Thursday, February 14, 2019

Do You Remember Mary?

Mary Engelbreit that is.............. oh how I used to (and still do) love her and her wonderful, whimsical art. I collected her magazines, Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion, for YEARS. I still have them.... can't part with them. Each one is an absolute treasure.

The other day, I happened to find one of her little books at a local gift shop, and of course, I just HAD to buy it.  It's entitled Words for Gardeners to Live By and I love it! 

What a sweet little book! I love gardening and flowers, and quotes and poems, and this little book embodies all of that. It brought back such good memories, browsing through it, of the times I'd see her artwork and little treasures for sale in shops I would visit, years ago. Her artwork was showcased on so many wonderful household items, teapots, books, calendars, linens, dishes, etc. and I wanted them all! I never really did buy many of her items, but have collected some of her calendars just for the artwork. I saved the Home Companion magazines for her prints in each one and the paper dolls!

It was always her style, and still is, to use poems and quotes in her drawings.  Here are a few from the book:

Perfect for Valentine's Day!

I love her trademark flowers. You see these in much of her artwork.

And my little front  yard plot looks suspiciously like her drawing (below)! I must have seen this years ago and it's been in my subconscious mind ever since. I had a picture in my mind of how I wanted to make a little area in my front  yard that looked like a "cottage" garden.

Here's Mary's.............
Here's mine!
Here's a link to information on Mary Engelbreit if you would like:
Mary Engelbreit biography  I just headed on over to her ONLINE STORE to see what is there, and I see that she has apparel, books, coloring books, greeting cards and accessories. I know she has written and illustrated some childrens' books in the past too. 

Mary (ME as she is known as) is still drawing up a storm and now has her own online store. Sadly we don't see many of her darling household goodies, accessories and cards in stores and shops anymore. Every once in awhile though, I'll find a shop that has a space just dedicated to Mary! She has quite a story from where she began to now............ 

Did you love her (and do you still?) as much as I do?

Have a great week and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to you all.....



  1. I have ALWAYS loved ME from the first time I ever saw something that she had created. I still have some of her magazines, too, and always saved the paper dolls in a folder for my grandgirls.
    I just sold one of her dolls online as I am downsizing and some stuff HAS to go. None of my girls wanted it....kind of sad...but it is what it is.

    These are wonderful images you shared here. xo Diana

    1. Oh NanaDiana I found a kindred spirit! I used to go into stores and spend an hour just looking at her wonderful things! I have a little teapot that a girlfriend gave me, a little box and all the magazines. I wish I would have bought more household items when they were in the stores. I'm sure I could search on Ebay or Etsy for some. Her art just gives me such big smiles! xoxo

  2. It's nice to leave a positive legacy.

    1. Lori, yes it is! She is definitely known and loved by many! Marilyn

  3. Hi Marilyn
    I love Mary’s books too. I have a few. The gardening book is adorable. Have a good weekend.

    1. Yes Kris.. her gardening book is just so darling. I love that she uses quotes and poems in alot of her work.

  4. I LOVE HER! Reminds me a great deal of Susan Branch. They both have the same whimsical, romantic aesthetic which is so charming and appealing and just plain fun.

    Happy weekend Marilyn!


    1. I know Doreen. They are similar and I love both of them! Do you follow Susan Branch's blog? Her books are amazing.. about her life from when she was young and grew up in California.. and her marriage there, breakup and then move to Martha's Vineyard to where she lives now. I save as much of both of their artwork as I can!

  5. I have always loved Mary E's delightful artwork, and I really enjoyed the gorgeous collection of prose and art that you shared out of the book! I will definitely stop by her site to see what she has on there, I just love that her messages are godly, inspiring, and inspirational, as well as beautifully whimsical and charming! I definitely could see the similarities between the front porch drawing you shared, and your front porch! I loved how you had your plants arranged so lovingly, and it does make one long for spring/summer to see such a delightful front porch picture!!!! It just keeps snowing here, and I keep getting out in the snow, it helps to see the beauty, but oh my, when I see pictures of summer, my heart does long so for spring :) Blessings to you sweet friend, and many hugs!

    1. Thank you Marilyn for the sweet comment. Some of her drawings I must admit, make me long for some warm weather, soft breezes and bright flowers to gaze at while sitting outside reading or enjoying some tea! I'm not in a real hurry for spring to show its face, but wouldn't mind some warmer weather! I sure do love Mary's inspirational quotes that match her whimsical drawings. Have a wonderful week! xoxoxo Marilyn

  6. Hi Marilyn. I am a fan of ME also. I have a sweet little tea pot and a lamp with her trademark flowers painted on them. I also have a couple of books that she wrote. I love her art and the way she uses little cottages in her decor. Her sweet patch of garden must have been on your mind as your's looks just like hers..I am not getting anyones comments in my inbox, only on my blog post, so I have answered there. I notice you do that so do you do it all the time. My only worry is that no one will know as I wonder if they will come back to a blog that they already read? Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

    1. Judy, so glad you love ME like I do. I figured most of my blog followers would love her, and her style is so much of a fun and cottage style which we all love! I'm replying to your comnment directly from my blog. Could you let me know if you get it? Thanks! Hope you have a nice weekend. We are staying home (which we usually do anyway!) and waiting for the snow to hit! xoxo Marilyn

  7. Yes, Marilyn, I see your note to me here on your blog, but not in my email inbox which is how I've always gotten it before. Have had a couple of helpful hints from others that I am trying and will let you know if they work..xxoJudy

  8. Me again, Marilyn. Thanks for your visit and I finally got my commentors back into my email inbox, but now they are all no-reply bloggers. Don't ask!!!! There is a lot of gobbletygoop when you back up your blog, but if you continue to scroll down through it all you will see that your posts are there. I didn't check on one but I'm guessing if I did, I could get back all of it including photos. When I back it up again, I will check for sure..I'm getting tired of all these problems with blogger. It used to be so easy, why did it change?..Happy Thursday..Judy

    1. Judy... I'm not going to mess with mine! I just go check every day for comments and that's fine with me. I know.. so much is changing. Hard to keep up in this techy world! I've been trying to figure out how to put a video on my blog, but so far, no go. Lots of tutorials on how to put one on Wordpress, but not on Blogger... or I would have to open a YouTube channel which I don't want to do! Oh well. I think our snow is over for now.. we ended up with 2 feet! I just came in from shoveling a path around the back of our house to our little cat shelter, where we feed the "community cats". Hubby is sick so I get stuck with all the shoveling! Have a good week! Marilyn

  9. Hi Marilyn,
    I do remember Mary and also have some of her old magazines saved. I loved the paper dolls that she included. Check your email.
    Connie :)

    1. Connie.. yes I too loved the paper dolls! I still have them all! My step granddaughters didn't seem interested in them.. and now they are getting too old! I can't bear to part with them though (the paper dolls or the magazines)!! I've thought of "tidying up" my magazines by parting with a few that don't "spark joy" but trouble is, they ALL spark joy! Oh well... keeping them for now! Love, Marilyn
