Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday Serenity - August 20, 2016

I'm in my element this summer with my gardens and flowers!

Have a simply serene Saturday.......  and thank you all for your lovely comments... I just love all of you!

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  1. Such lovely photos Marilyn! They truly depict serenity and the joys of a beautiful garden.

    Enjoy your weekend in the beautiful spaces you have created.


    1. Thank you so much Doreen...... I did have a nice weekend...though was awfully hot still. Now today, which is Tuesday, Aug. 23rd, it is MUCH cooler and I'm thoroughly enjoying it!

  2. You have bright and beautiful flowers in your garden. You are truly a dedicated gardener. Love you spirit despite of leg injury. I hope your leg is much better now.

    1. Thank you RCNY! I truly am enjoying my gardens this year. Where I've lived the last 3 years, either the frost got my flowers (yes during the summer!) or the deer ate them down to the roots. This is the first year for about 5 years where I could enjoy the fruits of my labors in my garden, although it's small.. but love all the bright vivid colors!

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous and that little yellow bench is adorable! Looks like a wonderful place to sit and enjoy nature!

    1. So far I haven't found a good place for the little yellow bench.. is too hot anywhere outside and we have no shade trees! It WILL find a home though.. somewhere soon.. maybe by our future pond??? :-)
