Saturday, April 20, 2024

Still doing what I love....

When all of my work started last summer to prepare my house for sale, and during all of the yardwork, packing, planning, looking for a new home, travelling back and forth to and from Astoria (and other towns around Oregon), and the actual move here, I still managed to find the time to do what I love...... and that is to papercraft!

At one point after I had listed my house in August, I put almost ALL of my crafting tools, papers and everything else in between, away... with the thought I wouldn't have time to use it. I did keep a few of my most used tools in a little bag, "just in case".  I immediately, within one week, started going through "crafting withdrawals"!! I had put every bit of my paper away, even my smaller 6x6 paper pads. After a few weeks, I just knew I had to go to the store and pick  up at least one paper pad and a couple of packs of doo dads to use as ephemera.

Off I went to my local JoAnn's, and do you think they had ANY paper pads that I liked? Nope! In fact, they only had one pad of any sort of  designer paper, and it was a masculine "camping out" sort of paper. I couldn't believe it!  They must have been right in the middle of restocking their supplies. I bought it anyway! I made a couple of cards, and dressed them up with some lace and buttons, and also did make one masculine card for my nephew (forgot to take pictures!). But believe me, it did satisfy that itch to craft!

A couple of weeks later, I went again to find some shabby or feminine paper, and found one pad that I liked, so bought it. Mind you, I was in the midst of getting ready to move, but I still HAD to craft! This was much more of a shabby feminine paper.

Looks like wallpaper, doesn't it?

I made a few little album/flipbooks, just for fun.  (I  had also purchased a little 6x6 paper pad with pretty florals that I used).

Mini photo album.

Tag "flipbook" to hold small photos.

After I was in my new home, the first area I unpacked and organized was my craft area! I wanted to make Easter cards and some Hershey Bar pockets (for the shop in Madras), and I really enjoyed that!

These Hershey Bar Pockets didn't have the candy bars inserted. I had to mail them, so the shop owner purchased the candy bars and put them in the package.

I made some very simple Easter cards with the scraps left from making the Hershey Bar pockets. I sold all of them at our potluck dinner right before Easter! I hadn't planned to, but took some for show and tell, and they were well received!

Needless to say, I'm still passionate about and enjoying my papercrafting!

Now it's time to go and unpack some more.........




  1. I'm happy that you're getting settled, making new friends and having time to play. While reading your post I could feel that you are so much more relaxed and comfortable than you have been for the last couple of years. It's wonderful and it warms my heart.
    I can tell that you've found a true home in your new surroundings.
    As always your paper crafting is marvelous.

    1. Yes Connie, once I made my decision to move, with the help of the good Lord, I've felt less stressed and more relaxed. It's gradual progress though, but there are days when I actually feel a little joy!! Marilyn

  2. You make the prettiest things with paper, Marilyn! I admire your talents! How wonderful that you are now in a happy place where you can create to your heart's content, and be close to your son, and enjoy nature's beauty! So very happy for you!!!! I look forward to more wonderful things in your life, God's rich blessings!

  3. Marilyn, I'm so happy to see that you are still passionate about your papercrafting! You are so talented, and I know that creating beauty brings joy to your soul. Love it that you are still supplying your pretty crafts to the shop in Madras! Looking forward to more beautiful paper crafts, and anything else you choose to create. Hugs.
