Saturday, January 21, 2017

Saturday Serenity - January 21, 2017

Such a pretty day here and I'm so thankful............ 

When I can dream..... I feel serene...........

Things to come.........

My flowers.............. 

A few road trips.............

The beach.........

A crafting getaway to some sweet little cottage...........

An afternoon tea with a good friend...........

A road trip or two.............

Mountains in SW Washington......

The ranching country by Prineville, Oregon.............

My beloved Columbia River Gorge..........
I do feel serene today............ dreaming................  at this very moment, life is good.

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  1. Such pretty pictures and big plans! Fun. I don't have spring fever just yet, but it sounds like you might be coming down with a case of it. ;)

    1. Pammy, Oh yes... always big plans for the summer! I don't really have spring fever, just missing some color in our yard.. but not ready yet for all the work involved and the planting, etc. I'm happy for now to be inside sewing and crocheting and playing with my paper crafts! xoxoxox

  2. So pretty all your dream pics. I am dreaming of pretty flowers in my garden hopefully soon. Happy Weekend.

    1. Kris, thank you for your comment. We need to dream right? I am not ready for all the work involved in gardening, but I AM dreaming about all the pretty results.. and a few road trips too. I miss the beach and I miss the mountains! Marilyn

  3. Your description of your ideal day sounds wonderful Marilyn. I think I might like to tag along :).


    1. Doreen... wish you could tag along too! Just like I wish I could tag alone with you during your Florida trip! At least we have some sunshine today so that makes me perk up! I'm not ready for all the gardening work quite yet.. having fun staying in and sewing, crocheting and paper crafting.. but a girl has to dream! Have a nice week... Marilyn

  4. Marilyn, love your sereneness! Is that a real word? Your photos are so pretty and I love the dreamy way you have edited them. What would we be if we couldn't dream?..Happy Wednesday..Judy

    1. Judy, I like that word "sereneness".... I love editing my photos to look old or "dreamy" as you say. That's so much fun. I love how your edit yours too. Happy Friday! Marilyn

  5. Beautiful pictures, and always good to seek serenity. I think dreaming of the future and making happy plans is a very good thing :)
    Helen xox

    1. Hi Helen,
      I do too (making happy plans)..... dreaming and planning makes life very interesting and fun. I'm not ready for all the work of gardening yet.. but dreaming about the results... and want to take a few little road trips this summer. I love seeing new places, or old places that I love to return to. Happy a happy week!
      xoxoxoxox Marilyn

  6. Marilyn this is such a beautiful post. We can dream can't we? Spring is coming :) I have ordered seeds and have gathered up the seeds that I saved from last year's garden. It will soon be time to get my peppers and tomatoes plants started. There is nothing as sweet as digging in the warm earth after a long cold winter. We can't plant outside here until May . . . but May is coming :)
    Dream on, sweet friend.
    Connie :)

    1. Yes I'm dreaming.. but really.. the gardening and planting bug hasn't really hit me yet.. just the "want" of wanting to see flowers and color in my yard! But if someone else would do it, I'd be fine with that! I'm mainly dreaming now about the mountains and forests and big trees, and rivers in the mountains. I swear, on the first sunny warm day in March (hopefully) I'm going to get hubby and go for a drive towards the mountains as far as we can go (before we hit snow!). At least we have sunshine today and days in the 40's which is wonderful! Hugs... Marilyn
