Sunday, April 23, 2023

Bits 'n Pieces of Life

Here it is April and I can't believe it's been Christmas since I last posted! So tonight, as I sit here on the edge of my bed, phone in hand because I can't sleep, I decided to look at my photos on my phone, and just "do it" (a post) and pop in a few photos of my life since Christmas! 

Better to start now than keep putting it off!

New shoes shopping

Kitty cuddles on those 10 degree nights

More snow!
My son came for a visit and we did a little mud bogging on the plains. Found one mud puddle!

Fresh air!

And fun was had.....

We spent all weekend cleaning out my messy garage so I could finally park my car inside!

Tight squeeze but at least can park inside during the bad weather.

Stacked kitties. 3 beds on the shelf!

Made some fancy Valentine's Day cards from Anna Griffin card kit and dies.

Took a drive towards the mountains on a rare sunny day to see Mt. Jefferson.

Got myself a Fitbit! I wanted to count my steps. Highest I've reached is 7500!

Cleaned a corner of my living room so my little antique desk can show off!
Travelled to the little Washington coast towns of Seaview and Longbeach. I just NEEDED some misty air and the sea mist!

Boardwalk along the beach.

County Park by Chinook, WA - view is looking over to Astoria where my son lives.

Visited my son and his fiance for a few days. Oh was so nice to enjoy the rainy and misty days! I miss it.

On the way home, I stopped at a campground where I would love to camp this summer with my van! A darling little creek!

Drove right into a big storm as I got closer to Madras! I thought it would just be a downpour of rain, but instead it was snow! and at 48 degrees! What a shock and not fun driving down a long steep grade in a whiteout!


Baked some comfort food-almond flour bread. Very yummy!
I'm trying to eat grain free, so experimenting with almond and coconut flour recipes.

I guess March was a busy month! With my back starting to feel better, I also started physical therapy twice a week. It's helping somewhat. It's a slow process as I tend not to be consistent with the exercises at home. 

I'll fill you in on my next post, about April goings-on! 

Take care lovelies! (That's my new favorite word!)


  1. Well, it certainly looks like you had a few lively months this year already. And wonderful visits with son. That whiteout sounded dangerous and not a thing to drive in if it could be avoided. Hard to do when you are already on the route. Love the kitties and kitty beds. We are finally out of the bad weather and have the color of flowering fruit trees and bushes. Getting a bit of green haze on the oak and maples. Hope your back improves faster as better weather catches up with your want to camp and be outside. Lynn and Precious

    1. Yes Lynn...that snow was not fun, but was on my last 20 miles before getting home and it was almost dark! No little inns or pubs to stop into and let the storm pass! It seems spring is really late getting here this year. Not much color anywhere, but my peach tree is starting to get buds and it survived the winter. I'm very happy. And yes, my back is slowly getting better. Xoxo Marilyn

  2. I think we all hibernate a little in the winter months. Glad you could get your garage organized to park inside. Your sweet kitty looks like a good cuddler. Have a great week ahead. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thank you Kris. I have REALLY hibernated this winter! My kitties love to cuddle at night and keep me warm. They are such good company. I have to really work hard at not becoming a total hermit. I hope some sunshine and warm weather will draw me out of my cave. Xoxo Marilyn

  3. Wonderful to see you here and read about your doings and adventures. Your fitbit steps are amazing!

    1. Thank you. This showed up as anonymous so I don't know who this is! Marilyn

  4. Connie, I WILL call you soon, in the evening. Have had company and they are leaving Tuesday. It's been a busy time! I need to rest for a few days! My cats stay in my garage with access to the "catio" which is a smallish chicken coupe attached to the side of the garage, with a cat door that is open to it. That way, they aren't left out to run willy nilly and fight with the neighbor cats who come sniffing around for food! In the cold of winter, if I'm gone, I leave the house door cracked so they can get inside. The garage is just too cold when it's 10 degrees outside! Not ideal, but so far I've never come home to chaos in the house! I think they go into a sleep zombie zone when their masters are gone. I do worry about them when I'm gone though. Wonder how much they miss me! The catio is closed so they can get fresh air but they can't get out and roam. It even has an upstairs lift for a quiet little getaway! Hugs.....Marilyn

  5. Hi my lovely. I love that word also. Looks like you have had some excitement during the months past. Obviously more than I have. Love the kitty condo and that park does look like a beautiful place to spend some time. Glad your back is feeling better. I thought PT was helping my back when I took some but am not good either with doing the exercises so am back to square one. I think that is just the nature of my problem. I have two relatives who have had back surgery and seem to be getting on a bit better, but I think I am too old to go through that so will continue to enjoy my comfy couch and chair..Happy Spring my friend..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, I'm so bad when it comes to following thru with the PT exercises! It's my own fault if I hurt! It's hard to make yourself get out and do things when it makes things hurt, and so much easier to sit in a chair when you don't hurt. When I sit, I feel ok. When I get up and do things I hurt. Still my problem now. That trip was pretty good. Driving doesn't seem to bother me, just moving!! Oh it's such a bother. Hugs....Marilyn

  6. Hi Marilyn! I'm so sorry I missed this post of yours! Do you have a place where we can follow you by email so that when you post it sends out an email? That way I will not miss your posts! You have had a very eventful year so far, and I'm so thankful to see you getting out and enjoying some things with your son and yourself too! That snowstorm looked awful - I don't like getting caught in those kinds of storms, glad you made it home safely! Our spring has been slow here, but finally, it is starting to come around. Things are starting to bud out here, which is quite exciting! Still won't plant my garden until June. So nice to be able to park in your garage again, that's awesome! Such a blessing to have your son around to help you out! The campground looks wonderful! Would make a wonderful spot in the heat of summer! I hope your back continues to heal, and I can definitely attest that a Fitbit helps keep you motivated. I generally walk at least 13,000+ steps a day, and in spring/summer/fall often closer to 15,000. So much to do outside keeps me busy! Sending hugs and prayers to you! Looking forward to your next post :)
