Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday Serenity - May 20, 2017

What is serenity anyway? A feeling of calm? A feeling of peace? A feeling that all is right with your life? No worries? no stress?   

Whatever is lovely..
Think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

I am feeling somewhat serene today....... I think it's because I finally have a few flowers to gaze at.

What is "serenity" to you?

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  1. And just think Marilyn...pretty soon you will have more than a few flowers, you'll have many.


    1. You are right Doreen! Every one of those Irises popped open in the last couple of days, because we've had high 80's temperatures and today was 92! We had no spring.. have jumped right into summer!

  2. Marilyn, this is one of my favorite Bible verses. It truly is attitude transforming. :) Serenity to me is a feeling of contentment. To rest in the love of the Lord and look to Him for my peace. He never fails me. Your Iris are positively beautiful. I have one white one in bloom right now. The rest are getting ready to open. Have a lovely Sunday. xo

    1. Oh white Irises are so rare for me. I hardly ever see white ones! I bet it is beautiful and hope you have many more. You are right to look to the Lord for peace. One of my favorite scriptures, in lay terms.. is "rest and wait in the Lord".

  3. Nothing I HAVE to do, nothing scheduled to do in the near future, rain, quiet (except for maybe the rain), and my dogs around me. That's probably too much of a definition, but it sounds good right now! :)

    1. You are right Pammy! That's my serenity too. After working 45 years and ALWAYS rushing rushing rushing, I love not having anything planned for tomorrow or the next week or the next month.. but always seems like there is "something" I HAVE to do, even now. Even a few days or a week is wonderful and serene if I know I can just do nothing if I want (but of course, THAT never happens!). I don't know how to sit still but I try sometimes. Days of pure leisure are few and far between..... Hugs.. Marilyn

  4. Serenity seems to mean a feeling of peace and contentment, I think, and I understand just how you feel seeing your beautiful flowers bloom, it is so joyous! My irises haven't bloomed yet, in fact my tulips are still blooming! My crabapple tree still hasn't bloomed out yet! So we are having a late spring, but when the blooms do come, it just fills my heart with joy! That was a beautiful picture you shared of the irises blooming! They are such a gorgeous flower. Hugs to you today :)
