Monday, June 24, 2024

A Slice of Heaven

I've found a slice of Heaven here in the little community of Svensen, Oregon, where I've moved to! I'm 8 miles East of Astoria.

Path to a sweet little picnic area on the John Day River.

HUGE trees everywhere!

BEWARE.... Photo heavy post!

I thought I'd post some of my photos I've taken in the last couple of months, as I've wandered about exploring. I make sure and always take my regular camera, besides my phone. My camera takes much better distance photos. 

This area reminds me of where I lived northeast of Washougal, WA which I absolutely loved. I feel like I'm "home" again.

Sunset by Chinook, WA just north of where I live. I take advantage of every sunny day that I can, and get out there to take pictures!

Little cabin by the John Day River. I wish I could rent it! There is a HUGE rhododendron bush in front of it by the road.

John Day River as it meanders here and there.

Meadow by the John Day River, with the sun making a quick appearance.

I'm smitten with the John Day River! Can you tell?

Very historic Fort Clatsop.. where Lewis & Clark expedition stopped and built their living quarters, and then trekked on to the ocean.

Lots of places to hike in this forest!

There are so many wonderful places to explore. In my area, east of Astoria, there are mountains, trails, logging roads, rivers, creeks, camp areas, woods, vistas (on top of Mt. Wickiup by where I live, but haven't gone up there yet), Columbia River views, and little communities along the Columbia.

That is just MY area of Svensen. If I go into Astoria and head south, there are more mountains and waterfalls and Elk, oh so many Elk!. If I head west and then south, I am at the ocean, and can drive down to the touristy town of Seaside, Oregon.

If I drive North, and cross the Astoria Megler Bridge into Washington, there is another enormous area to explore! I have driven up there to the little towns of Chinook, Ilwaco and Seaview. My first photo (above) is a sunset by Chinook.

Elk Reserve south of Astoria.

Did I say I LOVE IT here!

Astoria Megler Bridge in the background... this is the Columbia River in Astoria. The Megler Bridge is 4 miles long and travels North into Washington State.

Looking across the Columbia River to the mountains in Washington (another whole big new fun area to explore!

And of course, there's the ocean!

My and my son, his fiance and her son on Mother's Day. What a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day!

More to come! More to explore! 




  1. Gorgeous area to live Marilyn. I am so happy you are finding happiness closer to your son and in such a beautiful place. Have a beautiful week. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thank you Kris! Yes I'm always in awe as I drive the road to town!

  2. Lovely scenery, Marilyn. I’m so happy to see your beautiful smiling face, and to know that you are happy and enjoying this new chapter in your life. It truly warms my heart, dear friend! Hugs

  3. What a lovely post! I loved every single photo especially the ones with you in it, because you look so happy. It looks like this move was exactly what you needed. I am so happy for you. I can see why you like the river and I love the fact that it has walking paths along the side. If I live near you that would be a perfect place to take Beulah for a walk.
    God bless you dear friend and thank you for sharing your adventures with us.

  4. Hi Marilyn. I thought I answered this post but maybe it was one that I couldn't comment on. I seem to be getting back on board now (how? I don't know because I didn't change anything.) Your photos are gorgeous, I always loved nature in Oregon..xxoJudy

  5. I think of Lewis and Clark when I see your pictures! And it looks like lots of relaxing trails to get away to. So glad you are exploring your new location.

  6. A big move for you, Marilyn. I know you were on some land before? Looks like a wonderful new adventure. Thank you for all of your kind comments on my blog. I need to do some catching up as well!
