Sunday, February 26, 2017

Finished project... and kitties

I'm so proud to say that I finished the crocheted baby afghan I started a couple of months ago! Yay for me! I'm not very good at finishing projects... it's the excitement of starting something new that is the most fun for me.. and then I get tired of it all too quickly. That's why I like small projects.

Here's the last photo I showed you around Christmas  (uh.. .has it been that long already?)

All I can say is: Thank you Pammy Sue at Scotty's Place for keeping me on track and urging me onward to get it done!

Here's the finished blanket, before I blocked and shaped it.

It was terribly ruffley while I was making it... I was worried it wouldn't flatten out, but I wasn't about to tear a bunch out and change the size of my hook or change the pattern, etc. I hoped for the best.

I do love the colors. I had the pretty turquoise and white in my stash..... decided to buy the veregated blues and gray to add a little bit more pizzaz.... don't know if a baby needs pizzaz.. but I do when I'm working on something!

And here it is............... all done.....

The pattern is from Jonna Martinez at Fiber Flux on YouTube here and you can find her on Ravelry too, and her written pattern can be found on her blog here. This is called a Virus Blanket.... kind of a strange name and I'm sure there's a reason for the name! There are Virus Shawls too and tons of YouTube videos on both. I'm glad I watched her video first and worked mostly from that... her handwritten pattern was helpful but needed a few tweaks here and there.

I love the colors I used and I LOVE the design. I added my own scalloped edging.. one I use on most of my crocheted projects.

Here's pictures of my kitties................ just happened to catch them being still so thought I'd share.

Maddie... so sweet and regal....... can't believe it's been over a year since we rescued her!  She has surely stolen our hearts.

Rudy... our new "rescue" kitty, though he's not much of a "kitty" anymore! We call him rowdy Rudy.... very befitting.....

..............and he too likes to lay right by my keyboard as I type. This little pink blanket I got at the thrift store, and it has served me well as each kitty takes their turn sleeping there. First was Maddie when she was a kitten (I got it for her originally). She can hardly fit there now but she tries! Then our older "grandma" B.K. decided she liked it there and she kind of took it over (until Rudy)...... and then Rudy discovered it and he's sure it's ALL HIS.  I've been teaching him how to just lay THERE and not on top of my keyboard!  Oh such fun they are.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

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  1. Animals add soooooo much to our lives don't they? Your kitties are so precious Marilyn!

    I learned how to crochet in high school, but never got very good at it, so I can appreciate a well done finished project.

    I was just thinking about you today, so it's funny to see your post. Actually, not really. That seems to happen quite often to me. Maybe I'm psychic ;).


    1. Doreen, there are LOTS of good crochet videos out there on YouTube.. step by step process for beginners (and not so beginners).... I really enjoy it but the "kittens" prevent me from crocheting unless they are napping or outside, as they always want to play with the yarn or get up on my lap! We must be psychic because I was just thinking of you too when I got your comment! Marilyn xoxox

  2. Wow Marilyn! Your sweet baby afghan is gorgeous! Yeah for you to work on finishing it! I know what you mean about unfinished projects! It is always exciting to get started, but then the difficulties set in sometimes, and it just takes a lot of perseverance to get it done. Glad your friend encouraged you onward, what a beauty you ended up with! And I just adore the sweet pictures of your kitties! So you have a spot close to the keyboard for them! What a great idea. My Mr. Simba is always trying to lay on my desk, and now Miss Riley is doing it too. Our animals add so much to our lives, don't they!

    I wish I had learned to crochet better. I learned years ago and have not done it since. I've got so many projects on the burner right now, but maybe someday I'll take it up again! Hugs to you today :)

    1. Hi Marilyn! Thank you for the nice compliment! I'm always so thrilled when I get something actually finished.. and I even got it sent off to the mother of the baby. Now I want to start something new, but I have so many unfinished projects to work on. I should get them done. alot are quilting things, wall hangings or table runners that are "almost" done. I should just get in there and finish them! I have projects from 5 years ago that I still think I'll get done one of these days! I think I'm in denial.

      The good thing about crochet, is that if it's something smallish, you can sit in one or two nights and get it done. I love making table mats and coasters and doilies with my crochet. Quick and fun! I love the pink blanket by my computer.. all 3 of our cats have learned now to lay just on it and not the keyboard! Oh they are so sweet but can be like little toddlers sometimes.
      Hugs back and hope your snow melts soon! Marilyn

  3. So pretty and even though I don't crochet, but knit, I can appreciate your work. Your kittens are adorable and can't imagine our family without our animal ones. Bring so much to our lives.

  4. Marilyn: That little afghan is so sweet. Confession! I loved it when it was ruffly. The kitties are so cute. They sure are great pets and I miss my Maggie, but Kai would not have it!!..Happy Wednesday and thank you for your sweet visit. I wish some snow for you before winter is truly over..Judy

  5. Hi Marilyn, your blanket is beautiful . . . that's going to be one pampered baby:)
    Here's wishing you a warm and sunny weekend.
    Connie :)

  6. Hi Marilyn. Just wanted to thank you for your kind visit to me and wish clear skies. warm sunshine and bright flowers for you soon. I just love the kitty pics..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy
