Tuesday, May 1, 2018

On a roll #5!

HAPPY MAY DAY everyone! 

I thought I'd better post my last "on a roll" project! Plus, I actually sewed one more wonderful, pretty project (pillow cases) a few days ago, but FORGOT to photograph them... and I gave them away as a gift. Darn it! I can' believe I forgot to take pictures!

Here are two other UFO's that I actually finished........ first is a "strata star" table centerpiece mat.

I took a class with my sister a few years ago to make this. I don't know why I picked these colors! It doesn't match anything I own..... but..... I had all these fabrics in my stash so I know I just pulled out some to use for the class, figuring I could always make a better one if I liked it. Well I DO like it,,,,, but it was alot of work, so another one will probably be non-existent.

I had fun "colorizing" this photo.

Look at these glasses! I LOVE them.... they belonged to my grandmother... and the crystal pitcher belonged to my aunt.

This looks complicated to make, but it actually wasn't that hard, just time consuming.
The next finished project was this table runner I started at least 7 years ago! It was almost all done except for putting the backing and binding on and quilting it. I love the colors in this one, but decided to finish it and give it to my "baby" sister (age 61) for her recent birthday. It matches her log cabin so well.

The quilting was done in straight rows, plus I did some "stipling" in the little rectangle areas.
 Here's a picture of my sister's "log cabin". 

I did the binding the same as on the recent jelly roll placemats I made. Those corners were a little tricky! But all done with machine zig zag stitch. 

Dressed up all pretty with my mom's hobnail vase. I remember this sitting on her dining table from when I was a little girl. The sweet creamer and teapot, my mom brought me from England when she visited there years ago.

I'm trying to keep this post short, so will end it for here. 14 photos..... that's not so bad! 

March and April have been super busy for me. I've had two three sets of company, plus I made a birthday dinner for my baby sister in mid-April... so lots of house cleaning, rearranging, cleaning up the clutter.... and cooking! I don't love to cook so much anymore, as I worked full time for over 40 years, raised two kids and did tons of cooking for family over the years.... so now..... I'm pretty much done with cooking, except on a special occasion here and there. 

I DO love to bake though.... desserts! But......... am trying during the month of May, to quit eating sugar and desserts entirely. I've gotten into the habit of eating too much sugar and carby things... so trying to lose a few lbs. by my birthday in late June! I'm not setting a "goal" or number, just would like to lose anything! We'll see how well I do.

That's it for now dear friends. I still have NO PICTURES to post of our yard or flowers. It has been a very cold and cloudy and unpredictable Spring so far.



  1. Those glasses look like they belong in your sisters Cabin, which reminds me so much of our old one!

    I always marvel at your skills Marilyn. Such attention to detail, which is very impressive!

    Hope your weather gets warm enough for you to do some planting soon.


    1. Doreen.... yes.. those glasses would fit great in her cabin! And when I thought of posting a picture of it, I thought of you! Theirs is pretty small.. about 1400 sq feet which includes the loft which is the "master" bedroom.. and only one other bedroom downstairs. It's fun to go to now and then and spend the night.. and so nice being in all the trees. And yes.. the weather is warming up and I've been planting things! Hugs.. Marilyn

  2. Always love seeing your creative soul at work. I have to agree with Doreen I marvel at your talents too.
    It is all beautiful. Have a great rest of the week.

    1. Thank you Kris. We've had lots of thunder this week and lots of rain.. but good for the things I've planted and good for the lawns. xoxoxo Marilyn

  3. Your creations are beautiful, my friend. I love the Strata Star and was going to make one several years ago after a friend gave me the pattern, but....I never did. Yours is stunning!

    You are incredibly talented and I always enjoy seeing what you make. Hugs!

    1. Thank you Stephanie. That Strata Star sure is pretty but doubt if I'll ever make another one! I'm into "simple" these days! xoxoxo Marilyn

  4. Well done! You do such lovely work! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Marilyn, your handiwork is so beautiful. It all looks complicated to me and I bet your sister loved the runner in her beautiful log home. Thanks for your visit to me. We are having some pretty breezy days now so the wisteria is really living up to the Purple Rain title..Happy Weekend..Judy

    1. Judy, we've had lots of rain and thunder too. But in between, there is always a sun break or two which I love. We need the rain and is good for the plants and trees I just planted last week. I'm planting earlier this year and hope we don't get a late freeze. Hugs.. Marilyn

  6. So beautiful! You are very very talented!

    1. Thank you Ellen! I visited your blog and it looks very interesting... I plan to go visit it again very soon! I need advice on EVERYTHING!!! Marilyn

  7. You are so creative and have many craft mediums you do. Mine are mostly fabrics. You work is very nice and and you skill set is too. Hope you weather warms up!

    1. Cathy.... thank you so much. I love all sorts of mediums for crafting.. it was ALWAYS just fabric.. since I was 6 years old! Then came yarn, drawing, painting, but mostly fabric, until my downfall in about 2010 when I decided to buy some scrapbook paper and do "a little scrapbooking". Now my passion seems to be the beautiful papers and designs, old wallpaper, etc.... but I always will LOVE fabric and keep alot of it around me! I do love old linens too! .... and... our weather has warmed up quite abit, so I've been planting in "my spare time". ha ha...... Marilyn

  8. Oh I just love these gorgeous pieces! You're really making me want to quilt. What a stunning design is the star centerpiece and I'm a huge fan of the table runner. Awesome inspiration! Big hugs, Autumn

    1. Thank you Autumn! I do love that star table topper, but if I ever made another, it would be softer colors, more cottage colors like my favorites, pink and green! I do love the table runner and the birds on the back. I still have a king sized quilt that I started 10 years ago and still not done! I need to inspire myself somehow to finish it! Hugs.. Marilyn
