Friday, April 10, 2020

Keeping busy.......

Hello all and Happy Good Friday,

Just a quick hello to say that my husband and I are doing fine. Staying in the house for us is the "normal" for the most part. I must admit I do miss going out to my favorite craft and fabric stores, but I have so much "stuff" at  home, that I find plenty to keep my mind (and hands) occupied. I'm a homebody so this is not too tough for me (staying home).

Our little town of Madras, Oregon has been very diligent in their ways of handling the "social distancing" and most businesses closed very early. Those closures started right away back in early March, so we are very happy that there are no cases of the virus here.

And I must say, the easiest way for me not to get all upset and anxious is to "bury my head in the sand" in my craftroom, for the most part, only coming up for air now and then to watch a little bit of news - I can get very overwhelmed if I let myself watch too much. And I can get very overwhelmed and nervous about all of this.  I like being home and surrounded by all of my favorite things. I feel safe here. 

The only other place I feel safe is driving in my car.. and I do now and then take a little drive around my town, appreciating the smallness of it and how everyone is working together to keep our little corner of the world safe.

Enough said. I do just want things to get back to normal and not be worrying about my friends and family getting sick. And I worry about the entire world right now, and what the outcome will be for everyone, after this virus has swept through so many lives.

In February, there WAS a bright spot when I won and received a wonderful surprise from one of the YouTubers I watch. I won this darling Valentine's Day paper bag album, plus a ton of goodies, from  Lyric Lover Crafts. I love her channel and her fun and wonderful creations!

This album is made entirely of brown paper bags!

An entire box of goodies for Valentine's Day:

I spend alot of time in my craftroom.  It keeps me sane. Here are a few things I've been doing, and most of them  have been inspired from the various YouTube channels I watch.  My main entertainment lately. has been watching YouTube, crafting, and eating (and hardly any exercise). I've GOT to change that.

I made a "bill box" that is pretty, that can sit out in plain sight and not be an ugly mish mash of papers, envelopes, flyers, stamps, etc. This was inspired by Eve at Scrapbooking with ME.  I haven't made the lid yet.

It looks so pretty siting on my china hutch. There was such a mess before! It holds our current bills, extra envelopes, flyers, misc. papers and ads and stamps. 
 I made some cute Easter baskets and paper carrots, in anticipation of an early Easter dinner when my son and his fiance were coming on March 23rd.. but they decided not to come, so hubby and I will get to enjoy them I guess. I even bought Easter candy early, to fill all the baskets. Now I'm not much in the mood to use them or decorate our Easter table. I may just save them for next year.

Some birthday gifts and mini albums were made, just for fun. My sister's birthday was recently, so I made her a little "shoe" mini album, from some cards I had purchased from The Dollar Tree, with photos in it of just her. She really enjoyed it.

And I made myself a favorite things mini album, just for the fun of it. And another cute little 3x3, again just for fun.

Hum.m.m.m.m. everything has pink in it! Pink just cheers me up. I don't particularly PLAN to use pink, I am just drawn to it and end up pulling those papers and colors out of my stash. I also love the touches of gold foil.

I love making unusual cards, so made my sister a pretty Star card.. inspired by another YouTuber but now I can't remember her name! 

It stands up on a sort of "tent" that  you slide the "star" piece in after you take it out of the envelope.  It comes in two sections. I thought this was very unique and I had never seen this type of card before. 

I made a 6x9 envelope to fit these large pieces into. My sister loved it! I do too.
And last but not least, I've been sending cards and little notebooks to my friends and family, just to cheer them up and let them know I've been thinking of them.

I've also made some cloth masks and donated them to one of our local hospitals, as they sent out an email asking for us seamstresses to make them... and they even sent us the specific pattern to use. I made ten, which doesn't seem like enough to me, but I spent two days making them. They were quite detailed with a pocket and the ties rather than elastic. I will make more if the hospital requests more. I also made one for me and one for my husband.

Lots and lots of bias ties! 

I made sure I had clean hands when I made them (I should probably have worn a mask myself when I made them).. and packaged them up in a new zip lock bag. I felt good about doing this. I want to do more.

Of course, as most everyone has been doing, I've found myself doing some spring cleaning and organizing drawers and cupboards that have needed it for years! I also put up some new drapes to replace my "granny" style curtains, and just feel the need to simplify my colors and patterns to something more soothing.

My flowered "granny" curtains - and the mess on my trunk. How does it get that way???? The gremlins must do it.
The "after" - much more soothing, and the gremlin mess got cleaned up!
I'm so thankful that I have this wonderful passion of making and creating, that keeps me busy and my mind off my worries.

What have you been doing to pass the time while staying home?

Hang in there..........



  1. Staying busy is so important now and looks like you have found a way that is very soothing to you. I'm sure your local hospital was thankful for the masks. I love in Atlanta so we have quite a few cases here. Have been sheltered in place for four weeks. I will be glad when this is over. xo Laura

    1. Hi Laura, I follow your blog and know how you've been "in home" for the last 30 days! Kudos to you! It does become a little harder as we miss seeing in person, our family.. and miss those hugs. I don't use any sort of facetime or Zoom or whatever is out there, so don't get to see, even via computer screen, my loved ones. I do miss that. Take care and continue on with that baking! Marilyn

  2. I am not at all surprised you’re doing well my friend. It seems those of us who enjoy solitary pursuits are fortunate right now. Your projects are very detailed and certainly require a fair amount of time, which is a blessing..

    Congratulations on your win! Such a lovely gift you received, and I know you appreciate it.

    I’m so glad your area is relatively free of the virus. Let’s hope it stays that way. It sounds like it will as your town got a heads up on what to do and what not to do early in the game.

    I’ve been busy with making masks as well, although the ones I’ve made are a bit different. They have a pocket for filters but not ties. I saw a video that mentioned ties could take too long to put on so I stuck with the elastic. Although elastic is getting as hard to find as toilet paper!

    We also go for bike rides and today we walked for about an hour because it was a bit too windy for bike riding. I try to get some form of exercise every day, even if it’s just a 25 minute yoga class on YouTube. I’m currently doing a thirty day challenge and am on day ten. All in all, we’re ok but like so many I’m concerned for all the people who are out of jobs or whose businesses can’t sustain the closures. Our daughter is in F&B and it’s been very challenging to say the least!

    Stay well!

  3. I am so in agreement with you about being home, Marilyn! My heart is full and happy when I am able to just be home, and "putter" around! I've got so many projects to do with springtime now being here in a big way, that I'm glad to be here and at home. Our county here has had 2 cases for the entire season of this virus, and we are so thankful for that. Life seems to continue on here, much as usual it seems.

    You have been such a busy bee! I love your new curtains, it always feels good to go through and clean, and declutter. I suspect that if life ever gets back to "normal" that it will be the time to go thrift shopping, and to yard sales!

    I'm sad that you aren't getting to spend Easter with your family, and the little baskets you made are just adorable! You are such a skilled creator with paper!

    I loved the little book you made for your sister, what a special gift for her! Great job! And the February win... how lovely! It just brightens up the day to get such happy fun mail!

    Loved seeing the picture of the snow covered mountains in the distance from Madras. So beautiful! I do enjoy getting out for little drives with my husband too.

    I pray you have a blessed and special Easter, even though you won't be with your family. It will be such a strange Easter for sure. Praying for the day when we can get together again with our family and friends.

    Much love to you sweet friend! Happy Resurrection Sunday!

    1. Hi Marilyn! thank you for the wonderful comment! I'm sending a reply via email to be sure you get it! Marilyn

  4. Hi Marilyn: You are keeping busy with such pretty ways. I'm so glad your town is keeping the virus at bay. It is wonderful how most states are pulling together to keep the country safe for the rest of us. People going out and large groups are what will make this nasty thing hang around longer than it needs. I am so afraid that the country will be opened up too early and start everything up all over again. Have a beautiful, calm and quiet Easter and stay safe, my friend..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, yes I'm with you. I'm afraid "they" will let people getting out again too soon! I'm very wary of it and know that now this awful virus will be around forever.... it's very sad. Seems like a dream movie or something. We did have a very quiet Easter.. I baked and made a small dinner.. had banana bread that was kind of a "flop"!! oh well.. we still ate it. I'm glad you are safe and staying home! Hugs.. Marilyn

  5. I enjoyed this post, Marilyn. To see all the beauty you have created. I like the new curtains and the bill box you made. And all those lovely cards! I have spent almost every day this past week working in my son's yard Lots of raking and pulling out weeds. Getting ready for when we'll be able to plant. It snowed last night, and it will be a few days before it warms up enough to get back out there and work. I do enjoy outdoor work and would rather be doing that than almost anything right now. Praying your heart will be cheered as we move through this time. Hugs, Nancy

    1. Nancy.... thank you for the nice comment. I follow your blog too and know you are in Colorado now.... working in the yard is a nice respite from the worries of the world right now. We've had some warm days (in the 70's) but today is cloudy and blustery. I was going to go outside for awhile, but think I may wait for the winds to die down. I'm glad you are able to be with your son and family... how nice is that?!! I miss my son who is 5 hours away and haven't seen him since last November. I hope soon we can go out and get hugs from our friends and family! Take care... Marilyn
