Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Blessed Greetings to all of you!

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you wonderful friends who follow my blog. I hope you are spending time with family and friends and are blessed with love surrounding you. If you are alone this year, then I hope the spirit of God's love will surround  you with peace and calmness and cloak you with His Love.  

I was so BEHIND this year. I did manage to get a few decorations put out and the tree is up and lit but only a few ornaments that I handmade yesterday! I didn't even get out my big huge box of ornaments. My hubby is gone over Christmas and New Year's house sitting for my sister, who goes to Florida each Christmas to be with her son and grandson. 

I really don't mind being alone. I can take it all in.. the feeling of peace and joy and His Love and what the season is really about. My house is cozy and warm...... (and now has some festive cheer), and I'm enjoying watching many of the old Christmas movies! I'll put a turkey in the oven tomorrow so the smells will waft through the house. My Christmas "dinner" will be a yummy turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce on it. My most favorite!

Blessings to all of you!



  1. Merry Christmas Marilyn. Sorry to hear you were alone without your hubby. Glad you were ok with just having the peace and quiet. Sometimes that can be a blessing and special too.

    1. Kris... I did have a very nice Christmas! Gifts are still waiting to be opened.. house is still decorated.. waiting for hubs to get home on Wednesday....... the peace and quiet has been very nice and I"ve had time to do some fun (uninterrupted) crafting. The new year begins! Was so nice yesterday.. was 55 degrees out and I worked out in the yard a little bit!

  2. Merry Christmas Marilyn! Glad that your are enjoying your time alone. I love the peace and quiet! Your sandwich is making me want one too!

    1. Yes Cathy I've had some nice quiet time and have really enjoyed it. We need it sometimes. And boy was that sandwich good! I froze a bunch of the meat for future sandwiches. Am on a no bread, or very little bread eating regimen right now, even though it's gluten free is still very high carbs and fattening. This gal needs to lose some pounds! But turkey is good right????

  3. Merry Christmas to you Marilyn! Your home looked so warm and cozy. I hope you enjoyed your quiet time alone and got in some fun crafting moments in between eating that yummy turkey sandwich! Definitely turkey leftovers are a favorite around here too! We did get some fresh snow for Christmas, it sure has been beautiful! Blessings and hugs :)

    1. Hi Marilyn...... yes has been warm and cozy and quiet here! I've thoroughly enjoyed it and have gotten lots of crafting done. I want to do more! Where has the time gone! I froze alot of the turkey for future sandwiches. I had two and they were SO good! Didn't bake anything as trying not to eat so much sugar and sweets. This gal needs to lose some pounds gained over the last year and being inactive. 2019 I hope will be much more active for me! xoxoxoo Marilyn

  4. Your Pink Paper Cottage looked so beautiful for Christmas! Merry Merry!

    1. Thank you Carrie! It was very cozy even though I didn't decorate very much.. but put out some pops of red which makes me feel very Christmasy and happy. My tree is still up and will be for at least another week. I love it so much!

  5. Your home looks so beautiful. I hope it was a merry day...and we had a very quiet holiday this year, too. The peace was a welcome time of reflection. Sounds like you felt the same way. Happy New Year!

    1. Kim thank you! I did have a nice Christmas.. very quiet and peaceful and not so stressful as some years! Happy New Year to YOU too!

  6. Your decorations are loving. There is nothing wrong with a quiet Christmas. Steve and I were alone this year and because of being under the weather it was perfect. We just didn't have the energy to do anything. I'm feeling much better but Steve is not and I'm worried about him. Doing my best to cast those worries in the Lord's direction, please put him in your prayers.
    Here's to a wonderful and healthy new year for you and your hubby and for me and mine, too.
    Connie :)

    1. Oh thank you Connie. I didn't do much in the house but put up a few things.. but the pops of red just brightened things up and it was fun putting out a few things. I'm glad you are feeling better and hope you kind find solutions for Steve and what is causing his illness. Will write more in an email. He is in my prayers. Love, Marilyn

  7. Marilyn, hope you had a nice Christmas. Sometimes it is nice to have some peace and quiet. Thanks for your visit and Happy New Year..xxoJudy

    1. I did have a nice Christmas Judy! It was very quiet and peaceful and gave me time to just sit and contemplate life and spiritual things. My hubby came home on Jan. 2nd and we had our Christmas that day. Opened our gifts, sat and talked for awhile with our tea and coffee, and even went to dinner, even though I'd made a roast in the crockpot. It wasn't quite done by the time we wanted to eat, so on the spur of the moment, we went out! It was a very nice and special day. Here's looking forward to another year of being blog friends! Hugs.. Marilyn

    2. Thanks again, Marilyn. Don't know why I have to see your message only on my blog. Didn't used to. Hope you get some brighter weather there. I'm hoping for snow some time soon. May not happen though. Doesn't always here..Happy Week to you..xxoJudy

  8. Beautiful. Happy New Year. Hugs.

  9. It’s been way too long Marilyn! Happy New Year! I thought you stopped blogging for a while since I haven’t been getting your posts delivered, but I saw your comment on Kris’s blog and clicked over and voila!

    Your home looked wonderful for Christmas, and I’m glad you didn’t mind being alone. Sometimes it’s therapeutic I think.


    1. Doreen.... I'm still here! Just that December got away from me and I didn't really have anything pretty to post as far as my house because I just didn't do any decorating until the very last minute! Wonder why you're not getting my posts... hum.m.m.m... seems like sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. Have you not done any posts about your new house? I haven't seen any but maybe only on Instagram? I quit using IG as seems like a waste of time to me... it seems so impersonal and can't really respond and know that the poster even gets the responses, etc. I'll pop over to your blog and see if I've missed anything! It's the NEW year already and already the 11th!! Wow... I've been crafting some and hope to do a post soon on some of my projects. Hugs... Marilyn

    2. And Doreen.. I forgot to mention.......... what a hoot when you said you must have gotten that green round table that my family had back in the 70's!!!! That really made me laugh. It was a bright apple green.. round oak with those heavy legs.... I just checked your blog and no post since September, so guess I haven't missed any! Am anxious to see your new home in all its splendor and glory! xoxo Marilyn

  10. Replies
    1. Happy New Year to you too Tanza. I will have to check out your blog! Marilyn

  11. Lovely pictures! Wishing you a very Happy New Year Marilyn! XxX

    1. Thank you Helen. Happy New Year to you too..... can't believe it's almost February already! Have a wonderful weekend.... Marilyn
