Thursday, December 3, 2020

Best gluten free banana cake EVER!

Hi Friends and Family!

A couple of weeks ago, I made the BEST BANANA CAKE  ever! ever! ever! that I have ever eaten!.......... and it was gluten free.... but you never would have known it. So if you need to eat gluten free, try this one (and even if you don't have to eat gluten free, try this one!). I got the recipe online from I know not where (more below on that).

I used a yellow cake mix from WOW Baking Company. I just discovered them a  year or so ago. Our local Bi-Mart (in Oregon) carries them  now. It is even non-GMO ingredients! And the price is so much cheaper than the "name brand" gluten free cake mixes.

Their website is WOW Baking Company  and their business is in Kent, Washington, not too far from where I live! Awesome! The package says they have recipes, but I went there to search and didn't find any. I'll have to give them a call or email, as I love recipes from the different gluten free companies.

Here's the lovely, soft, fluffy and very tasty (with just a hint of banana) cake.

Did I say it was the BEST ever???????

Of course I had to make my own home made butter cream frosting. 


2 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup soft butter
Dash of salt
2 tsp vanilla
1/8 to 1/4 cup milk for desired thickness
  (I used just a splash of milk as didn't want the frosting runny)

And here is the recipe. I didn't look at the website I got it from and though the site name usually prints out on the recipe, it didn't this time, so I have no idea where it came from! I just searched for "cake mix banana cake recipe" and found several, and chose the easiest one with the least amount of ingredients (and I was in a hurry to find one, so didn't take time to write down the site). And of course, I tweaked it some.

The last 4 ingredients are their frosting, but I made mine instead. It sounds similar to mine. I added an extra cup of a gluten free baking flour mix (Pamela's), didn't add the baking soda or baking powder, as it was in the flour mix, and only added 1 large mashed banana, not 4. I think 4 would have made it too soggy. Gluten free things can't take alot of moisture.

I used an 8x8 glass pan rather than 9x13, and baked at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Gluten free usually takes a little longer.

If you use a regular cake mix like the recipe calls for, then I would probably add the baking powder and baking soda.

And voila!!!!!!!!!

 Happy Thursday all........




  1. Marilyn, that looks amazing! I am not on a gluten free diet, but I don't think it would make a difference, that looks so yummy.
    I got excited when I saw that you had published a new post and I'm proud of you for breaking out of your need to have many things to post about or just not post at all. I hope this frees you to post more often. If I lived closer I would show up at your door, fork in hand, LOL.
    God bless you sweet friend,
    Connie :)

    1. Connie.. I so wish you did live closer!!! I would share this with you. And yes.. it was fun doing a shorter post... it has inspired me to do more like this one.... even if things are out of order! Take care dear friend and have a good weekend... Marilyn

  2. This sounds so good and looks so good in your picture. I do not need to do gluten free but if I can and it is yummy I do. I will try this recipe. Have a great evening. xoxo Kris

    1. Kris yes... try it. It's so so good. Most people don't "do" banana cake much, but it sure is good. xoxo Marilyn

  3. How wonderful it is to find a recipe that turns out so delicious! I seldom make any sweet things any more, as my husband has gone off sugar for the most part. I find a lot of the gluten free recipes use a lot of sugar. But I am so excited for you that you found a tummy-happy recipe! It looks so delicious, and I would love a taste! Like Connie, if you lived closer, I would have to stop by and have a bite :) Many blessings to you dear friend!

    1. Marilyn... it IS very good and yes, gluten free mixes sometimes do have more sugar, or call for more sugar, but I always put about half of what it calls for. Good for your hubby.... to stay off sugar... that's what we need to do as we've been out of control with the sweets! Oh I wish you could live closer and have a taste of this cake.. and we could visit and share. Glad you had a good TG trip! Hugs to you! Marilyn J.
