Sunday, July 9, 2017

Short and Sweet July 9, 2017

Short and sweet post today! I've been so remiss in posting... I think of so many things I want to share that I get overwhelmed on what to post! So the next few posts will probably be in no particular order of the last couple of months... will post when the urge strikes me!  Sometimes I do a short Facebook post, so I may be duplicating what I post there. It's easier to keep it short on Facebook.. I come here to my blog and get way too wordy!

Here's what I posted on my Facebook page on Sunday:

What a unique place! Recent trip took me on a side trip to White River Falls by Tygh Valley, Oregon. This was a hydro-electric plant starting in 1901 until 1963.. the river originates from a glacier at the base of Mt. Hood and flows 50 miles to this valley/high desert area. Raging river, hay fields, blue sky, desert......priceless!

I was driving up to Morton, WA to go to my chiropractor (a 5-1/2  hour drive one way!) and just had to take this side trip on the way. I'd been here before, many many years ago, and every time I have passed the turn-off, I've told myself, "one of these days I'll go there again and take pictures". So on this trip, I did! Hubby was not with me to persuade me not to go!

Read these signs. Very interesting! This wild river was used for hydro-electricity starting in 1901 and ran until 1963. I think this is amazing. This high valley in a desert area is so hot and dry, and yet this beautiful river runs through it for 50 miles and created energy for many years. You can see the old power plant in the pictures below.

I'm so glad I went!  And see? it's STILL too wordy.......I tried........

Have a wonderful Sunday!

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  1. Your Falls can beat up my Falls :).

    Ok, you drove 5.5 hours one way, so 11 hours in one day?? If so, I'm in awe.


    (And it wasn't wordy).

    1. Doreen... I didn't drive it all in one day! spent the night a few night at a friend's house, but made the drive twice up to my chiropractor which was 240 miles round trip... and then home the 5th day. Lots of driving even then.. about 850 miles in all. .but my chiropractor is a miracle worker and well worth the trip! Marilyn

  2.'s gorgeous! I love waterfalls. Aren't you glad you took pictures?

    1. TheAwakenedSoul.. yes so glad I took pictures. I'd been there years ago but didn't have a camera with me. Now I almost ALWAYS carry my camera with me when I know I'm going somewhere scenic (which almost everywhere!). I don't have a good camera phone.. just a little cheapy.. so need my camera at all times! Marilyn

  3. Great words in your post. Not wordy at all. The waterfalls are so pretty. Wow you drive 5.5 hours for a chiropractor. He/She must be great. Have a great new week.

    1. Glad my post wasn't too long! I always get carried away. I broke up the drive to my chiropractor by spending a few nights with friends.. but still had to make two trips of 240 miles each (round trip) while there.. drove 850 miles in all in 5 days.. but my chiropractor is a miracle worker and was well worth the trip! I really need to go more as I hadn't been to see him for 2 years, so two adjustments weren't enough. Trying to find one closer to my home but so far, no luck. Tried one but he hurt me more than he helped me. You have a good week too Kris! Hugs.. Marilyn

  4. What a wonderful side trip Marilyn! Your pictures are great, and it is amazing the power and beauty of water! That is a long way to travel to see your chiropractor too! Wow! I hope it was worth the drive :) Hope you are having a wonderful week - are you getting this heat wave that we are in? Its been very hot here. Hugs!

    1. Hi Marilyn, yes I just LOVE waterfalls! I search them out! That drive to my chiropractor WAS a long ways and that's why I don't go enough. I could use a few more adjustments but will have to go without for now. Am on a continuous search for a good one here close to Madras but so far no luck. and yes.. we are STILL having a heat wave here! Will be at least 100 today and this coming week very hot too. Guess we're in for the big bake for the rest of the summer! At least you have a river to go jump in! Hugs.. Marilyn

  5. What a neat post! It looks like a fun place to go exploring and maybe have a picnic :) I love the photos of the waterfall with the desert in the background. Marilyn I just want to thank you for being such a sweet and loyal blogging sister. I love visiting with you :)
    Stay cool this weekend, it's suppose to me in the 100's here.
    Connie :)

    1. Hi Connie.. yes that would be a nice place for a picnic, but gets so hot there too! I just LOVE waterfalls.. and these are expecially magnificent because they are in such a dry and deserty area. You wrote this response a week ago, and it is STILL hot here (and there too I'm sure) and this coming week more of the same. Will be at least 100 today I'm sure! I'm going to go respond to your latest blog as I LOVE what you did with those tree branches and twigs! Have a nice Sunday.. Marilyn xoxoxoxo

  6. What a unique and beautiful place to see in person! Oh, the water looks so refreshing and I can just imagine its lovely music as it rushes down the falls. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos.

    And many thanks for the delightful visit to my blog. Your comment greatly touched my heart :) Hugs to you!

    1. Yes Stephanie... water is wonderful.. and especially falls. I love them and search them out whenever I can. I can just sit there for hours watching, listening and feeling the cool mist hitting me! Majestic does not describe them well enough. Have a wonderful Sunday... Marilyn... and hugs back!

  7. Beautiful scenery. Isn't it amazing how many breathtaking places there are in our country? So much to explore. Waterfalls are so special. Glad you got to have some fun on your long trip, and happy your chiropractor is able to help you. Hugs.
