Saturday, June 9, 2012


What a find!

I was making some cards for my giveaway on June 15th, and looking for some little pieces of lace for embellishments, and what did I find but all of my old lace from 30 years ago!  What a find!  A girlfriend and I were so into making quilted pillows with lace on them, and at that time (in the late 70's and 80's) there were The Lace Ladies, in the Portland/Vancouver area.  They would go around to places like bazaars, school events, etc. and set up their lace tables - full of all kinds of lace!  We loved it all, and of course bought it all too!  We were drowning in lace!  I've used alot over the years, but still have alot left and I've finally found a use for some of them.  Here are a few that I thought would be good to embellish cards and SB pages.  Can you tell I like pink and green even back then?
All the lovely laces.

I love the look of crocheted lace.

See how I can add it to a strip on a card - lovely!

I can add the little flowered lace on top of a strip.

 I'm going to add some lace trim to a couple of my give-away cards that I'm making and I'll post those when done.

I think I'll use the pretty crocheted lace for some Lucy papers and make a few cards.  I love pink and green and the look of old vintage things so this will work nicely on the gorgeous pinks of the Lucy papers. :-)  (I love Lucy).

So gals... go look for that stash of old lace.  Now I have something new to look for at garage sales!

1 comment:

  1. oooh! such pretties. I love having an eclectic mix of embellishments like that.
