Saturday, July 29, 2017

Quick and easy cards (again!).......

Every now and then I just get a bee in my bonnet to make some really quick cards.. just for the heck of it.. and of course, it always "inspires" me when I NEED some thank you cards after my birthday or Christmas! (and I just had my birthday in late June, so was in need of thank you cards). I do have some pre-made thank you cards, but I wanted to use my Sizzix dry embossing machine, so I lugged it out and played. It's always fun to make something new.

I love the look of embossed papers. Isn't that pretty (below)? I used a floral embossing folder and ran it through my Sizzix machine using some pre-cut 3-3/4" x 5"  pretty free digital (rose gold) papers that I printed onto white cardstock, compliments of Free Pretty Things for You. I LOVE her beautiful digital papers. She offers free papers, and also has some you can purchase in her Etsy store.

I already had some colored card bases, so all I needed to do was cut my papers to size, leaving a 1/4" border, and then run each one through my Sizzix. Behind each "matt", I put a doily that I had cut in  half, just for a little interest. And voila! Here's what I came up with:

White gold rose on dark puple.

I added some clear Stickles glitter to the leaves and a few of the roses.

Palest of blue gold roses on a white card.

Light pink and gold roses on pink card.

Sorry about my name! It looks like Greek! I doubled over it with my watermark but was too lazy to redo it......tsh... tsh. this was a cream gold rose on purple card.
To do something different, I used a kraft card and envelope, and some pretty kraft paper for the matt that had this foiled dark pink/purple. I didn't emboss this one and added a polka dot paper I had behind it, for a little  pop.  The metal flower came from my son's girlfriend. She makes jewelry, and for my birthday she sent me a box of all sorts of bling and flowers and parts of old jewelry, etc. What a thrill to get that! This thank you card actually went back to her, with one of her pieces of bling on it.

On each envelope, I gussied it up with a strip of matching paper (except on the kraft envelope). The little labels I made using one of my label cutting dies, and then stamped the words on it with Onyx black Versafine ink. Wanted to keep it simple, right?

As usual, my "quick and easy" cards took me a little more time than I had planned, but I enjoyed every minute I spent wrapped up in my little world of papers and ink, scissors, embossing, and glitter!

OTHER STUFF..............

Yes.. I had my birthday on June 29th and it was a fun and special day.... only my hubby and me..... but my 3 sisters, and my son, called me, and I had gifts to open in the morning, afternoon and evening (most came by UPS and most were things from my wishlist!) I love having a wishlist on Amazon!

The gift bags from Amazon were beautiful!

Got the book Sewn Gifts, from Helen Philipps, that I've been wanting forever (thank you sister)!! She has the most awesome blog..... full of color and delight, and sewing, and crocheting, and gardens........ is published in magazines and has published these wonderful books.  She's such an inspiration to me. She lives in England and I so enjoy her. Take a peek at her blog here.

I also received her other book (thank you again sister!) entitled Patchwork Gifts. I'm just swooning as I look through these books. I want to make everything!  I also received Mollie Makes Crochet, another wonderful book that I've been wishing for.

My sisters definitely KNOW how much I love pink!

And to top it all off.... hubby made me dinner and the most wonderful gluten free, homemade prune cake with white buttercream frosting! My mom always made me homemade prune cake on my birthdays, for many years.  What a nice end to a fun and special day......

It's hotter than heck here and this coming week going to be above the 100's. That's when I stay inside and craft and bake!

Happy weekend!

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  1. What a nice surprise I got reading your post today Marilyn! Thank you so much for the sweet mention of my books and I am so happy that you are enjoying them along with your other lovely presents...what a wonderful sister you have! The cake with its frosting looks so delicious...and I love your beautiful handmade cards. Happy weekend! xox

    1. Thank you Helen..... I so love your work and your books.... when I get a project done (probably one of those cute little houses)... I'll send you a picture! Hugs.. Marilyn

  2. Your cards are gorgeous Marilyn! I think I'll send you a gift just so I can get a thank you ;).

    I'm heading over to Helen's blog now. If you like it I'm sure I will too.

    And btw, you have wonderful sisters to receive such lovely, personal gifts like those books. Lucky you!


    1. You are too funny Doreen! You will love Helen's blog.. she is so inspiring and love all of her use of beautiful pastels and bright colors. And yes.. I'm VERY lucky to have such sweet sisters! Hugs.. Marilyn

  3. The cards are beautiful, Marilyn! Belated happy birthday wishes - sounds like it couldn't have been a nicer celebration!

    1. Thank you Amy.... it WAS a very nice birthday this year and I loved making those pretty cards. I always do.. cardmaking is like creating little pieces of art.

  4. Good morning, dear Marilyn! I am just popping in to let you know there is a special announcement for you on my blog {{smiles}}

    And may I just say your cards are stunning! You do such lovely work. Also, belated birthday wishes to you :) It looks like you had a beautiful celebration. Hugs! Stephanie-The Enchanting Rose

    1. Oh Stephanie thank you so much! I went to your blog and see I am the winner of your 5th year blogging give-away! I'm beyond thrilled! I sent you an email and as I write this on August 10th, I've received your wonderful gifts. It was just like Christmas and I'll be showing them off on my next blog post! Hugs to you.. Marilyn

  5. Happy belated birthday, Marilyn. Your sisters did really good with your gifts. I agree with everything you wrote about Helen Philipps. She's fabulous, and I love everything she does. Your birthday cake looks scrumptious. Your hubby's a keeper! Stay cool, my friend. Hugs.

    1. Thank you Nancy. And a nice birthday it was.. and yes.. hubby likes to cook and bake (sometimes) and that counts for alot (and makes up for some other uh.. hum.m.m. deficiencies(?)... hee hee.... a good prune cake can cure alot of ills! Marilyn xoxoxo

  6. Your "simple" cards are gorgeous! I love the glamour that you added to each of them, yet kept the design simple, wow! I have a card party to attend next week, I may make use of you very clever card design!

    Happy belated birthday my friend! How wonderful to celebrate with your husband cooking your birthday meal, that prune cake looks delicious! And your sisters indeed know you well, to send you such wonderful presents! So fun to get just what your heart desired isn't it :) Will look forward to seeing your creations!

    It is really really hot here too... but we just have a window a/c so any baking I might do has to wait until late evening, lol! I'm sure you are having a great time crafting with all your new inspiration :)

    Congratulations on your win of Stephanie's giveaway, how excited I was to see that you won! Hugs and blessings to you :)

    1. Thank you Marilyn for the good wishes. I'm so thrilled that I won Stephanies give-away.. I think it's from your blog and comments that I "met" her... as I saw what you'd posted (I think) about her teacup and mug exchanges. I have received her gifts and they are just so wonderful and fun.. it was just like Christmas! I love every single thing she sent.. all pinks and greens and tea and fabric and cards.... I am in Heaven! Still hot here too.. but right at this moment on August. 10th... we are having a big thunder storm and real RAIN! Never thought I'd be so excited to see rain! Hugs... Marilyn

  7. Marilyn: Happy Belated Birthday. You certainly received some beautiful and thoughtful gifts. Your cards are always so beautiful and clever. What a sweet hubby to cook you dinner and make that special cake for you, which looks really yummy BTW..Happy Wednesday and thanks for your always wonderful comments to me..xxoJudy

    1. Thank you Judy! I do so love making different kinds of cards.. they are so fun.. and I've kind of been lax with it lately.. with all the summer yardwork and gardening, and fighting those darned garden pests that are eating up everything (bugs). I'm actually anxious to be done with the gardening for the year.. and get back to my crafting! Take care... Marilyn

  8. Love your cards! Happy Belated Birthday, it looks like you got some great things, I love Amazon Wish List too. I really like getting books, they are my downfall. So fun to look through actual papers/pages not digital things. I guess we are old school huh? Oh wow that prune cake looks delicious. Does Hubby deliver?? If you have a couple minutes could you send me the recipe via email. Thanks bunches, I think I need to get busy making some more cards too. Patti

  9. Thank you Patti! I've sent the prune cake recipe via email.. I hope you do make it as you'll love it! I'm old school too.. I LOVE books to look at with all the beautiful colors and patterns and ideas... I hoard my books.. have several shelves full.. they are like my old friends and I never tire of looking at them. Amazon has alot of books used.. so I usually buy them used at a way cheaper price. In fact... I may head over there for another book fix! Take care... xoxo Marilyn

  10. Happy belated make the prettiest cards.. Your books look wonderful enough I'll be checking them out...My books are my old friends too...I'm a purist and want a book in my hand not a kindle...

    1. Thank you (belated) Cathy! I too love to read a real book.. I got a Kindle tablet for my birthday (first one) and can't seem to get myself to read a book on it! I like one in my hand.. where I can turn the pages and see how much I've read, etc.! I love all my craft books on my shelf so I can look at them and appreciate each one! xoxo Marilyn

  11. I'm a little late with this response, I just found your blog and I can see I'll have to postpone all house cleaning next week to catch up! : ). The funny thing is that my birthday was last month and when the gift from my sister arrived it was all 3 of Helen Philipps books! We must be kindred spirits. her site is a feast for the eyes and creative spirit. I can see already that I'll enjoy reading your blog too. Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Betty4.... I don't see where you have a blog or email so hope you get this reply! Yes we MUST be kindred spirits! I too absolutely LOVE Helen Philipps and her blog and books and creativity. She is very inspiring to me and I just go to her blog sometimes and browse around to get some motivation to make something! How funny that you got her 3 books for your birthday! Mine are sitting here for me to look at and dream (and hope) that I can start some new project very soon. I hope you enjoy my blog as has tutorials and many projects and things I've made. Thank you for visiting! Marilyn
