Sunday, September 15, 2024

Some of my favorite things.

I'm sitting here this Saturday, Sept. 14th, going through my photos on my computer (doing a little bit of cleanup!). I found a folder of "My Favorite Things" that I've put together through the years.

So I took a trip down memory lane! I still have most of these items that I moved with me here to Astoria. Oh such nostalgia!

Quilted pillows - I made these back in the late 1970's! Unfortunately, I've only saved one, which is in my hope chest - the purple and cream "cathedral window" design below.

Radiant Star design - don't have this one anymore, but have made MANY other items with this design which I absolutely love!

Another "cathedral window" - all done by hand.

Small wall hanging I made around 2002 - still have this one. I used many very old fabrics in this one, some that wre my aunt's, who is now deceased.. so I really cherish this!

My "what not" shelf. My mom had one and that's what she called hers! I found this raw wood shelf back in the 80's, painted it white, and it now houses my miniatures and tiny things that I love.

"Wade" figurines that were my mom's. Still have!

And many others...... some I still have, others I've given to either one of my sisters or my son.

Red Wing pottery collection and the blue "collectors" Corvette given to me by my son on my 40th birthday. Also, there are some of my mom's antique dog collection that she started in the 1940's. The plate with the church on it, was a commemorative plate from the St. Luke's Church in Portland, Oregon, back in the 50's. We lived across the street from that church! Still have all!

Victorian Style cookie jar.... was my mom's and my kids always went to it first when we went to "grandma's house"... as she always had fresh baked cookies in it.

My china teacups and shelf - was my mom's and I have this in my bedroom now. All teacups were given to me through the years by either my grandmother or my mom's cousins (sisters who lived together and never married). 


My little white "wood stove" (electric) that I bought a few years ago.... love this for the cold winter nights.

Ceramic Christmas houses - I've been painting a large set of these  since the 1960's!!

Vintage porcelain dish with lid - was my mom's and still have it.

Vintage china plate - I have  many! They were all my mom's that she collected over the years.

Leather coin purse that was my dad's. I've given it to my son.

Hanging sewn decoration that a friend gave me back in the 1970's. 

Love this darling wall hanging with twigs and the pink birds. I bought this at a shop in La Pine, Oregon when I lived there, back in 2012. Just love the pink birds! Still have it.

Vintage china and porcelain lamp that was my grandmother's. Unfortunately, I had given it to my siter when I moved, and it burned up in their house fire on June 29th of this year. Very sad.

Picture of my mom when she was in her mid-twenties. I love the old frame, which has been with this photo since it was probably put into the frame!

One of my mom's hankies. She collected many. I still have them.

Book written by a friend of mine, Marilyn Gossett. She is very crafty and published a series of these types of books in the 1990's. I have several. Love them all!

t's a gray, rainy day here, and I'm feeling nostalgic and that's why I was looking through my old photos.

Have a nice Saturday everyone!




  1. All your pillows are pretty and you have a lot of past treasures with special memories attached. That is so wonderful. Have a great new week ahead. Hugs. Kris

    1. Kris thank you! Lots of "old" treasures, that's for sure! I managed to bring most of them with me when I moved. That shows how much they mean to me! I downsized a ton before I moved! Marilyn

  2. My favorite is the photograph of your mother. What a wonderful thing to have and treasure. I was very impressed with your cathedral window pillows. I have a quilt that my mama made all by hand that is a cathedral window pattern. She used bright calico colors and put them all together with the background of off-white muslin. I've never had the courage to attempt making anything in that pattern, so bravo great job!
    I am surprised with all you've kept since you are downsizing

    1. Connie..... hope you are having a good Sunday! Yes.. that Cathedral Window was challenging, and I did those by hand.. no machine. In today's age, you can make them using all sewing machine, but I loved doing it by hand. My friend at that time, when we were quilting together, attempted a king quilt! I don't know if she ever got it done! We parted ways a few years later, and at that time, it wasn't done. I've since learned to make the Cathedral Window using the machine, and I made one more thing I think, but don't know what happened to it.. it might have just been a sample. I bet your mama's calico quilt was gorgeous! I keep thinking I want to attempt it again, and I love the Radiant Star pattern. I have (somewhere I think) a bag of Radiant Star blocks that I made, just for fun. Was thinking one day I'd make potholders or a small wall hanging. I used to take them to work on (all by hand) on trips I took! My sewing, sadly, has taken back seat to my papercrafting! Hugs.... Marilyn

  3. Wow, I hit the publish button before I was through talking hee-hee. Well anyway; here's wishing you a wonderful week and I just want to say great post.

  4. Beautiful Beautiful treasures! I'm so happy you're near your son and family and have finished your move!
