Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Quilt Strips and Water.

I've been busily working on the quilt for my son's 40th birthday and I'm making good progress!  Here are a few sneak peeks of my blocks....... and........... all 36 of my blocks are done! My deadline is around September 1st to get the quilt top to my sister for quilting (and I'll have to mail it as she lives 3-1/2 hours from me!).

Burgundys - oh I see two fabrics in there that I used for maternity tops I made when I was pregnant with my son!

I LOVE how the yellows and peaches strips came together! Many of these fabrics were used for quilted pillows I used to make back in the 70's.
This is how the entire process started:

Start washing all of your strips and squares and pieces (that have been stored in plastic bags in big tubs for the last 40+ years - then dry them...........

Pull them out of the dryer and you have a big mess!

Oh no!  The strips are all tangled together, along with all the ravels that have come off.. and twisted all together into this:

Spend HOURS separating the pieces and strips.
Multiply this by about 1,000!

After weeks, you finally start having a pile of fabrics and strips that are recognizable - after you ironed EVERY SINGLE ONE of course.

Then sew all of your strips (all 500 of them approximately) into some semblance of a square:

Then iron them.............

Then trim each "square" using a 12-1/2" square ruler, into real squares!
Here are the browns I finished a few weeks ago.

Oh purples how I love thee - oops... I see more pillows in there (made during the 70's and 80's - I was REALLY into quilted pillows.)

Blues - I see fabrics from curtains, pillows, a shirt made for my ex hubby, and see that fabric with the clown on it? That was the lining for a little denim vest I made for my son when he was about 3 years old. Each blue block has at least one clown strip in it.

Making this quilt has surely taken me down memory lane..............

Here are some of the blocks I've laid out on the bed. I don't have a "design wall" where you put your blocks up on a wall made with batting or flannel... so my bed is my design wall! They are laid out kind of wonky here.... I was just excited to see the beginnings of what the quilt would look like.
That's how far I am now. I have all of my blocks pinned together and ready to sew. My hubby helped me lay them ALL out on the bed into the design that looked best, and we made sure to turn all the wonky ones into the right position. The eyes can be very deceiving as you think they're all right, and then when you look again - nope.. there is one that is laid with the black strip in the middle on the wrong side!   MORE PHOTOS to come!

NOW IN OTHER NEWS............

I finally went for a little drive the other SUPER HOT day as I was needing my "fix" of some water!  I wanted to drive to a lake about 10 miles from our house, but first checked out an annual Crawdad Festival held a few miles away in a small town park. I had wanted to go for years as I was curious about where the crawdads came from. I didn't think they would be from around here as it's so dry here and not much water, other than lakes. 

I didn't take a photo at the park, but I got this photo off the internet and this is what the plates of food looked like as people walked out from the cook tent! I mean, those crawdads were huge, bigger than these! I never did ask where they came from... should have... but it was SO HOT and I didn't eat as didn't want to pay for the full dinner, (and didn't want to wait in the long line out in the sun to ask) but I'm glad I went. So.... I'm still curious as to what they taste like.. I figure they must be like lobster maybe? If anyone knows, let me know!

Recent picture I took of Mt. Jefferson (a year ago) WITHOUT the smoke!
The drive to the lake was hot but beautiful (for awhile anyway).... and I could see Mt. Jefferson in the distance, still covered with snow. But.... as I got closer to the lake, I could see a big wildfire with plumes of smoke rolling off the ridges to the west, and pretty soon the smoke obscured the mountain. There was nowhere to stop to take pictures, as I was on a very steep downhill, curvy road, with no places to pull over.

As I drove down the hill to the creek and lake, there was a little waterfall along side the road. I was SO HAPPY to hear water trickling down the rocks!
It was SO NICE to see water! The lake is huge and I only took pictures of where the "creek" runs into the lake, on under the little bridge and out to the lake. I was expecting the "creek" (Willow Creek) to be dried up, as it runs through our town and is now just a dry creek bed in town! But it looked like a full blown river and had plenty of water. I was very happy to see that.

To me, this is a river and NOT a creek. It is lower than normal, but still flowing... and that's HUGE in this type of climate... to have any sort of water flowing this time of year.

The lake is out in the distance - is part of the Deschutes River in Oregon, that has been dammed up for recreation purposes.
Oh how I wish I would have had a kayak! There were many out enjoying the water, plus motor boats and canoes. I wanted to walk down to the water, but from where I was, there were only very steep dirt trails down, and I didn't want to risk falling since I was alone. I had to be happy to just look.

From the internet.

From the campground website.
I drove to the little resort/campground and stopped in at the cafe for a soda and some snacks.... sat out on their deck overlooking the lake.... and it was SO nice and quiet and very soothing. I need to go there more often.

They have yurts for camping! I've always wanted to camp in one, but not this time of year. Too hot!
So I've had my water fix.. .and am back to sewing my quilt blocks together today.

Hope everyone is having a good week, and maybe some rain in their neck of the woods. We haven't had any for over 2-1/2 months, except one very short spurt of about 8 minutes about a week ago - not enough to get the pavement wet!



  1. Awesome blog post. Loved it and everything you're doing. Fantastic, Marilyn and what a great and meaning filled quilt in lovely progress!

    1. Michele.... I finished the quilt top! I'm so happy... now it's at my sister's house as she's doing the quilting.. then it comes back to me for the binding. I don't usually finish things... I have a very bad habit of stopping in the middle and moving on to other things.. but was definitely motivated to get this done for my son's 40th birthday. This has been quite the project! Hugs.. Marilyn

  2. Thank you Michele. I've been wanting to do this for years (make the strip quilt)... was going to make one for each of my boys.. now only one boy left.... but I have NEEDED to get this one done! It's been on my mind alot as I think at some point later on, he'll appreciate all the little bits and pieces of my (and his and his dad's) life! I have enough for another quilt too so not sure what I'm going to do with that one.. maybe a charity quilt.. and may pull out the pinks and greens to make us one for our bed. Maybe mix in a few purples and blues too! I'm having fun with this quilt, and it makes me want to go on to another one (though hard to push my papercrafting aside)!!!! Hugs.. Marilyn

  3. Oh my gosh Marilyn! You put SO much work into that quilt! I cringed when I saw how tangled they got and then you had to iron each one!! I don’t think anyone can truly understand how labor intensive they are unless they make one themselves. I hope he appreciates all your hard work!

    I don’t think I ever had crawdads but I bet you’re right about them tasting like lobster. Probably fairly mild but just guessing

    We just got home late last night and haven’t unpacked yet (our luggage didn’t make the trip but we have our carry ons to unpack). Great trip but good to be home :).


    1. Hi Doreen... don't know if I replied to this or not! I think I did via email to you, but just in case... will reply again. I've never eaten crawdads either, but assume they are maybe something like lobster. I sure hope you have survived the hurricane.. I think I did see an IG post that your house was minimally damaged. I've been out of it lately with some vertigo and hubby has been sick... so the last couple of months have been kind of a blur! And yes.. that quilt has been a labor of love..... I think my sis is about done quilting it, and I'll get it back to put the binding on. Then I'll show it off on my blog. Haven't done a post for over a month! Hugs.. Marilyn

  4. Thanks for sharing your water fix. I am sorely in need of a water fix too. xo Laura

    1. Laura..... yes I NEED water and I need to see it.. I really miss it here in this dry country and so glad I went and enjoyed it for the afternoon. Take care... Marilyn

  5. Once again you leave me standing in awe of your creativity and patience! Oh, I have washed strips of fabric before and they are a beast trying to untangle and iron. Your quilt is looking amazing, my friend, and your hard work is most certainly paying off. I can't wait to see it all finished.

    Thank you so much for the many sweet visits to my blog. I always love hearing from you. Have a blessed week! Hugs!

    1. Thank you Stephanie. I know... washing those strips and then untangling all of them was a nightmare! When I look at how it looks now, I'm amazed that I actually did it.. after so so many years of wanting to make a quilt from these scraps. The quilt top is done and shipped off to my sister to quilt it. I wish I could have done it myself, but the time frame is short and it needs to get done. Her offering to quilt it for me is what motivated me to start it in the first place! And I thought it's very appropriate for my son's 40th! Hugs back to you..... Marilyn

  6. I'll try this again. Don't know where my comment went....That is really going to be a beautiful quilt filled with so many memories. Lots of work, Marilyn, but you are so good at it. Glad you got to take a little ride to the water. Sounds very relaxing..Happy Thursday and thanks so much for your visit..xxoJudy

    1. I did get your comment Judy. Yes.. the quilt is turning out beautiful and I"m very proud of it! The top is done now and shipped to my sister for doing the quilting on it. Then going to Astoria the end of the month to take it to my son for his birthday. It has been so fun seeing all the scraps of fabric.... memories brought back to me of all the things I made. I have enough left to make us one too! That may not happen for awhile! xoxoxo Marilyn

    2. Thanks again, Marilyn and thank your nephew for his service..Happy Sunday..xxoJudy

  7. Thank you for the birthday wish. Now that I've lost some weight my energy level is back and I don't mind being 73 at all :) It's just when my health takes a dip that I feel old and tired. Looking forward to seeing photos of your finished quilt:)

    1. How did you lose weight Connie? I need to know! I need to get rid of this 10 lbs. I gained since the 2017 holidays! Never did lose it and my lower back and knee are not happy with it. Finished quilt top will be on my blog very soon! I'm amazed that I actually finished something.... sis needs to quilt it and then she ships it back to me to put the binding on. Hugs... Marilyn

  8. I hope you were able to get the quilt finished in time for your son - it will be beautiful - he will love it!

    1. Carrie.. I did get the quilt top done! I just sent it off to my sister up by Vancouver, WA to do the quilting. She has a wonderful long arm machine and she does beautiful quilting! Then she sends it back to me, I put the binding on, and take it to my son in Astoria at the end of September I can't believe I actually got something finished! Marilyn

  9. Oh Marilyn! SO MUCH work you have put into this quilt! I enjoyed hearing all the stories behind each strip of fabric! And oh my, that tangled mess coming out of the dryer made me shudder! Such an incredible piece of work you've created! I can't wait to see the finished product, as I am sure you will be too! And I just wished I could have ridden with you to see the water, it made me sad that you couldn't get out to enjoy a hike since you were by yourself! Such a lovely spot you found to enjoy though!!! The smoke was awful here this summer too, but it is gone now, and we have clear skies again, thankfully!!! Looking forward to seeing the finished result of your quilt!!! Many sweet hugs :)

    1. Marilyn... I"m replying again here but think I did send you an email too! My mind has been foggy lately as am having some vertigo (I had it years ago but now it's back again!). It makes me NOT want to do much of anything on the computer as the reading and scrolling makes me dizzy! Ugh. My quilt is almost done so will post it on my blog when finished.... haven't been to see my son yet.. his birthday was Sept. 13th but we pushed back the visit until next week (if we can even go then, as can't do much car riding or driving with this vertigo)....... I hope I can get there to hand deliver the quilt! Glad the weather is better there and cleared up.. we aren't having the smoke either. Can't believe it's almost October! xoxoxo Marilyn

  10. Hi Marilyn,
    I just found you through Cathy (1924 Charmer). I love that quilt. I finally decided I was not going to use a lot of my old fabrics so I donated it to the senior center where they make quilts. They were thrilled. Of course, I still have about 3000 yards of fabric that I THINK I MIGHT use someday...lol

    I went back and read about the scrapbook you made for the camper man. LOVE it...I hope we can do a bit of traveling in the next few years. We'll see.

    Anyway- I am putting you on the sidebar of my blog because I read from there. It will be fun to get to know you! xo Diana

    1. Hi Diana... I've seen many of your blog replies on Charmer's blog and many others! I think we must travel in the same circles! I too have tons of fabric, just waiting for me to use it! I gave away a bunch last year, and then ended up getting MORE from a neighbor's mother who has quit quilting... I couldn't resist! so am trying to use some of it for various things... plus I still have several shelves of my own fabrics that I've saved/hoarded for many many years. I have tons of notebooks where I've saved pictures of quilts I want to make and I know I never will! I'm into SIMPLE these days... so any future quilt I (might) make will be very simple and easy. I like the quilt-as-you-go techniques so want to try one of those. My heart seems to be more in papercrafting these days... cards and gift boxes and bags, gifts for others and my Etsy shop. I still hope I can do some charity quilts or pillow cases or stuff bags for foster kids. I used to do that a few years ago and it was very pleasing to do that. I want to get back to that.

      We don't travel much but have an older 5th wheeler trailer we got for next to nothing.. but needs alot of fixing up and neither of us are very handy or able to do alot of it, so don't know if we'll ever get to use it! My hubby wants a "hunting trailer" but don't know if he'll ever even hunt again. We are both feeling the effects of age and not being able to do as much as we used to.

      I hope we can get to know each other too! I"m browsing your blog too!

  11. I loved reading about your quilt for your son Marilyn! So many memories in all those fabric strips! Although you did a lot of work preparing them it was worth it to make those nice square stripy blocks! Look forward to seeing it all put together. XXX

    1. Hi Helen, MY QUILT IS DONE! I'll be showing it off very soon, once I get some good pix of it. I'm amazed I actually finished something, and it's so big. Fits on our king bed but is really a "queen" quilt, but a little oversized. My sister did a fantastic job quilting it with her long arm. I don't think I would ever have undertaken something so large without her to quilt it! I'll be delivering it to my son this weekend! Marilyn
