Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Bits and Pieces

It's been awhile! I've been busy and so much going on! Just thought I'd try to do a "quick" post of little bits of what's been happening in my life. So hard for me to make a short post but I'll try......

First.. I want to THANK SO MUCH my blogger friend, Marilyn, at Mountain Top Spice, for the wonderful goodies she sent to me (below).  She is just so awesome and has the most gorgeous photography on her blog. We like to send each other little things we've made, to try to inspire each other.

BEAUTIFUL garden album made from chipboard. It's 8x8 and just wonderful!

Darling little "junk journal" full of sweet pages and little surprises!

Thank you SO MUCH Marilyn! Your last blog post about Fall was just so beautiful.

I continued on making more Christmas cards in November, and played with some projects that use Christmas cards from the Dollar Tree! Amazing what you can do with one or two 5x7 cards!

Here are two little booklets.. using 1 card each! One is a photo frame to hold two photos, and one is for a 3x5 post it note pad.
Post it Note holder.

On the left, I put acetate with a pocket at top to slide in the photo. On the right, the flowers at the bottom form a pocket to tuck a photo in.
I used a smaller card here, regular A2 size that I had in my stash from last year. This made a darling little photo frame!

The pockets at the bottom and black bows hold the photo in place.
These were so fun to make that I had to rush to the Dollar Tree and get more packs of cards. They are quite sturdy and the photo frame feels like you've used chipboard, but you haven't. Thanks to Posh Paper Lady for her wonderful tutorials on YouTube, using Christmas cards. I have so enjoyed watching her Christmas videos recently. They are unique and fun and I've made many of her projects.

SNOW:  We had a nice little snow storm about a week ago of about 8 inches. I didn't take pictures but here is one I took today. Still some snow left.. and I love that our little vine maple still has some pretty red leaves on it.

Snow almost gone. It was so cold and so much ice on the roads! I'm so glad it's almost all melted and we are now having some warmer temperatures for a week or so.

TRIP:  We took a fun (though exhausting) trip up to Astoria, OR to see my son and his fiance and her son. Before we went, I did most of my Christmas shopping for them, and wrapped the gifts and packed in the car.  It's about a 5-1/2 hour trip and I did almost all of the driving as my husband is still having trouble with getting contacts that work for him for driving. He just can't see t drive, especially at night. There was a 2 hour night drive the last night coming home, and I drove and it was awful! The roads were covered with packed snow and ice and gravel, and it was so hard to see as I was driving curvy and winding roads in pitch black. 

My son and his fiance are in their new/old place (that they remodeled all summer) and had just moved in about 3 days prior to Thanksgiving. So they were exhausted, and yet she still managed to have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.

Beautiful long old oak table all set for the feast. Their kitchen is huge with big windows looking outside to the woods. I loved their place and was so glad to see it finally.
This is an 8 foot oak table that my son refinished for his sweet lady. It had been in storage for a long time and he did a beautiful job. Look at all the kitchen cupboards and those beams. Love it.  (Ignore the waste can!)
Their house is a 2 bedroom, rustic, on 1 acre in the woods south of Astoria, OR. What a lovely place! I love all the trees there, and tons of blackberry bushes, which I miss so much here.

Lots of old growth timber on their property. My son has so many plans for trails in the woods, benches to sit on and a little "man cabin". I'm so happy for him. He's 41 and this is the first home he's ever owned.

After our 4 day visit, we planned to head home. Got a call that morning, early, that my husband's son's wife was on her way to the hospital to have their baby! She wasn't due until December 18th, but how fortunate that it was then, and right on the way home! So we stopped on the way and I got to hold my sweet little step-granddaugher, Izzy. She is my husband's son's first child. So many firsts!

ANOTHER TRIP:  Now.. I'm heading out tomorrow to go to my chiropractor 5 hours away. During all this time (between mid October and now) I've somehow gotten a pinched nerve or something in my neck and shoulder, and have been having pretty bad pain from it. Have tried two chiropractors here where I live but both have just made it worse. So time to go to my "miracle worker" who I know can fix it.  So I'll be staying there for 4 days so that I can go see him twice for adjustments.  I really don't want to make that long trip alone, but no choice, as with pain, there is no quality of life and I can't do what needs to be done!

So if I don't post until after Christmas, everyone have a wonderful December and Christmas celebration. We are staying home this year... may make a short run to my sister's 70 miles away, but that's not so bad - weather permitting of course.

Happy Holidays!



  1. Precious baby. You have been very busy and I love the sweet gift that you got. xo Laura

    1. Yes Laura... so precious! I hope I can see her more often than my other step-granddaughters who live even further away! I'm going to try! Marilyn

  2. Awww your precious step grand girl is so pretty. What a wonderful blessing for you and your husband. I see you found a kindred soul with scrapbooking. Love all your sweet gifts. Hope the chiropractor can help you. That is a long drive to go to the doctor so I hope it helps.

    1. Yes Kris.. she is so precious. I hope I can manage to see her more often. I just got back from my chiropractor and had two adjustments. I feel much better.. and am going to try to get there in another two months. I was pretty bad off.. spine twisted so it was getting hard to take deep breaths.. that is not fun at all. The knee I fell on 3 years ago was also twisted and he hopefully fixed that. He is truly a miracle worker, and though a 5 hour drive one way is not fun, it's well worth feeling so much better. Since I moved away from living by him, I've probably tried out at least 15 different chiropractors and none have been able to keep me pain free like he does. Sigh..... Marilyn

  3. Hi Marilyn. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and got to see the new baby. How cute and sweet. Hope you get that neck feeling better. I went through that a couple of years ago and it is no fun! From now on I am leaving the thank yous from me under your comments at the end of each post. I am tired of trying to figure this blogger thing out so that makes it much easier and simple to do. I will continue to visit all though but it will just be to see what you are up to..Happy Sunday..xxoJudy

  4. What a full and delightful post. Congratulations on the new member of your family. She is beautiful and so tiny. What did she weigh?

    1. She only weighed 6lbs! was a couple of weeks premature but perfect in every way. Marilyn

  5. Ohh Marilyn! I'm so glad that you loved the little gifts I sent your way, I had so much fun making them, and reliving my moments in the garden... how I miss those moments now, but I am enjoying the freshly fallen snow we have just gotten... there is something in every season to enjoy! I got your email, and it was SO good to hear from you, and I will email you back shortly. I'm glad you had such a lovely Thanksgiving with your son and fiance, their place is gorgeous! I love all those windows, and the open kitchen/dining area! So wonderful for them to enjoy such a lovely new home together. And how exciting to get to meet your new granddaughter too, Izzy is just precious! I loved the picture of you holding her! I want to wish you a blessed and Happy New Year, and pray that the blessings of the Lord are sweet and abundant in the coming year. Much love to you!!!

    1. Thank you Marilyn for the prayers and thoughts. I bet your new snow is so pretty.. I love it when it's brand new and all white and soft and fluffy.. and the quiet when you walk out among the trees... there is nothing compared to that. I miss that here.. no trees to walk under or around or between! Many blessings.... Marilyn

  6. You obviously put so much love and attention into everything you make! I hope you are enjoying a creative new year.

    1. Yes Jen... I've started off the new year on a roll doing some sewing! I can't seem to stop! I'm really on a roll.. so trying to keep it going until the "roll" stops! Marilyn

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