Wednesday, August 1, 2018

For the campers and glampers!

And this was a few years ago and this was their SMALL RV!!!
A friend of mine's husband recently had his 75th birthday and I was trying to think of something unique for the man who has everything! I mean... their "campermobile" is a HUGE 45 foot gooseneck RV with 5 sliders! Now that is NOT camping... but they do love being outdoors enjoying nature, and they call it camping. So................  I made a little mini album for him (the thing I do best) to show off some sweet little cartoons and camping jokes and phrases. I spent hours searching the internet for camping posters, quotes,  and jokes, etc. and ended up having way more than I needed!

Here are a few that I could SO Relate to my friends!

Hilarious aren't they???????? Can any of you relate to these??? 

And here is the little album I made........

The little pockets hold small "posters" of the  various State Parks in the U.S.

My friends have been to alot of the State Parks!

I made a little leather "belly band" to keep it closed.
My girlfriend had told me that her hubby keeps forgetting to pack things when they go on their trips (and boy do they love to travel!.......... alot........... they are on the road more than they are home)..... so I suggested a little notebook with a list of things to remember to do or to take. So I also made him a notebook where he can make a reminder list of things he should do before they leave. Now as to if he's actually used it, I don't know! Can lead a horse to water and all that, but can't make him drink!

 I filled a little baggie with stickers that he can put on each page, such as "to pack before we go"; "don't forget to do this"; "favorite campground"; friends we've met on the road" and others.

Lots of blank pages to make notes on, to write down favorite places and keep little diaries.  I added more quotes and posters to some of the pages.

I modpodged the front and back so it would stand up to some wear and tear. I hope he uses it!

Just thought I'd share this with you all.

Have a good week everyone!



  1. Oh. My. GOODNESS!!! You are a talented scrapbooker/stamper for sure! I absolutely love this entire thing. Of course, since we camp (definitely on a small scale, lol) I could relate to some of those funnies for sure! Great job and thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much Hilltop Homesteader! I haven't camped for years, and not in a camper, but I could relate to some of these with my friends! I loved making the little notebook too. Marilyn

  2. So adorable!!! What a unique and thoughtful gift. As full timer's, we have to have a list to make sure we remember to do different things before we head out. I am sure they loved this thoughtful gift!!

    1. Hi Char... I was thinking of you too when I made this little album. I especially liked the checklist when leaving the campground that said "don't forget your wife" or something on that order! I had a good laugh on that one. Are you guys back in Oregon yet? Take care... Marilyn

  3. Hi Marilyn. I always love your talented little items you make. I have always wanted one of those cute glampers for my backyard. I am not much for camping bugs and all!!!!! but I would love a glamper for my backyard to fix up cute. Happy Rest of the Week.

    1. Oh Kris.. you would have a blast fixing up a "glamper" for sure... what with your design tastes and Terry's tools you guys could go crazy! We got our little truck camper but haven't done much with it as has been too hot. Now we are trading it (hopefully) for something a little bigger, a small 5th wheel that our small truck can pull. It needs LOTS of work though and neither of us are very handy so should be interesting! Also, could you let me know if you get this rely in your email? I'm not sure Blogger is working yet as far as replies I make to comments going into the person's email inbox! Have a fun and great weekend! Marilyn xoxoxoxoxo

  4. That has to be just about the most thoughtful and adorable gift I’ve ever seen! Sure beats a tie lol.

    I can relate to a few of those cartoons. I remember the first time we took the grands in BAM our steps were out and we were approaching a VERY narrow bridge when I realized it just in time!

    1. Doreen... I figured you could relate to some of those jokes! Sure glad you didn't hit that narrow bridge with those steps! I sure had fun making that little album and enjoyed finding most of the States' posters for the different parks. There is a man who lives here in Madras who has designed and drawn many of the State parks posters that are so neat and look so "retro". Hope all is well there in NC!! xoxoxo Marilyn

  5. What an incredibly creative gift(s)! Super cute and so much fun. You put a lot of work into all of this and I can imagine how much fun it was to put together. Just love all of it, Marilyn! Really, really clever💜

    1. Michele.... glad you liked it. I had fun making it and seeing all of the State Park's posters. I'd like to make one for myself as we just got an older little 5th wheel that our small truck can pull, and we are hoping to be able to take a few short trips with it.... after.... work gets done on it. It needs some repairs and leaks fixed but I sure love the layout of it, and though small, it has a full bathroom! Right now I'm working on a quilt for my son's 40th birthday coming up in September. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! Hugs... Marilyn

  6. Oh Marilyn, I am giggling out loud right now thanks to your humorous pictures :) Too funny!

    I simply love your creativity, my friend, for you never cease to amaze me with your talent.

    Thank you for the sweet, kind, and wonderful comments on my blog. You are such a precious friend and your words always bless my heart. Have a beautiful day! Hugs!

    1. Hi Stephanie... I missed this comment. I don't receive any comments in my email inbox anymore, so I have to keep going back and checking my blog. I know.. aren't some of those camper/RV jokes hilarious! I got a real kick out of them! Well.. I LOVE your creativity too.... you do with fabric what I would like to do, but I'm afraid the "paper bug" has bitten me and my poor fabrics are very neglected. It's now Aug. 16th.. hotter than hot here and so smokey from the fires all over. I hope you aren't having to deal with smoke in your state..... hugs to you too! Marilyn
