Monday, October 10, 2016

Fall.....yard, neighborhood, mountains.

It's such a "normal" Fall day here in central Oregon. Gray, cloudy, windy, but warm out.. leaves scuttling down the street, and wind in the trees............ an occasional sun break to warm your back. It is so strange to live in town after 25 years of living in the country on acreage! And I mostly lived in the "wet" climates, so the dry is much different. But "town" is pretty too, in many ways.

Views from my front porch....

A close up to the south of us... in the "real" picture, you can see houses!

Across the street.

 My front yard is so "fallish" now! Love it.

Mums cascading over our rock flower bed... they are HUGE!..... and B.K. (black kitty).
Geranium still hanging on! 

Nasturtiums. (oops... lawn needs mowing again... tell hubby.....)
I LOVE my front walkway right now!

Oh the beautiful burgundies!
Thought this would be a nice time to share a little mountain journey I took 3  years ago with my Camp Sherman, Oregon... about 20 miles west of Sisters, Oregon (a quaint western town in the mountains). Sisters is about 40 miles west of Bend, Oregon and about 60 miles southwest of where I live.
This adventure was in October of 2013. I would sure love to go again this year, but don't know if I'll make it as I've been sick, and we have out of town plans next week...... and by the time we get back, there may be snow on the ground there!

Tamarack trees - the needles turn  yellow in the Fall and then fall off until the following spring.

Bye for now!

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  1. Such pretty pictures and your Mums are gorgeous! Those Tamarack tree, too . . . I love fall :)

    1. Thank you Connie. I do love Fall too... the colors are so bright and vivid and they energize me. ~Marilyn~

  2. Your mums are beautiful! I've never had much luck with them for some reason. I picked a few up recently that seem to be ok. Fingers crossed they stay that way!


    1. Doreen..... yes.. my mums this year are bigger than any I've ever grown! The only reason I can think why is that the flower bed I planted them in had been used by the neighborhood cats as their "potty area" for years, before we bought this house! Guess it made good fertilizer! These were just mums I got from the grocery store, so weren't real hardy stock, but they wintered well here and just went crazy last spring. Hope yours do well too! Hugs.. Marilyn

  3. Pretty pictures and you tree looks gorgeous. Our trees haven't started to turn yet and it's been in the 70's but going down tonight. The mums looks so pretty and I only have pink ones in my garden. Fall is the best season. Thanks for your supportive comment on our remodel gone bad.

    1. Cathy.... it was so warm here for so long, I wondered too if our trees would change colors! But they finally are, and now it almost seems too early. We had a winter storm last night that blew alot of the leaves off the trees! Darn.... ~Marilyn~

  4. Hi Marilyn. Your mums are really gorgeous. Mine didn't do well this year. I love the smell of mums. We have been to Sisters many times. It is such a pretty little town and a beautiful area. Thanks for your visit. That little creeper is on our side porch and I thought it looked perfect as a spooky addition..Happy Wednesday..Judy

    1. Yes I sure do love my mums this year! I've NEVER had any get so big. They don't get touched by the rain so I've had to water them all summer long, but it's been well worth it. I think I should have pruned them some in July (was told this by the nursery lady) so that the blooms would have been bigger. Next year....... glad you've got to visit Sisters, OR as it's such a neat little town. I love it! When I need a big tree and forest fix, I head to the Sisters area! Have a fun "spooky" weekend!

    2. Thanks again, Marilyn for your last visit. To answer your question - that is the Cottage Witch! I had one friend ask if I had made the witch: I told her if she was talking about the little mousie morsel, no ,I bought her at a favorite shop. If she was talking about the big witch in the garden, no, I didn't make her either - my mom and dad did!!.Happy Weekend, my friend..Judy

  5. Those are some happy mums! All of your flowers look beautiful. The pictures from your trip are really nice. I've been to Sisters several times and it is a nice little town. I can almost smell those fir trees! The smell of the beautiful mountain firs is one of my favorite memories of Oregon!

    1. Yes.. the smells of the Oregon mountains are one of my favorites on earth! I miss that, living here in the "dry country" of Oregon. I grew up on the west side of the mountains and we used to go up by Mt. Hood when I was a little girl, and to this day, I won't forget those wonderful mountain smells of the wet earth and big fir and cedar trees. I'm glad you've gotten to see Sisters, OR also.. such a unique and quaint and gorgeous little town, with the mountains all looming in the distance. Have a great weekend! Marilyn

  6. I love that south view, and B.K. looks so cute♥
