicken wire screen and the watering can and all your plants. You did great, girl, and I know it was fun to do. Looking forward to the "catio". Hugs.

    1. Hi Nancy... yes finding all the little pretties for my hutch was the "funnest" part! I hate to dirty it up now and actually USE it as a potting bench! Maybe next year. I'm pretty much done potting for this year (thankfully). I never thought I'd say it, but am looking forward to Fall and cooler weather and not having to water every day and mess with everything outside. I'm kind of getting "done" with it! Has been a long hot summer and so much yard work.. and gearing up now for getting our new front wall put in.. so yet another yard mess and moving plants again,,, but this time it's only potted flowers. I do too love my little finds at the antique store of the red chair and the pink chair and that screen which I've hung up on my fence. I'll have to show the catio one of these days.. it's not totally done yet.. have to raise it up and that means cutting plywood (ugh) and doing some more screwing and nailing. I need a vacation! hugs.. Marilyn

  7. Hi Marilyn! I'm late getting around to visiting you, but you sure have been one busy lady! I know just how much work goes into refinishing furniture! But it turned out SO amazing! I am in love with your new white finish that you gave her, and the hutch is just perfect where you've got it, and it is all dolled up, so prettily, love your little curtain, the lovely vintage signs and the pink mailbox is soo cute! I love it all! I hope you survived all the eclipse traffic, we enjoyed watching it here, it was pretty amazing to see. Hope you are continuing to enjoy your backyard, it looks so lovely, and that pink chair! Swoon :) I love it! Hugs to you dear friend :)

  8. Hi Marilyn. Thanks for your visit. How did the day of the eclipse turn out. Did you get run out of town?! I only watched it on TV..Have a wonderful weekend..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, I may have replied to this via your email, but in case I didn't..... no we didn't get run out of town during the eclipse! It wasn't as bad as we thought as far as the number of people coming... so I got all stressed out for nothing! I think everyone who came just went to their campsite or wherever, and stayed put and didn't come into town that much. So alot of the stores had stocked up WAY TOO MUCH on goods and supplies and now have enough stock probably for the next year. All in all, it was a really special experience, but glad it's over! Marilyn

  9. Hi Marilyn :) You did an awesome job. It looks very pretty :)

  10. Oh. My. Goodness!! I LOVE your hutch in her new 'clothes'! Absolutely to-die-for! At first I didn't notice that the little pink chair was so small, so when I saw the cat lying next to it, I did a double-take and I think I jumped a little bit, lol. I think your cat is our Ripley cat's twin! I hope you don't mind if I hang around for a bit and check out some more of your posts! Pam

    1. Take your time Pam! Hang around all you want! I too love my newly dressed hutch. I'm coming back to visit you too...more....once we get our internet back!

  11. Oh, Marilyn. I am sorry you are going through internet problems. Do you and I live in the same place? You might thinks so, today is 104 and there is a fire burning in the mountains and the hills are alive with smoke. Seems like there is not end to this horrible heat..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

  12. I do love your name pinkpapercottage! Also love that pink chair. You have lots of cute things for decorating your garden. Hubby made me a potting bench and when we moved to this little courtyard we brought it with us. Now I put plants up on it so our dog Coco can't eat them! Nancy

  13. Wow, what an looks fabulous! The internet has been just awful here this last's like dial up!!! I have you?

    1. Thank you Karen.. I do love my hutch, but it's going to need more paint next spring I can already tell.. it looks drab compared to our new house paint job! Oh well..... I still love it. We use Century Link here too and it does seem to be slower lately, ever since the eclipse. And then we were down for a week because the painter cut our phone cords.... but really was our own fault. I'm just thankful I have it at all at this point. I'm pretty addicted to having the internet now! Marilyn
