Monday, August 15, 2016

Idle body....... busy hands.......

Since I've spent the last two weeks pretty much SITTING with my leg up.....(because of my fall two weeks ago), I decided it's a good time to play with all of my crafting goodies that have been gathering dust on my shelves this summer! Maybe try a few new things and projects........ maybe make a few things for my Etsy shop.....maybe bake something new (well. that was kind of hard to do but I made one attempt with limited success - more later on that).  

I've been glued to YouTube much of the time, getting ideas for new cards and projects. Would you believe I have 826 videos "liked" that I want to make???? Don't think I'll get those done in a lifetime, do you? It's just too addictive watching YouTube crafting videos.... that's all I can say.
I got this pretty Bo Bunny 6x6 paper pad on sale at our local Bi-Mart, so decided to make some quick little cards.  Hum.m.m.m.m and you think I bought it because it matches my flowers?

I found a video for some "quick" cards showcasing some Stampin' Up designer papers, although my cards didn't turn out so quick. I just can't seem to "do" quick.  Here's the link to the video by Jackie Bolhuis.  I loved how she took just 4 pieces of paper measuring 4 x 5-1/4", cut them up, and turned them into four pretty cards (you also needed the card bases) - I used white ones.

Here are my 4 cards:

Here is one of Jackie's cards (below). This card does not match her video, as I couldn't find a picture of those cards are her blog.. but this one below is very similar to her video as far as design.

Her video cards had doilies on them, but of course, I had to MAKE my own doilies! (used my Cricut cutting machine which I haven't used for months)... and also cut out the words, rather than stamping them (which is so much easier and quicker)! I did stamp one card and just used scalloped circles which can qualify it as a "quick" card.. the rest.... not so quick.

Here's the quick one.
The following ones I made my doily using the Cindy Loo Cricuit cartridge with the little bird on it, and I made the Thanks and Thank You with that same cartridge.

I put clear Stickles on the blue word that I cut out with the Cricut.
Matchy matchy flowers!

I used some silver paper for the words - so pretty! Gots to have some glam, right?

Aren't these cards just yummy and summery??  Love them!  Speaking of yummy, I just discovered a neat website called "Yummly". It's really neat with thousands of recipes. More about it in one of my next posts!

In the next day or two, I'll show you some of my other projects - I'm having a grand time, and having an "excuse" to craft, rather than go outside and work in the yard........ is kind of fun! (although I have still managed to get outside, crutches and all, to water and do a little weeding). Bad girl.........

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  1. Your cards are beautiful! Hope your leg heals soon. Dorothy M.

    1. Thank you Dorothy M.! I love them too and love the bright colors. Knee is getting better every day! Marilyn

  2. Yes! Those cards are most certainly yummy and summery :). Such beautiful colors and I don't blame you one bit for picking up what you did...matching your flowers is as good a reason as any in my book.

    I hope your leg is on the mend, and you'll be back to shaken' and bakin' real soon.


    1. Knee is a little better each day! Yes will be cookin' pretty soon.. the one thing I did while under the weather was not so good!

  3. I hope now your leg is doing fine. You have made beautiful and super lovely cards. Lovely card making ideas.

    1. I do love those cards too... thank Jackie Bolhuis for them. Hope you wen and took a look at her video.. I guess it was done 2 years ago! but she is currently still making videos of gorgeous projects. I love to quilt, so the idea of cutting up paper and putting it back together was fun for me!

  4. Marilyn, hope your leg is doing better. It's terrible to have too much time on your hands, a person could get into trouble! I do the same thing with Pinterest. That has gotten me into trouble a few times..Your cards are so lovely. What a treat for someone to receive. Thanks for your kind words to me and take care..Judy

    1. Thank you for your nice comment. My knee is getting better and I can walk around the house now without my crutches which is so nice. It gives me a little more ability to move and more freedom... now I have NO excuse to be lazy! Darn it. (or to watch so many YouTube videos). I agree... Pinterest is also a bad habit to get into and I can spend hours browsing.. but I try to only go there when I'm looking for something specific.

      I sure do enjoy your blog posts and love your porch..... how nice to sit out there on cool(?) evenings.. it sure isn't cool here!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Patti! I love YOUR cards too! Love your videos.. .thank you so much for visiting!
