Thursday, May 25, 2017

Old to new!

After making my neat little "recycled" western (skirt) tote bag, I decided to try making one with some old denim. I was very inspired by Connie at Crafty Home Cottage to use some of my own bits and pieces of denim. She made the CUTEST aprons using her old bib overalls! Check them out at her link above.

But, instead of using my own scraps,  I decided to go to the thrift store and buy an old denim skirt! I just HAD to try using a short denim skirt to make another tote bag, like my old western skirt tote (left, and linked above) sister's birthday was coming up and I thought it would be perfect for her.

So off I went to the local thrift store!

First though, I must apologize for the poor photos. I made this bag right before a beach trip to celebrate my sister's 60th birthday (did I ever post those photos?), and was in a hurry to get it finished before I went (I ALWAYS wait until the last minute)...... so naturally, I forgot to take photos of it! That's just not like me........but being in a rush does do weird things to a person, right?  So....... the following photos were taken by my sister with her cell phone, and though OK, they don't really show the details. 

Front of bag (above) hanging from a chair. Quite blurry but you get the gist of it. All I did was sew up the bottom seam (after sewing on the trim fabric with my sewing machine).  I used some darling Parisian-type fabric for a trim around the bottom, front and back, and for a "patch" behind some vintage doilies and buttons I had for decoration.

I didn't do anything else to "alter" the skirt at all! I left in the zipper and snap and the belt loops. I did add two more belt loops, one on each side, using the strip of denim that I cut off the bottom before adding the fabric trim.

Better picture of front of the bag, although blurry. Darn! I used some pretty pink stripped fabric for the tie, that was woven through the belt loops. The strips started out at 3" wide by a length that would go around the waistline of the skirt, plus maybe 3 extra inches. I then turned in the edges of the strips to enclose the raw edges and finished off the ends. The ties were run through the belt loops, and it can be pulled open just like a drawstring bag.

I made a "patch" using the Parisian fabric with some old vintage buttons across the top (just for decoration).

All of the lace sewn along the pocket tops was hand sewn as I couldn't reach inside with my sewing machine. 

Closeup of the front (above).
The back shows the trim around the bottom much better. Just love that fabric! My sister loves Hello Kitty things and colors, so I figured she'd like this fabric with the pinks, turquoises and blacks. The lace was hand sewn and also the appliqued heart was sewn on by hand.

I hadn't planned to make this tote so fancy, but you know me, I just can't resist adding lace and doo-dads.

I didn't even take pictures when she was opening this gift! What was I thinking anyway???

Thank you Connie at Crafty Home Cottage for your inspiration!

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  1. So cute, Marilyn! Forgetting to take photos happens to all of us but yes, very frustrating when you finally realize it! But you had fun and made a darling gift and no doubt she'll get many compliments. All wonderful. Ask her to ask a friend ..with a different take a photo of her with the new bag. Great gift!

    1. I did have fun making this and saw her on Memorial Day so took a few pictures of her holding the tote bag. I thought of posting it, but oh well... everyone has seen it already. I took a few more "good" pictures just so I'd have them. She said she is using it for her carry-on for their next plane trip. It really does hold ALOT of stuff! Marilyn

  2. Super-cute!!! I followed your link to the aprons too, and they are so stinkin' cute too! I was just sitting here complaining to hubby that I just don't have any desire to do the things I usually love. No crochet, no books, no blogging or video, no baking, etc. All I want to do is sleep. I slept nearly all day yesterday and then all night too. I have nothing to be depressed or stressed about, but that's always what I do when I'm either of those things...sleep and more sleep. I'm thinking I'm just plain lazy right now. Booooring!

    1. Don't worry. I get that way sometimes too... well... I don't sleep all the time but I just sit and read and eat. That's all I want to do.. so I just try to go with it and eventually, the mojo for doing something comes back (thankfully). take care... xoxoxo Marilyn

  3. Very cute, Marilyn. You take so much care with your creations. This must have taken hours to complete. I usually forget to take "before" photos when I redo something. Also, I find a lot of time my smart phone photos really aren't good quality. However, that's the only camera I have right now. Ugh. xo

    1. Thank you! I did love making this.. loved using some of my pretty pink and black "parisian" fabric and the crocheted doilies were fun to use. I like variety in my crafting so like trying new and different things. Working with denim is fun and neat to recycle it into other things. Glad to see you are back blogging! Hugs.. Marilyn

  4. Wow, you really have had the creative juices flowing Marilyn! The bag turned out really darling, and I love all the sweet details that you added to make it so over-the-top amazing! It must have been a real blessing for your sister to be gifted with something so special on her birthday! I've been inspired since visiting your site, I need to get back and get busy crafting again, but I've been so busy outside, lol!

    1. Thank you Marilyn at MTS! It is hard to find time to craft now with the gardening, etc. And YOU have so much more than I have had for years! I used to have acreage and huge gardens and flower beds, etc. but now only a lot in town. It still seems like ALOT of work! I still try to find a little time to craft during the summer too. Hugs to you! Marilyn
