Friday, May 17, 2019

Luggy, lethargic and lazy!

I don't know what's going on but both my husband and I feel so LUGGY, LETHARGIC and LAZY! We had some 90 degree weather two weeks ago, and both of us had lots of energy (well... "lots" meaning we could go out and work for a couple of hours), and got outside and worked in our yard and got quite abit done.

But now.......... two weeks later........ weather has cooled down and is cloudy and some drizzle, and neither of us want to even go outside and walk around our yard! We are couch potatoes this week (and probably last week too)! What is going on?????  Well I do have one excuse... I had my FIRST colonoscopy ever last week, so the two days before that were spent with me stressing out over it! And then the day with little or not food, and then the NIGHT (oh what a night) of not sleeping and living on the toilet for 8 hours).  So that entire procedure took the poop (literally) out of me for a few days.

Do any of you feel this way after a bunch of physical work? I don't remember feeling this way in the past. We can't figure it out. We have NO desire to go out and work in the yard... and boy is there still alot to do.  Do we just go with it and sit and chill out, or do we make a supreme effort to go outside and work. Hum.m.m.m.m.m.m. (I have a feeling we will be waiting for the energy to come back! and sure hope it does).

We DO have a lot of projects in progress and got a start on a few things.

As the photo above shows, we got the area around our lilac bush all cleaned out, and put about 6 bags of purchased garden soil in the hole that is/was going to be our pond eventually...... it was about a 6" hole........well we gave up on the pond idea and decided to leave the lilac there. So filled it all in, plus taking two large wheelbarrows of dirt from our front yard walkway area. We are getting it ready to put a little fountain in there where the slab is (below photo) and I also got a large geranium "bush" split and transplanted there.  I'll plant a few small flowers around the fountain.

We/hubby has to dig a trench to bury the electric cord from the house to the pond (below). I went and bought and laid out the pipe and somewhat have cleaned up that area - still have to spray the weeds.

Our poor back "lawn" looks like a bomb went off there - we dug out as many dandelions as we could and I sprayed the weeds also (below). It is full of holes now and we have to be really careful when we walk on it (so I won't fall and break something)! Still not sure what we're going to do with it.

I decided to lay down tarps on the entire dangblasted thing to kill everything! I still need two more smaller tarps. There IS some nice grass growing along the side of the house so will leave that.

It's so JUNKY back there! Since this picture was taken, I did get some of it moved and/or put away in the sheds.

I have a few flowers growing in our back yard raised flower beds.

Iris and a small lilac bush and a snowberry bush.

My peonies came up from last year and have lots of buds on them!
This is what we're thinking/hoping our backyard will look like someday, except may have a small area of lawn somewhere.. if we can keep the weeds out!

I've painted out a circle for the "fire pit" like this one above. We/hubby needs to dig it out.  We have one of those portable fire pits, and also some nice chairs hubby got from the thrift store. I need to paint them too. (more projects). 

I would LOVE to have a little garden cottage/shed in our backyard, like this one. A girl can dream can't she???? I LOVE all the pink accents. (our house is this exact same color!).

Front yard projects:

Got the dirt area by the walkway dug down about 4 inches, laid some landscape cloth (two layers) and are in the process of putting down some river rock. This is what I bought in bags from Lowe's and was not NEAR enough! We would have needed 22 more bags.

So I went to the local nursery and bought a yard of larger river rock.

So we need to get that all shoveled out of the truck onto the dirt area by the walkway. We used to have a raised wall there with flowers, but it attracted too many earwigs. 

And we've dug out an area above our rock wall to lay down some rock so that it will be level with the lawn and easier to mow.

We are also going to dig out our front flower beds to be a little bigger, and make curves so it will be easier to mow there.  I have the lines drawn.. hubby needs to dig!

My 50 cent lilac bush is doing great as is the 50 cent snowberry bush (from last year). We have some pansies coming up that survived the winter, and our Quaking Aspen tree is doing great! 

The Iris in our front corner are doing beautifully! I meant to dig some up and split them, but didn't get to it soon enough. Will now wait until they have all bloomed and are done.  I managed to find a beautiful golden lilac at the garden nursery the other day. I may plant it by the fountain, and then next year when it splits, I'll put one in the front.

I also could not resist buying a few plants to put into my pots... I was going to wait, but they all called to me at the nursery! We will still be having some freezing nights so going to put the pots in the garage at night until June 1st or so.

So many projects only half done!  I think that's why we're feeling so lazy and lethargic. Getting overwhelmed.

And after all the rock is laid in the front walkway bed, we are going to have a small deck/porch built off of our front door, just to enlarge the area for sitting and to make it safer. Right now, when you open the storm door, you practically fall off the stoop! The stoop is way too small. Who designed these things anyway????  See that tiny "stoop" by the front door? It barely comes to the edge of the door. We're going to have a deck built at house level, that extends to right between the two windows. It will have a railing for safety and steps going into the yard, and also at the end to the cement walkway. I'm in the process of designing it!

There are more projects but I won't list them here. They haven't even been started yet! Will try to finish the ones we HAVE started and show some finished projects in the next few weeks. In between all of this, I've had my colonoscopy and then a couple of days ago, a bout of vertigo. Darn. I thought that was done with. And then next Monday a surgery to remove my gall bladder. Once I'm done with that, I hope the rest of the summer is free of medical worry and issues.

I hope we are both back to full energy mode (which is about 1/4 level compared to those younger folks!).. and get back to our yardwork.

How can a small lot in town be so much work??????????

Take care everyone.


  1. No wonder you are feeling a big luggy, Marilyn! It is overwhelming what you have to do ahead of you and, if you are like me, you hardly know where to start! I guess one thing at a time,huh? I will say that your yard is going to be beautiful when all is said and done. You can do this!!! I know you can. Maybe you just need an extra shot of caffeine? lol xo Diana

    1. Diana, too bad I don't drink coffee! I surely do need some caffeine! Yes... overwhelming for sure. Seems like we have gone backwards since we bought this place almost 4 years ago (as far as the yard is concerned). But.... it was a huge weed patch, front and back, when we bought it, so it HAS improved somewhat. I think we're coming to the conclusion that gravel and rock will be our best friends! Marilyn

  2. Oh, Marilyn, I so totally understand! We've bought our new property, and are trying to work on it, AND get our present home ready for sale...and now I've got what is most likely a diverticulitis attack going on and I'm good for nothing!!! SO frustrating! And overwhelming! I have to keep reminding myself that 'it is what it is' and just try to get through each day with a bit of work and a lot of joy! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful pics!

    1. Hi Hilltop.....I'm sorry about your diverticulitis attack. I hope it is better now. I used to have those now and then... and they are SO painful. Sometimes I would just bear it and sometimes I would have to go to the doc and get antibiotics. I've learned what causes them so stay away from those foods, mostly popcorn, things with seeds, berries with seeds. I can't eat any wheat either as that is what originally brought them on. Even though I eat totally gluten free now, I can still get an attack if I eat popcorn. Darn! I love love love popcorn, but just don't eat it anymore! and I can imagine you guys are SO busy with selling your place, and then having a new one to prepare also. Yes... we can only do what we can do, and pace ourselves to not get too tired out! Hope you are feeling better! Marilyn

  3. It took me several weeks to really recover from my colonoscopy. Granted my diabetes as thrown out of wack when I didn't eat but I believe the process is much harder on the body than the doctor's who order the test realize - at least for some of us.

    1. HI Barbara, My colonoscopy went fine and no problems after it. Just one day of being kind of sleepy and groggy and then I was fine, thank goodness. I just had surgery to have my gall bladder removed yesterday, so I suppose I'll have another 2 weeks of being "down" sort of. And no... I wonder what doctors who urge you to get a colonoscopy have ever had one! Probably very few..... Marilyn

  4. To me there is nothing quite as strenuous as yard work! I never could quite understand how some people love it. It’s backbreaking work and not at all my idea of fun. You have certainly given your yard a great head start and I think if you just keep your eye on the prize soon enough you will have a yard just as you’ve envisioned.


    1. Hi Doreen, yes yard work is just so physical and I want to do alot, but gt tired pretty quickly. Have learned to pace myself. Unfortunately, most of the projects right now require hard lifting, or digging, etc. and so hubby has that task.... and he's not much of an outdoor worker! He can only go for a little while, then has to rest. I so wish we could afford to hire a handyman (young and strong!). Oh well.. little by little and maybe it'll get done. Hope you are enjoying your new home! xoxo Marilyn

  5. Hey girlfriend you're supposed to be tired after doing all that work, LOL. Don't you know as we get older we need to take it a little more easy. So easy does it, take care of yourself:)

    1. Hey Connie, yes I know. Yardwork does make one tired pretty quickly! I'm learning to pace myself, but sometimes I just get on a roll and hate to quit. Most projects right now require alot of digging, hauling, etc. and so hubby has to do it. I just crack the whip! :-) I'm just recovering from gall bladder removal yesterday (the 20th) so will be good for nothing for a couple of weeks probably. Good excuse to do some sewing and crafting. Hope things are going well there... sending love and hugs and prayers... Marilyn

  6. My goodness. What a lot of work. I'm exhausted just looking at it all. MY plan these days is work a little, rest more, work a little, rest more. LOL xo Laura

  7. You have the right plan Laura! I just have to pace myself more.... do a little, rest a little. I find that does work very well. I like your philosophy too! alot of the projects that need to get done are harder physical work than I can do.. so hubby gets elected. I just have to crack the whip more with him as he has the "rest" thing down very well!!! Neither of us seem to have much energy these days. Darn it.. my mind has all these plans, but the body doesn't want to comply. xoxoxox Marilyn

  8. Marilyn, your iris are beautiful. There is always so much to do after a hard winter, and I certainly understand the lethargy and all the rest of it. About two years ago, I had the last colonoscopy that I will ever have to have. Guess when you get a "certain age" they figure after having to wait the 5 or 10 years again, you will be too old to bother. It could have been that mine were always good, too!. I am always stiff the next day after a doc appt. I think being tense will do that. Hope you are recovering well from your surgery. I didn't know you had to have that and thanks for your visit..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

    1. HI Judy, Yes this was my first colonoscopy even though I'm almost 72. I always refused to have it done! I finally said I would so they would quit bugging me about it! Mine was OK. I was groggy for a couple of days. Just had my gall bladder surgery last Monday and it's a very slow recovery... painful and sore and sleeping alot.. now really sore throat and still can't eat much. I do love my Irises! They brighten up my day immensely. Any flowers will do that for me. Our two trees we planted out front are growing well and I just love having a couple of trees in our yard. It was so baron when we moved in! Have a great weekend! Marilyn

  9. When I had my first colonoscopy I felt like I had the flu for at least a week afterwards - it was terrible - like you say so lethargic and so tired and NO energy. I have had 2 since and have been just fine. It was a different sedative the first time??? Hope you have your energy back now ♥ I would also love to have that "she shed" you pictured!

    1. Hi Carrie,.... this was my first colonoscopy and probably my last. Don't want to do that again. Then had gall bladder removed last Monday so really tired and lethargic this week and not eating much. I hope all the medical stuff is done with FOREVER now! I do so love that "she shed" I pictured. Our house is that exact same color so wish I could snatch that shed out of the picture and plunk it down in our back yard! Oh our poor back yard.. is so full of weeds. Don't know what we're going to do with it. It's not cooperating with us at all! Have a nice weekend... Marilyn

  10. Marilyn, tried to reply above but no go??? I really think I am going to start replying like you do at the end of your post. Thanks again for your last visit. Kai is managing and think he is going to be OK with the loss of his teeth..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

    1. Hi Judy, I just now read your comment on my blog of May 29th. Glad Kai is doing OK. I'm feeling somewhat better after my surgery and was looking here to see what I last posted, so I can post some updates! We've had some gorgeous weather! Hugs.. Marilyn

  11. Hi Marilyn. Thanks for your last visit to me. I do have those same bouts of lethargy and it will get better. In my case, I think I am just plain lazy sometimes. But not always! I love the smell of the ocean to and do miss it on stormy nights..Happy Wednesday my friend..xxoJudy

    1. Another thank you, Marilyn. I appreciate all your visits. I love blue and white (obviously) and will be adding more, along with holiday touches soon. Happy Summer Day, isn't it lovely!..xxoJudy

    2. Hi again Marilyn. Thanks for your visit and kind words. That dragon fly kept flying away and then coming right back to that garden stake. He wasn't afraid of me at all and I was only about 2 inches away. The morning glories are supposed to be bigger and bright blue. They are growing leaps and bounds. Jerry always loved to get that great big blue one from the nursery, but it doesn't come back each year. I bought a regular plant from the Farmer's Market years ago and put it by the fence. It kept reseeding itself each year and lasted for about 5 or 6 years then it quit coming back too. I have gotten seed packets before and tried to grow them myself, but it always said that I should take a razor blade and score the seed. Do you know how tiny those seeds are? I would cut off my fingers so I always just poured them into the ground but they never grew. This time I soaked them in water for about 24 hours and that did the trick so am anxious for them to make flowers..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

    3. Hi Marilyn: Those iris are really beautiful. Thanks for your visit and the peach cobbler with the sauce sounds yummy. I didn't like the nectarine pie as well as the peach. It was a little more tart and not as creamy..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  12. I hope you feel better soon, Looks like you have lots going on,
    Your iris are so pretty.
    Thank you for all your lovely commenys on my nice of you to take the time!
    Take care of yourself!
