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Monday, November 21, 2022

I went and did it......

I'm so mad at myself! I went and slipped on black ice last Thursday, Nov. 17th and landed flat on my back! I can't believe I didn't check the driveway better as I started to walk down to get the mail

Duh, it was 28 degrees out and we had had freezing fog the night before! But the sun was out and it looked totally dry.
 They should call it "invisible" ice, not black ice.

This is typing on my cell phone as can hardly use my keyboard....I fractured my left thumb at the base. Hand is in a temporary cast and have to go in a week to have it x-rayed again and maybe recasted. This is the first time in my life I've ever had a cast!

I went to ER on the Friday after the fall, as hand was really sore. My back hurt too. I also hit my head on the cement so wanted to be sure I didn't crack my hard head......I was pretty sure I was ok from that as I had no signs of a concussion.  Funny thing, my back didn't hurt that

much for the 1st two days, so I didn't get any pain meds. The doc offered but I thought, oh I'll do fine with Advil. NOT!!!

They did do X-rays at the hospital, and said no fractures that they could see.......but.....I just found out today that they did NOT x-ray my mid back area, which is where I told them I hurt the most, so I hope I can go have X-rays done for that area, once I can drive.
 I can't drive now as hurts too much getting in and out of the car.
Why they didn't do X-rays there I have no idea .

I've had horrible pain for the last 2 days. I finally gave in today and took a half of a pain pill I had left over from my gall bladder surgery 3 years ago! 

It did help...wish I taken it sooner......ah ah ah.....sweet relief.

And by the way, from now on, whenever I go outside, I'm carrying my phone with me and wearing a coat! It was no fun laying there on the cold ice, with no coat on, wondering how in the heck I was going to get up or get help! What do you think I did?????




  1. Oh Marilyn I am so sorry you had this fall. Yep always have your phone on you. I am glad you had something for the pain. Get lots of rest ice for pain and heat for bringing blood to heal. If you alternate heating pad and then ice that should help you too. Again I am so sorry this happened to you. Wish I lived closer to come over and help you out. Take care. xoxo Kris

    1. Kris, yes I'm using ice and heat. I'm no stranger to back pain...have had many incidents over the years. Cracked 2 vertebrae in lower back when I was 22 and have had problems ever since. Wish you lived closer too! Hugs.....

  2. Oh good grief, Charlie Brown! I do hope your back does not have a fracture in one of the vertebrae so please get that xray. This is no way to look forward to holidays as Thanksgiving and Christmas for you. Praying for your mending very soon and without difficulties. Lynn

    1. Lynn....I checked with my doc today and they DID do X-rays of my entire spine and ribs. She assured me they did thoracic area too. Now I guess time will take care of the healing. Hugs......

  3. I have no idea what you did, except possibly watch for other people outside and yell for help. We have to be so careful. The speed limit on our road is 35 but it may as well be 50 because I think that is what the average person drives. I have to cross the road and I'm always considering that this just might be where they find my body one day :(
    I'm praying for a quick and complete recovery. God bless you dear friend. Call anytime you need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to bring encouraging. You have my number.

  4. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I'm a little late reading this post, and I hope by now, you've had some relief from the pain.

    1. Hi Amy, Pain is a little better and I just found out 2 days ago that I have a compression fracture of my T8 (thoracic) vertebra. Am waiting for an appointment with a neurologist. Marilyn
