Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Slowing down....... but still on a roll.......

Just stopping in for a quick wordy as usual post! It has been a very busy week, but I've managed to make a few of my "fabric boxes" that I saw on YouTube. They are so fun and so neat!

I'll jump right in and show you the first one I made.

Isn't it cute? The funnest thing is that these are all made with quilted or fabric (heavy) placemats! Yes... placemats! So easy, so quick. I'm addicted, but can't find any more of the kind of placemats I want to use at the thrift stores around here. I've scoured every one. This is a great quick, easy and thrifty project. 

No putting on binding, no quilting, no sewing on the ruffle!  I bought this sweet little placemat (above) at Wal-Mart. It's a Pioneer Woman placemat. It came all lined and with the cute ruffle at each end.

The polka dot "lining" is inside... I did make a little tuck in each corner so that it would be a little sturdier. This mat was fairly light weight but did have some sort of stabilizer inside, so it stands up fairly well.
The video I watched is by Lorrie Nunemaker and can be found here.  She used the cutest Pioneer Woman placemat with pom poms on it. They are SO SO EASY. I mean, it takes about 5 minutes to make one, if you don't get all fussy like I do. I always have to tweak it somehow or add something, like this one:

I added some lace to the top and gathered the edge, as the fabric was not very stable. It was very floppy. And, this was not a placemat, but was a square table mat, about 22" square, and really was too big and too floppy. I was trying to tweak it enough to stand up on its own, but needed to add some pelon or stabilizer inside.  I sure love the fabric though!

It stood up OK after I filled it with some towels. Now if I had a nice big bathroom with alot of counter space, this would really look cute. But I don't... no counter space whatsoever, so not sure what I'm going to use this for. I was experimenting and added some cardboard inside so it would stand up better. If I were to keep it, I would probably make some sort of liner for it, covering it with a pretty fabric to match.

Cardboard added inside... not really a "finished" look at all..... just experimenting.
These next two were two placemats I got for 25 cents each at the thrift store. I wasn't sure they'd work, as again, they were very floppy and not lined.. but thought I'd give it a try. I couldn't stop making them! 

You can change how tall they are by turning the edge down further.

Perfect for cans of tea or little towels.

The fringed edge was at each end, so that when you sew it up the sides, the fringe becomes the trim on the folded over edge. Pretty nifty!  You do have to kind of shape them so they'll sit straight and not kind of fall in on themselves.... but..... I think next time I may put some sort of a stabilizer on the back, even though it'll take a few more minutes.

And of course, I COULD make my own placemat and then make the "box".. but that kind of loses the point of this being a quick and easy project.  It's so great for little gifts.

I have one more to make.. I found this at another thrift store in the next town over.. you'd think they'd have tons of placemats! but they didn't. It's very floppy so will definitely add some stabilizer to it with another pretty fabric on the back.. although I DO love the stripes on the back.. as they will be the turned down part.

Look at this cute towel a friend gave me. Has nothing to do with fabric boxes, but I used it inside one of them, and it reminded me how much I love it.. with that darling crocheted edge.  Hubby loves biscuits and gravy!

I'm still trying to finish up my second set of placemats! I'm so bad at finishing things if I lose interest or move on to something else... and right now... it's looking for more placemats to use! But then... what will I do with all these fabric "boxes"??? I have absolutely no counter space or dresser tops or table stops left in my house. I'll figure out something............

Have a Blessed Day..........



  1. Don’t you just love ingenious shortcuts like this? I sure do miss doing my YouTube projects Marilyn, but I’m living vicariously through you these days :).

    Love 5e polka dot one, and I bet that Pom Pom one is adorable too. So many possibilities!

    Have a great weekend!


    1. Doreen.. You can live vicariously through me with the crafting, and I can live vicariously through you with the traveling and sitting by the water!! (and building a new home)........ I'm still on the search for more quilted placemats so I can make some more baskets! xoxoxo Marilyn

  2. Always very cute creative pretties. These are not exception. Great job.
    Happy Thursday.

  3. Oh what a fun project!! Make me wish I hadn't given away my sewing machine. I hope to get to see these when we return to the area. Love those polka dot ones. Good job!!!

    1. Thank you Char. These are so quick and easy.. I already found a use for the big pink and green one..... I had company yesterday and needed a place to stash on the odds and ends on my living room craft table! So they all went into that pretty "basket"! Keeps my craft table looking much more neat and tidy! Marilyn

  4. Marilyn, what cute boxes. Where do you get your marvelous ideas. Thanks for your Perfect visit from your Pink Paper Cottage..Happy Weekend..Judy

    1. Judy, I usually get my ideas from YouTube! There is about ANYTHING there on this earth that you would/could make! And when I'm browsing for one certain thing, I always find other fun things to make (like these placemat boxes). If I have an idea of my own that I think is "mine", I almost always find that someone else has made it (on YouTube). Darn it. Just can't be "original" these days! Marilyn

  5. Well aren't you having fun, Marilyn! I love the fabric boxes and thank you for including the tutorial too ♥ Guess I will have to be on the search for some fun placemats!

    1. Yes Carrie. It's always fun to have something special in mind when going to the antique and thrift stores! Marilyn

  6. Sweet friend, what a fun and darling idea! I love it! And of course I love the addition of lace {{smiles}}

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful creativity with us. Hugs!

    1. And yes Stephanie.. I just can't resist adding lace to most things! Marilyn

  7. Oh Marilyn! These are the cutest easy project!!! I have some placemats that would be perfect for these baskets! Only pro elm is that I, like you, have no counter space, but they would make cute gifts!!! I will have to watch the video 💕💕 hugs to you sweet friend!!!

    1. Yes Marilyn... go watch that video. These are so easy and fun to make! I'm thinking of making my own placemats just so I can make the boxes to my own liking as far as color..... this same lady as a video recently on how to make your own placemat to use for these boxes.. you don't have to put binding on all sides, just the two that are around the top edge of the box. And I'm going to make a few small boxes/baskets also. Such fun! Marilyn

  8. Thanks, again, for your visit, Marilyn. I hesitate to say that Spring is back, but maybe for only an hour or two. Who knows, I guess we best enjoy what we have when we have it..Happy Thursday.xxoJudy

    1. Thanks again for the visit. I just put out my Tuesday post and did manage a couple of more photos of the birds although a bit blurry. Pretty sure they are wrens but they make a strange little noise like a gritty sound in their throat. I haven't heard them sing but on YouTube they have a beautiful little songbird voice and nothing was said about the gritty sound. Maybe they are just mad when they see us out in the garden! Still looking for more info on them..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  9. Hi Marilyn! I haven't been out doing much visiting lately. Between gardening, cleaning, and camping let alone my trip to Oregon . . . well I feel like I'm burning my candle at both ends. Today I hung a hammock chair that I ordered on Amazon and I plan on slowing down and relaxing outside in the shade. In my mind I see many hours with an ice tea and a good book, but we'll see, LOL. Love your boxes, it's so much fun getting our hands busy in a fun project. I like that bright check fabric, so cheerful :)
    Have a lovely week.
    Connie :)

    1. Oh Connie, that hammock sounds wonderful! That's what I need... truly truly. I've had a month of company (3 sets), cleaning, crafting, travel (a little bit) and some health issues, but I think most are solved now! If I drive by your house (wish wish) I'd better darned well see you in that hammock with your cup of iced tea and a good book! Hugs.. Marilyn

  10. That looks the perfect packaging for a shower gift or housewarming gift! I could see a pink or blue one filled with diapers for that expectant mama or homemade jams for a new neighbor. The possibilities are endless! Thanks for the inspiring post.

    1. Love your idea Jen of using these fabric boxes to wrap up gifts. They are easy, simple and fun. I may make a few "placemats" in advance so they are ready to sew up in a snap.. to use for gifting. I did see some more Pioneer Woman placemats at Walmart the other day, with different patterns. They are so darling! I'm keeping my eyes open too, at the thrift stores, for single placemats. Thank you for stopping by! Marilyn
