Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Around my house... favorite things and updates.

It's been awhile since I've shown some of the "updates" in my new (old) house that we purchased last October. I seem to be decorating with alot of vintage/thrift store (old) finds! Here goes... I'll try to be brief as this post is very PHOTO HEAVY. I love every single thing here... some I've had for years and years.. and some are new to me. Enjoy! 

Little wire basket from Restore (Habitat for Humanity).
Let's start with the master bedroom. I think I've shown most of it since we painted it pink last Fall, but here are a few new things:

LOVE my china teacups... most were given to me as a child by my godmothers... and they are lovingly placed on my mom's cup shelf that she had in her house for many many years. I hope to paint this shelf white one of these days.

New old picture from a thrift store... how much better could it match my pink bedroom? And more of my mom's china plates.

My mom's china plates over our closet. Love the ones she had with pink as the main color.

My "what not" shelf for miniatures. I bought this probably 30 years ago.. was rough wood and I painted it white a few years ago. LOVE all of my miniatures that I've collected over the years.
 Next... our master bath:

I LOVE the pale gray walls! It was BRIGHT yellow before I painted. Never thought I would be a "gray" person.. but coming from the pink bedroom, I decided I needed something calmer. This is our new white wall cabinet that my sister got us for a housewarming gift.. I love the little baskets and open shelves.

My sister bought me the little "books" for my birthday, which are really little boxes with lids. Perfect for storing things I use alot but don't want out in sight.  (Oops.. I see a spot of paint I missed over that switch plate!).

These "fish china plates" were perfect for the bathroom. They were my dad's that my mom gave him over the years (they are both deceased now).......... and though he had about 20, I only got about 2 from the estate... then I happened to see these at a garage sale my sister was having... she was selling them! can't believe it.... I snapped them up of course.  Also.. love this little "bath" sign that I bought at the Dollar Store.

Pretty little wicker shelf I got for $3.00 at a  yard sale last  year.. painted it white (wish I had a before photo, but forgot to take one). My accent color in this bath is aqua, so found some aqua votive candle holders, and fabrics with aqua in them that I wrapped around my pill bottles and tied with a pretty bow! The little bunnies were my mom's.. they needed a home as had been stored in a box for years.  The "key" hooks I've had for about 10 years and love it. Was perfect here for little what-nots and necklaces.

Moving on......... to our living room.....

This large picture found a home here.... found by hubby from the local Restore.... not totally what I had in mind, but I like it... and the colors are so pretty in our darkish room  The picture to the left I've had for years..... always loved the porch scene... and it was a perfect match here.

Dreamy porch scene... I want one just like it! I DO have a white wicker chair that was my great grandmother's..... but is still stored at my son's house many miles away! Someday................
And now for my most favorite "find" from a recent trip to a garden store.....  PINK shutters! can you believe it????

I bought these for $12.00 at a garden shop...... could not believe the gal there had painted them pink! They were supposed to be for our bedroom... but instead found their home on my side table on the small living room wall that I didn't know what to do with. I can sit and look at this little vignette from my favorite chair, so think it will live here for now.

Above is the short wall in our living room.. one doorway goes into the kitchen and the other end (right end) is open to the dining area. I didn't quite know what to do with it... the white beadboard is NOT attached yet! and sorry about the mirror on the floor that hasn't found a home yet.  I love everything on this wall.. the little antique drop-leaf table that was my aunt's (although it really needs to be in a different spot).... the Victorian lamp on top that was my mom's and her mom's.....the picture in the middle on the wall that is a collage of pictures of my mom and dad..... the "Home" sign (have had for years)..... the PINK SHUTTER of course!.........and the little pink birds on the piece of wood.

Oh my... can you believe my sister found pink birds?? Amazing... she found this at a little shop in La Pine, Oregon called Twigs..... the owners make most of their items.... he is a genius with wood and she is a genius with twigs!

One more thing....

I won these CUTE little squishy squash pumpkins from a drawing at  Embracing Cottage Style. I can't remember which shop offered these for the prize for that month... I really DID try to find it, but can't remember which month I won! They are the cutest little things and decorated so sweetly. If you like "shabby, romantic, french, farmhouse, coastal and retro".... take at look at this site! It's pretty awesome. 

The squishy squashes look so cute in my little wire basket!

Well maybe one more thing.............. a few things in my kitchen:

Love my flowered curtain that  hides our hot water heater! Fabric that I've had for  years.. intended for bedroom curtains but never made it there.  I really do need to find a more vintage looking clock for this spot! 

LOVE this Mary Englebreit tray that I've had for many years.... just didn't know where to put it... but it looks darling on my apple green kitchen wall (see the temp today???)..... that's "cooler" for here!

Little wood fish plaque that I made for my dad 15 years ago. The fish is hand carved. He was an avid fisherman!
Uh..... I was going to show some craft room thrifty finds.. but this is so long I think that'll be in one of my next posts.

Have a great day!  That's it for now.....

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  1. All of your vignettes are so pretty. I have a teacup holder but haven't found the right spot for it... The majority of decorating I do is with thrift store finds, and to me if the only way to go.. My hubs would never let me have a pink bedroom but am trying for a pink bathroom...Love you curtain fabric.

    1. Thank you for your comment Cathy! I'm VERY lucky that hubs "lets" me have a pink bedroom... well it's my house too and I've wanted pink forever and ever... and he seems to like pastel colors which is neat. Hubs also likes to shop the thrift stores, so he's always coming home with some little trinket for the house.. it's great, but trouble is, it's a small house so no room to put ONE more thing! Every surface is full.. so I'm resorting to using wall space now! and that's filling up fast too.

      Trouble with using that curtain fabric in the kitchen, I now don't have any for the bedroom.. and I NEED some curtains for the bedroom that will block out the morning sun. Right now I have two pieces of cardboard that I place in my window before I go to bed! I need to remedy that very soon.

  2. I so love your baskets and your HOME sign. You abode is so beautiful ♥


  3. Undoubtedly, you have beautiful collection of cups and saucers. China plates on the wall are looking magnificent. Totally insightful ideas to revive the old memories and make home look lovely.

    1. Thank you so much! I love my teacups and saucers.. they remind me of days gone by. I have the love of old china plates that my mom did.. she couldn't resist them!

  4. I haven't read any blogs in AGES, but thought I'd pop in. Was fun seeing bits of your decor and house. I love seeing inside other people's houses! I'm a voyer I guess, or just plain nosey! Love love your pink bedroom. Big score on the pink shutters!!

    1. Yes. I DO love those pink shutters! I am anxious to see what you do with your blue ones painted white. I guess I'm nosey too.. as love seeing the inside of my "blog friends" houses.. like to see where they live their everyday lives. And I love my pink bedroom too! Every time I walk in, I just have to stand and admire the walls.. now I need to get some good room darkening curtains up.. right now it's sheers and cardboard!

  5. Marilyn, you have a wonderful collection of all your well loved stuff. Looks like you have been lucky at the REhab store. We never seem to get much at ours. I had to laugh about your sis selling the plates. Can you imagine? I had a similar situation with my sister. My mom gave me an antique washstand many years ago while she was living. We refinished it and used it for quite a few years. Then she decided that my sister needed it, so I gave it to her and my mom gave us a set of antique chairs instead. Then just a while back my sister had a garage sale and was selling the little washstand, so I bought it back for $100! What a deal!!..Have a wonderful weekend..Judy

    1. What a story about your mom's washstand! Funny how one thing can mean so much to one of us, and not the other. Glad your got your washstand finally, and I'm glad I got my dad's fish plates! I had to pay only $3.00 each for my plates. our Rehab store here where we live isn't that great.. mostly stuff for building purposes.. some furniture and knick knacks, but heaven knows I don't need any more knick knacks!

  6. We are kindred spirits when it comes to cottage style and PINK! LOVE all of your design touches - especially your teacup and plate collections. So happy to find out about your blog!!! I am looking forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Yes we are when it comes to pink and other things too! I cherish the teacups and saucers as most were given to me by my two sweet little Godmothers when I was a child.. and some were my mom's. I am so sentimental when it comes to my "things"... they bring back such nice and sweet memories.

    2. I have both of my grandmother's sets of dinnerware and I use them in my hutch. One set of china is pink and white so I decorate with it in spring and summer. My other grandma's set is brown/cream transferware, so I use it in fall/winter. I love them cause I have such happy memories of eating off of them when visiting my precious grandmothers!

    3. That is wonderful to have those dishes! Hum.m.m.m I need some pink and white dishes! And love brown transferware too. I have my grandmother's crystal water glasses that I loved as a child, and still use them on our special occasions... also some frosted glasses with gold horses on them! LOVE those... ah.h.h. nice to have those memories.

  7. ohhhhhh - and those PINK shutters! Fabulous! I am kicking myself cause I went to an estate sale last weekend that had a panel made of 4 shutters - about 6 feet tall and painted PINK! Only $35 but I walked past and into the house to look around. When I came back out - they were gone of course!

    1. I think it's the first time I've seen PINK shutters! I need to go back to that shop! She had alot of pink things.. even a darling old chair painted pink. She was crazy with her paint cans... lots of red too. Too bad you didn't get those pink shutters at the estate sale! I'm always on the lookout for old shutters.. love them for some unknown reason. Can always get out the paint can!

    2. I have lots of cans of white paint but I am going to buy a can of pink so I can pink-up some of my estate sale finds!

    3. Great idea! I just never thought of painting things pink! But after seeing these shutters... and that pink chair... I'm gonna' do it! Be sure and share!

  8. Hi Marilyn: I know I have already commented on this post, but I will say again that your home is so pretty and you have great collections. I wanted to thank you for your kind comment to me and for your input on the chest, but you are listed as a 'no comment' and I couldn't find an e-mail address so am answering you here. You are very observant. I agree with you on the little piece at the bottom of the chest. It did have an shell emblem but I wanted it to look more countryfied so I took it off. We both said that no matter how we refinish it we needed to clean up that little spot. Still making up my mind but will let you know as soon as I do..Have a wonderful weekend. We are going down to take a tour of Jake's college so am excited about that..Judy

    1. Hi Judy... thank you! My email address is pinkpapercottage@yahoo.com.. if you ever want to comment again on anything. I have it under the "Email Me" tab at the top of my page. I do want to be a "reply" blogger but I can't figure out how to make it that way. I tried going into my profile page and adding my email there, but it does something weird and won't work! If you know what I need to do, please email me!

      I figured you probably had plans for that little area at the bottom! I'm sure it will be wonderful and look great. You have such a touch with the way you've decorated and refurbished things. You have a great weekend too! Marilyn

  9. What a fun post! This is my first time visiting your blog and I love it. We also purchased an new (old) home two and a half years ago. For thirty three years we lived in a suburban home with a shady backyard that I couldn't grow a garden in. Now we have a small country home on an acre of land and gardening and canning are becoming a joy to behold. I visited some of your past posts and can see that you certainly have a green thumb, your garden is amazing :)
    Well, happy to meet you!
    Connie :)

    1. Hi Connie! Happy to meet you too! Thank you for stopping by... I am right now looking at your Crafty Home Cottage blog and I love it also! Your most recent post reminds me of all of our tomatoes too... and that I made salsa and was going to do a post but still haven't gotten around to it. I'll truly enjoy going back and reading your blog posts. I was trying to figure out where you live.. it says Pacific Northwest.. and I see the post on Deep Lake.. is that in Washington state? I like following bloggers who don't live too far away from me, in the hopes that one day maybe I'll actually meet someone in person! Your place sounds fun and satisfying (and lots of work). I have almost aways lived on acreage until just this last year. Before here, we lived on 1 or 2 acres and came from 5 acres up in Washington by Camas. So now we only have a small city lot, but I'm trying to make it as "country" as possible! I shall go visit more of your posts! Marilyn

  10. Thank you for the tour of your house. It's neat how the things we choose make our decor so personal. I actually like your mother's shelf in the wood tone.. but that's just me. Have a fun week ahead! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Thank you Teresa! You are so right.... we each have our own little doo dads that we love and that we feel makes our house a home.. it's so fun to see what each person likes and how they choose their personal decor. I know.. that wood shelf does really pop against the pink walls! For some reason, I had the idea that I had to paint everything white for my "cottage" bedroom.. but some things may stay the way they are, as I'm not really a painter at heart! Marilyn

  11. Hi Marilyn. Me again. I can't get your e-mail to come up and when I try to contact you from my browser it won't come up either. I am the worst person to ask how to do anything. The fact is it is probably something wrong I am doing from my end. Thank you for your last visit and I certainly understand having to "limit" yourself where Pinterest is concerned..Have a great day..Judy

    1. Hi Judy! I tried adding my email to my profile, but then it messed things up whenever I tried to comment on someone's blog! So I took it off. My email address is pinkpapercottage@yahoo.com if you want to comment that way or contact me, etc. I would like to be a "reply" blogger but can't seem to get it to work either! It's cloudy and cooler here so I should be outside working.. but good ole' Pinterest and blogs are keeping me tied to the computer today.... darn! No willpower!

  12. I'm so glad you gave us a closer look at those pink shutters, Marilyn. I spied them in the first photo and wanted a closer look. :-) I love them and the way you used them in the vignette. All your little cottage style decor touches are charming. It seems you're well on your way to accomplishing the "cottage look" you want. xo

    1. Thank you Nancy for your visit! I had fun looking at my own post again. It's been awhile and I still SO ENJOY my pink shutters! I found a shop in Redmond, OR that had a few shutters, not pink, but there's always a can of paint! They are usually so hard to find anymore (real, old, shutters). Still lots of things I want to do IN the house, but even more outside, to make it look more like a cottage. It really does look cottage style even though was built in the 70's.. just needs a little fence out front and more flowers, and a pretty flowering tree for the springtime. We just lots a big shade tree to the wind storm on April 7th, so no tree now in our front yard! Hugs.. Marilyn
