Monday, September 18, 2017

Painted lady.........

She's done! She's not blah anymore!  She looks so pretty... she's bright and really stands out.... can you guess what she is???

She welcomes us every time we drive into our yard..... we love her!

Oh that POOR garage door! What's a gal to do????

Now cover your eyes...............are ya ready???


I know, I know.. it's bright, but it grows on  you... even the neighbors told us that at first they thought it was awfully bright, but they really like it now. It looks different colors in different light... sometimes soft light green, sometimes bright and sometimes yellow.

New garage door???????? NO.... painted garage door with Peel Bond underneath... looks almost new again. She's so happy now! (me too......)
Painter guy put Peel Bond on our entire house! It really seals the older wood and protects it from moisture.. covers up imperfections and cracks.... we had never heard of it, but sure makes her look new again.

When we bought this house 2 years ago, it had a "non working fireplace"..... an ourdoor square "chimney" that looked really funky... and weather worn....

 ......covered with some sort of siding horizontally and it was all peeling paint and rot.... what was a gal to do? We thought it was a block chimney covered with wood...... what a surprise when the painter tore it off.......

uh oh..........

.....not a block chimney at all! Was a (very poorly) framed stove pipe! The good thing is, it's triple wall stove pipe, and goes into a steel firebox that is in good shape. It had leaked somewhere into the firebox in the house and that's why the realtor said it was nonworking..... well.... the painter guy who is also a licensed contractor, said there was a leak up at the top where the water was running into the firebox, but he sealed that up.......... and his son, who is a certified welder, is going to replace that rusty old firebox with a new one... and it WILL be a working fireplace again! We are thrilled!

You won't believe what was inside.............. it was FULL of old pieces of sheetrock and old insulation and PAPER (yes paper!) stuffed in behind the pipe! We were shocked... so was the painter guy!

Paper that he pulled out from inside.

Rotted wood.............

Sheetrock pieces and gravel!

Siding was totally rotting out.
So... the painter guy cleaned it all up and reframed it, leveled it (was crooked and leaning down towards the ground) and caulked it and painted it..... now the lady has a proper chimney... and we may just have a working fireplace in the near future..... we are very happy about that, as temps here in Madras get down to 20 to 30 below (but then of course, we need a place to store our firewood.........hubby?).

And painter guy's sons removed our front raised rock flowerbed wall for us and dug out all the dirt and hauled it into our back yard (for a raised flower bed) - bless their hearts - so we can level the area and have cement put in there, or bricks or pretty rocks.... so we'll have a nice little front entry covered porch area to put out my wicker chairs and my bench, potted flowers and a table. Hubby loves to sit out there in the mornings..(he gets up way earlier than I do).  I LOVE front porches where I can watch the neighborhood goings on... don't you?  I like sitting out there in the evenings.........

This is the flower bed last year (below), full of chrysanthemums which looked beautiful, but......... and a big "but".........being close to the house and sheltered, I always had to water by hand, plus it was an ear wig, ant and spider attraction, which I hated, and could not get rid of the ear wigs and ants there! It also made our front walkway seem narrow and we couldn't sit there and be out of the rain... so it had to go!


We are even thinking of putting a deck across the front of the house,....... so this area will all be covered anyway.... not sure when that will get done, but it feels so much cleaner now and at least for a temporary fix,  we'll put down some plastic and pretty rocks for the time being, or maybe some bricks? What do you think? I really wouldn't mind cement there either, as it would widen our sitting area. 

Although....... painter guy says he can put a nice deck in there for us......... hum.m.m.m.m.m...... painter guy can do just about anything!

I think our painted lady is very happy now, don't you?

Next post..............we're hubby is undertaking a NEW project! Oh boy............ but the end results will be awesome. Stay tuned........



  1. Isn't it wonderful to work and see your house become your home. Everything looks so warm and inviting Marilyn. And you can hear just how much you are enjoying it!

    1. Thank you Sandra. We do enjoy it very much.. though alot of work, but I knew that when we bought this place after renting for 5 years. It is such a good and secure feeling to own our own home and I love every little things we do to make it more pleasing to us. Marilyn (Hope you get this reply as you are a "no-reply" listing).

    2. Marilyn, what is a no-reply listing? I have searched everywhere and can't find any setting like that. So as you can see I did see your reply, thank you. I so enjoy watching your progress...Sandra

    3. It means that your blog or your blogger info does not have an email address for people to respond to. When I get a comment on my blog, it comes to my email inbox, and the people with a "reply listing" show up in my inbox with an email address I can respond to. Actually, mine is also a "no-reply" blog, as I've tried putting my email on it under the blogger info, but then when I reply to someone else's blog, I get some kind of error message back that their email won't accept mine! It's all greek to me... and when I comment on someone else's blog and they respond back, I do get their response, just like you got my reply! Is that as clear as mud? Don't worry about it.. as long as you got my response to your comment, you're good to go! I don't even know how to fix mine so that it works! Marilyn

  2. What a happy color! Great choice. My husband laid a new brick paver walkway in the front of our house a few years ago and he used a grout that was cement like (I forget the name),instead of the usual plain sand. We haven't had one weed pop through and it's easy to shovel snow off of. I'm excited to see what comes next for your house. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Betty.... I'd love to know what the grout stuff your husband used for the walkway. We need to figure out something hopefully before winter.. but it may just be putting down some plastic and then pretty rock until next spring. The snow will cover it for most of the winter anyway! Marilyn

    2. The product my husband used is called Polymeric Sand, it has a bonding agent in it. Just as important as the sand is being sure you lay a weed barrier down (husbands quote : ) ). Once he was finished the job my husband hosed all the bricks down and the sand hardened to a cement like grout. A landscaper told us about the product and I'm glad he did. I was envisioning your new paint color with any color mum plant. Any flower will look great with it.

    3. Betty thank you! I printed this out and will keep it with our "yard stuff" notes. I think I've seen someone use that on a YouTube video I watched and saved... but my saved videos get lost in the masses that I do save! Marilyn

  3. Kudos to you for taking the plunge and painting your home a bright color. It can be scary but it really turned out lovely and most importantly, YOU are happy :)

    Painter guy sounds awesome! Is he cute too ;).


    1. LOL Doreen! No.. painter guy is not a hunk or anything, but a real nice guy and a hard worker.... I wish I could have him full-time to work on our house! So many things I can think of (and many "to do" lists) that need to be done.. and I think he could do it all! sigh.... and yes... we did go with a color we loved.. although I considered pink too... but hubby was not real thrilled with that! xxxxoooMarilyn

  4. I loved reading your post Marlyn we can tell how excited you are to have your sweet cottage painted and the chimney re done. It looks awesome. Have a great new week ahead. Enjoy the smiles as you come home to your pretty painted house brings.

    1. Kris, I never thought we'd get our house painted this summer! It was spur of the moment and I'm still surprised. I thought we would be doing it ourselves little by little next summer. We happened to find a good painter guy at a reasonable price who had good recommendations... he just kind of fell into our laps! This is a very happy color and every time I come home, I just have to smile! Hugs to you... Marilyn

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  8. Marilyn, she looks very happy now. It is hard to pick the right shade of color for your house. When we picked the blue on ours, I had in mind a darker shade but felt it was too bright when we put it on. It changes in time and now I like it. I think yours looks great especially with the white trim and all your pretty flowers around. Good thing your fireplace was not working, could have been a bad outcome if you burned it with all the paper next to it. You will certainly enjoy it now. Can't wait to see what comes next. Thanks for your kind words to me. You always make me feel like I am doing the right thing. Happy Thursday my friend..xxoJudy

  9. Ahhh What a transformation! I love the new colour :)

  10. Hi Marilyn. Thanks for the visit and all your kind words. The pillows are on Amazon and they are so cheap that you won't believe it. I haven't been disappointed yet..Have a wonderful rest of the week..xxoJudy

  11. I enjoyed this post and love the new colour you chose. Your home is looking so lovely! xox

  12. Hi Marilyn. Thanks for the visit and your sweet words. Love the little Witchy poem. It is good timing..Happy Weekend..Judy

  13. You've been hard at work and what a color color to paint you home. Its amazing how much paint can change something. Homes are so much work but needs to be done. Your sweet cottage has a new look and is sitting pretty..

  14. Painters (retired one here) are awesome and they get to make everything look much better. Your home is looking good, I bet you are sleeping better now that the fireplace has been fixed. What a mess! Your plans in front are looking good and I bet you are pleased with your whole new look.
