Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Testing Testing... 1...2....3....

Hi everyone.... this is a test to see if you followers get my blog post. My last one (or two) didn't seem to go into subscribers' email inboxes!  So here's a couple of pictures, just for fun.. and will publish this and see who gets it!  If you do receive it in your inbox, could you let me know via a comment?

Sure would appreciate it!

One lone tulip in my backyard flower bed.... plus LOTS of grape hyacinths! That's about "it" for flowers in my yard.... other than.............
..................a yard full of dandelions!  This is the backyard lawn we so diligently worked on last year... we scraped and hoed and dug and dug out weeds, and sprayed weeds, and seeded the lawn (3 times!)... and then we get this. I'm at my wit's end!!

Guess I'll just keep "weeding and feeding" (and digging out weed roots).......... and hope eventually we will have a real lawn. I've always lived in the country and never had to deal with lawns!

Please let me know if you get this post in your email inbox. (And of course, if you don't get it, I'll never know!) 




  1. Oh the yellow tulips and grape hyacinths are gorgeous! The dandelions are delightful too, really they are :) They make a great salad {heehee} It does sound very frustrating dealing with your lawn issues. I would go to a local gardening center and talk to someone there, or perhaps your county extension office. It could have something to do with your soil? I'm just guessing. Perhaps the soil needs to be amended. I've found the county extension office generally to be very knowledgeable about these things, as well as local gardening centers. I remember how hard you both worked last year too! I hope that your issues with blogger not sending out your posts get resolved, that is terribly frustrating! I will let you know if I get this post or not. It usually takes a day to get emailed out. Praying that it can get resolved! Have a blessed and lovely day :)

    1. Marilyn..... good idea contacting the extension office. The dandys ARE pretty, but no one around here likes them and everyone wants them gone from their yards! so I try to comply with the neighbors. In the country, I always just left them and mowed them.... and then they would pop up again, and then I would mow again! Eventually they went away as it got hotter. I know our soil in our back yard is just really bad and thin.. but the weeds sure like it.. the grass doesn't as not enough nutrients in it I guess. xoxo Marilyn J

  2. I'm visiting from Marilyn's! LOVE the flowers in your flower bed! But it really is SO hard to get rid of weeds! Enjoy your week! I'm enjoying your blog! Hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane. I just love Marilyn's (Mountain Top Spice) blog too! She is such a sweet person and hope to meet her some day. We don't live that far apart, well maybe 500 miles! Thank you for visiting! Marilyn

  3. Hi Marilyn I got your post in my email so all is good on my end. Isn't it funny how dandelions will grow without any issues or pampering and flowers will not grow that easy! Your one tulip looks pretty.
    Hugs and Happy Wednesday.

    1. Kris... yes I know what you mean. The weeds are so easy to grow!! hee hee........ the dandys are pretty, but just don't like so many of them! I've been a tulip lover as they are so shortlived.. but when they are in full bloom, they sure are pretty! Have a great week! Marilyn

  4. I'm a new subscriber. Hopped over from Marilyn's (MTS). I'm following you on Pinterest too. From your tagline, it looks like we have some things in common. I blog @ Stuff & Nonsense about books (professional reviewer), crafts, faith and home (plants etc).

    The Tulips are beautiful! Is that liriope along the fence? We fight weeds in our yard too. My husband says if we extinguish them all we might not have any 'yard'. :-)

    1. Hello Anne... thank you for visiting and subscribing! I just love Marilyn's blog (MTS). She has so much energy and her garden area is so wonderful. I used to have huge gardens and many many shrubs and flowers when I lived in the country. Living in town now, we have a very small yard and I don't have the energy I used to have to tend to flowers, etc. I do usually plant some containers of veggies and flowers. Our very HOT summers make it hard to keep them nice... as you have to water at least twice a day sometimes. Your blog is so nice and loved seeing your yard photos and what has survived the winter there. I used to live west of the Cascade Mountains here in Oregon, and it was very wet there but I loved everything I could grow. Now, living in central Oregon, it is very very dry and hot and not much rain, so harder to grow shrubs. They are freeze out in the winter! I keep plodding on, experimenting with different things. Take care! Marilyn

  5. Hi Marilyn, yes I did get this one in my inbox. Still never got the last one. Your tulips are so pretty. I didn't have any this year, I think the squirrels were busy. Thanks for your visit. That is why I love blue and white, I always add red from end of May to 4th and then the golds and rusts in the autumn..I love it and never get tired of it..Happy Spring..xxoJudy

    1. Judy..... glad you got this post. Don't know what happened with the last one. Anyway.. I'll just move on. Can never figure out why blogger has the glitches it does and I don't have time to mess with it! Have a great week! Marilyn

    2. Me again, Marilyn. Just wanted to thank you for your visit. You and everyone else are coming to me, again, as a no reply blogger. Who cares? It is just as easy to answer this way..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

    3. Thanks for the last visit, Marilyn. My lilacs are through blooming and I am still having allergies, so glad to see that it wasn't strictly them that were causing the problems. They are my most favorite flower. We are having a little rain today so seems to be quieting down a bit. Hopefully will be gone soon, but it will not stop me from enjoying the summer garden! We set the gazebo on a large round of cement and I painted it to look like bricks. It was pretty for a few years but eventually the paint wore off so we covered it with gravel. That is why weeds don't grow under the actual gazebo, but it is just layed over the dirt on the path surrounding the gazebo and we never get any weeds there, maybe because it is so shady most of the day?? Glad though, as there are certainly enough weeds to deal with in the front garden..Happy Wednesday my friend..xxoJudy

  6. Tulips and dandelions seems very thick here also. I have quit digging them up LOL
    I enjoyed my 5 red tulips for over a week this year

    1. Hi there "Curtains in My Tree"... what a wonderful blog name! Thank you for stopping by. I visited your blog and saw all of the wonderful things you have in your home.... I couldn't stop gawking! I love antiques and old things, but my home is so cluttered now I can't even let myself go to the antique malls anymore. My mom was quite the collector, and also my aunt, so I have the happy owner of alot of their collections, but now have no room for any new ones of my own! We're having some nice weather so I've been out in my yard a little bit, just puttering for now. Have a good week! Marilyn

  7. Hi Marilyn. I received this post via email. Your previous posts came through just fine too. The brilliant yellow and blue flowers in your yard are so beautiful. Their contrasting colors are stunning. I DO relate to your dandelion challenges! We use a combination of spot-spraying dandelions along with digging a lot, especially in the spring. If I attack them hard in the spring, I find it's pretty easy to stay on top of them the rest of the summer. Getting the grass healthy and thick seems to do the best job of keeping weeds down, but we do struggle to keep the grass lush all summer long. Anyway, I really like the pictures you picked for doing a test of your blog post. Thanks for sharing them! Our trees in Minnesota are just starting to unfold little green leaves. Each day there is more color than the day before. I love this season!

    1. Hi Jean, yes it's a continual fight with the dandys.... I got some spot spray and we ARE going to dig alot of them, but they are so so thick that I would have to practically dig up the entire yard! I'll keep re-seeding, digging, raking, spraying, fertilizing, etc. and maybe some day it will be a decent lawn. I know a person DOES have to stay on top of it in the spring especially to get those weeds. Our trees here in town are also leafing out and there are even a few with pink blossoms on them. So pretty! Our yard trees also have leaves now and all survived. We planted 3 last year and they all look good. The little crabapple may even have some blooms on it before long! We're finally having some nice sunny days and sure love it! hugs.. Marilyn

  8. I am all for saving the bees so I am actually letting all the dandelions spread in my yard. They really are pretty if you don't think of them as weeds. I had to laugh when we visited a garden store recently and they were selling seed packets for dandelions! Many people are trying to remove grass and plant alternative ground covers such as clover instead. It really is better for the environment and the bonus is that you don't have to mow it!

    Thanks so much for visiting my new blog, Marylin! I let out a little squeal of happiness when I read it. I had no idea we had so much in common. I miss being able to reply to comments but Wix is always updating and making things better so that feature may come soon.

    Hugs, Laurraine

  9. Hi Laurraine.... thank you for stopping by! I can see letting the dandys spread in your yard when you have bees. I'll have to read up more on the mason bees. I'm retired, and you'd think I'd have all this time, but I don't seem to. I want to sew more, but I get caught up in my paper crafting, plus having a blog, Etsy shop and selling to a little shop in town, I don't seem to find time to sew much anymore, but I so love your patterns and projects! Hope you are having some sunshine there... we are and I love it! Marilyn

  10. Marilyn, I used to get your post notices via Bloglovin' as that's how I subscribed to most of my friends' blogs. But then Bloglovin' started flooding my inbox with ads and I got sick of it so I unsubscribed. I now put in an email subscription to your blog and got a confirmation, so hopefully I'm good to go. Yards are such a pain the the backside. I'd like to do more xeriscape landscaping here so we don't have to fuss with a lawn. I was moving in that direction in Oregon. Our last summer there was horrid. I can't say that it was any less hot and dry than Texas. I recall watering twice a day just to keep our flowers alive June - August. I would like to plant more trees in our new backyard and say "who cares?" if there's no grass back there. Shade is more important to me. Anyhoo, hope whatever you decide to do it makes you happy and that you have less to worry about. "Simplify" is our motto! Hugs, Nancy P.S. I don't get email alerts when you post on my blog, so unless I happen to see your comment in "comment moderation I miss it. Thanks for stopping by this week!

    1. Hi Nancy! Just noticed you commented. I also don't get anyone's comments in my email inbox anymore.. so have to go look to see who has commented so I can reply! I hope you WILL get my posts in your inbox now. I too subscribed to some blogs via Bloglovin'.. but never go there anymore and browse, as half of the posts are from blogs I never subscribed to to follow in Bloglovin'. So like you, I quit going there to look. Only a couple of blogs I liked are only in Bloglovin' so I guess I'm missing out on those. I'm with you on SIMPLIFY the yard. Not sure yet what we're going to do with that backyard! If I didn't have neighbors to worry about (and who don't like our weeds!) I would just say to heck with it and let the weeds grow and just mow them down and that'd be it. But the neighbors don't like the dandelion puffs that float into their yards or the other weeds we have that flourish everywhere, so I try to be a good neighbor! We may just put raised gravel beds, gravel paths, etc. with one small tiny area of lawn that seems to grow OK and not get so many weeds. Don't ask me why but I'm going to just go with the flow and try to go with nature. I would like a tree or two also, but there is a layer of hardpan about 3 inches down, so would have to use a cement drill (Jackhammer) to get down below that hardpan! We did get one tree planted and it seems to have survived the winter so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I may send this reply via email also as don't know if you'll get it via this blog reply! Take care.. and hope your house deal goes through! Hugs.. Marilyn
