Wednesday, June 6, 2012


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Today, I should be working on cards I am giving away for my June 15th drawing for anyone who signed up for my Newsletter!  but instead..........I'm playing with my photos on my computer!  Good thing is.... I do have 3 of those cards done and will post them in a couple of days.  I just love all of my photos of my flowers that I have taken over the last few years and never tire of looking at them.. One of these days I'm going to do a scrapbook of just my flowers!  I think I'll use Close to My Heart Studio J to do my digital scrapbook.

I went outside a couple of weeks ago and took some awesome pictures of my rhododendrons that were in full bloom.  We live at a high elevation (about 1300 feet) so things bloom late around here.  We have some yellow ones that you just don't see too often around here.  Am posting a few pictures here, just to share them with you.  I've been playing around on Pinterest too, and boy is that addictive!  Have pinned some of my favorite flower pictures and a few of rivers and trees that I took.  I just love photography and wish I had a better camera.  One of these days............. that's the next thing on my list, well under a few other things........Cricut Expressions, My Story Book Binding machine, better sewing machine.......

For today, let's enjoy the beauty of nature!

My beautiful yellow rhododendron.

My "garden window" that I painted from old frame - the shrub in the foreground is from LaPine, Oregon.

Who can not also love these palest pink rhododendrons!

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