Monday, March 28, 2022

Bucket List

Do people make bucket lists anymore??? I do... sometimes.... and since my life has been going through so many changes in the last six months, I thought I'd update mine from 2013.

I've actually done a few things that were on my 2013 list, but not that many. I DID ride a horse.... and I want to again!

I remember when I dyed my hair pink in 2017. Has that already been five years? I should add that to my list. I want to do it again, while I still have hair.

I haven't even BEEN to the coast for 2 years, let alone stay in a little beach cottage. And I haven't stayed in a mountain cabin either, for a very long time. I should do these things while I'm still able.

Reminiscing (below)..........camping in 2018 (well almost).

The closest thing I've come to staying at a cabin in the mountains, was in June of 2018 up by Mt. Adams in Washington State, when Mac and I went "camping" with my son and his fiance.. and it was a "bust" as the mesquitoes drove us out! We had to smoke ourselves to keep them away! And we ended up not even spending the night!

Takhlakh Lake up by Mt. Adams, in Washington. No cabins there... just places to camp, and you don't DARE go during mesquito season, which is most of the summer!

And I MUST go to the Olympic National Forest in Washington. I've lived my entire life in Oregon and Washington (just about) and still have never gone there..... why????

I live about an hour and a half away from a wonderful resort who gives sleigh rides in the winter. Why haven't I done that? I've lived in this area now for almost 10 years and there's ALWAYS snow in the winter!

I was just thinking today about things I would like to do this summer, God willing.  Do any of you have bucket lists? What's on them???




  1. Hi Marilyn, No, I don't have a bucket list, but you've inspired me to write one. I'm 68 and have a list of things I'll never do again. Like water skiing and ice skating! I think I need to start thinking of what I can do and not about what I can't. Good luck with your list!

    1. Yes Ellen you should do it! Make that bucket list and try to do one or things on it this year! I hope I can do a few more things on my list too! Marilyn

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  2. What a great bucket list. Glad to see you are planning some fun things for the future. I agree with Ellen above comment that we need to think of things we can do and not what we cannot do anymore or missed in youth. There are so many wonderful adventures still to have. Good luck. xoxo Kris

    1. Yes Kris.. so true. Life goes by so fast and we keep putting things off. And there ARE things we can still do, even as we get older... things that are fun and we don't have to be super athletic (like we used to be right?).... just seeing the beautiful country we have is so good for the soul.. I intend to try to do a few more things this year that are on my list! And yes.. I may do the pink hair again one of these days! Marilyn

  3. PS: Love the pink hair do it again for sure!!!!

  4. If the last few years have taught you anything, I’m sure it’s that life is short, and there never seems to be enough time to do the things we want to do. You live in a beautiful area, and yes, you most definitely need to see more of it. And while you’re doing just that, I hope you’ll be rockin’ some pink hair. It suits you ;).

    1. Thank you Darlene. I hope all is well in your part of the world.. from your IG I can see you are still rockin' and rollin'!!! And yes.. life passes us by too fast and we must not take the time we have for granted. Washington and Oregon are SO SO beautiful and I want to see more.. even though I've lived in these two states all my life! Take care.. Marilyn

  5. Hi Marilyn: I have never actually made a bucket list, actually there probably isn't a piece of paper big enough! I often say that something is on my bucket list but it isn't really.I have always wanted to go to England though, but might be too late in the game for something that huge. I guess just be happy in the here and now would be #1..Happy Tuesday.. my friend and I loved the pink hair. I tried to once when Tami and I were doing the breast cancer walk but it didn't work. xxoJudy

    1. Hi Judy.... I had never had a bucket list until I did the one in 2013... I had always just had wish lists of places I want to go. I don't "want to go" as much anymore, but a few places not too far away. The pink hair dye seems to only work if it goes on top of already dyed or colored hair. I tried it once on my gray and it really didn't work! I really AM happy just being home.. it is my haven and safe place... but sometimes think I should try to step a little bit out of the box!! xoxo Marilyn

  6. No bucket list here Marily, but I surely enjoyed seeing your ideas. And thank you for sharing
    such lovely photos and the memories that go with them. Life is too short, and sometimes I feel
    I am missing out by being such a at homebody, but it feels right to me. We did so much traveling in the US during our work years, now I enjoy quiet. I do hope you have the opportunity to do many things you have listed. Lynn

    1. Thank you for your comment Lynn! I too am mostly a homebody anymore! Once in awhile I get a little "spark" to go somewhere, but not very often. I'm alone now so going alone does not really appeal to me. If I make that trip to the Olympic Nat'l Park, it will have to be with someone! Also.. making a trip to the coast anymore, which is a 4 hour drive, does not strike my fancy being alone and driving alone. I'll have to see if I can get my brave face on this summer and at least go to the beach as I love it there so much. I too went alot of places and did alot on weekends when I was working.. and it was always such a rush and so hectic.. I'm enjoying now just being home because I want to and can. Take care.. Marilyn

  7. I wrote a bucket list and last updated it in July. Covid has put a dent in most of my plans, as a lot of them involve travel. But - let's hope this is the year to turn things around! May all your bucket list dreams come true, Marilyn! What a spectacular part of the country you live in!

    1. Yes, Oregon and Washington are so beautiful! And yes.. Covid sure did put a dent in so much of our lives, in many ways. I made this new list as I want to try to be positive for the future and move on with my life.. it gives me hope that I may have "fun" one of these days. I don't travel much anymore but I have ALWAYS wanted to go to the Olympic Nat'l Forest! Marilyn

  8. I am inspired by your bucket list Marilyn! I don't have one... but as I was reading yours, I was thinking of many things I need to add to one, when I get around to making one. So much in this beautiful world we live in that I want to see for myself and experience with my own eyes. Mountain cabins, parks, coastline visits, anything involving the beautiful world our Lord created... I am in for it! I hope you get to do things that are on your list this year... as we've all learned, life is short, and we must enjoy every day to the fullest! Blessings to you dear friend! I loved your bucket list page... so so pretty! :)

    1. Thank you Marilyn! YOU already live in the most glorious part of the United States! But yes.. there are always new places to see and take in. I hope I maybe at least get ONE thing done on my bucket list in 2022! The beach has been calling me so much, as have the deep, dark forests of the Oregon Caascades. As soon as the weather is better... I may be off on a road trip! xoxo Marilyn

  9. I read your post last night and then spend about an hour Googling Waldo Lake. Looks like a beautiful place to camp and to kayak. From what I read in sounded like September was the best time to go if you want to avoid the mosquitoes. Love your bucket list!!!

    1. Connie, I agree that Waldo Lake looks so beautiful! I used to follow a blog where she and her husband went up there with their sailboat (no motors allowed on the lake) and camped there. That's when I fell in love with it. The water, I guess, is so clear you can see all the way to the bottom.. kind of like Priest Lake up in northern Idaho. Yes.. I think the fall is best for those high mountain lakes! xoxoxo Marilyn

  10. You, my friend, are very photogenic! I love the pink hair. Go for it! You have a great bucket list. Several I would put on my bucket list, if I actually wrote one. Kayaking for sure. Staying on the coast. . .definitely. My late husband and I once traveled to the Outer Banks in North Carolina, and I would love to go back there. So many things I'd like to do, but just not sure about doing it by myself. Too bad you live so far away. :( xx

    1. Thank you Nancy. I did love that pink hair and may do it again. My daughter in law did it, so when I go there again, I'll take my pink dye with me! I agree.. I'm not so sure about doing things by myself.. not that I'm scared to do it, just worry about all the other weird people out there these days, who might find me stranded or needing help.. and I don't want to fall into any situation like that. Driving and doing by myself doesn't bother me.. it's the other bad situations a person could get into, being alone. I'm going to try to be brave (but not stupid) if/when I go places alone. Mostly I would kayak with my sister. but may go to the coast alone as I don't mind being alone at all most times. I am my own best friend! Hugs.. Marilyn

  11. I have thought about dying my hair pink - but chickened out - does it wash out?

    1. Carrie.. hi.... the pink doesn't really wash out, but it eventually kind of fades. Mine was pretty light.. but if darker, it just stays until you cut your hair! Not sure if you can get a "semi permanent" pink! Marilyn

    2. Hi Marilyn - in response to my most recent post re: gifts - my husband, daughter and son are realtors..and have a great team. While I am not licensed I do the marketing for the company and the client gifts. I get to do the things I love to do.

  12. Wonderful post with such great ideas on your bucket list too! 💜💜💜

    1. Thank you Michele! Yes.. fun things I want to do! It was fun making it and seeing the one from 2013 (that I havne't done much on yet either!). We need our dreams and goals though, right? xoxo Marilyn

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