Saturday, January 23, 2016

SATURDAY SERENITY - January 23, 2016

During the last few years, I've learned to believe and accept that life is much more difficult if you are continually trying to row upstream! I think serenity is letting things go and going with the flow of life.

I think this quote below says it all about life. This especially applies to my husband and myself over the last few years as we searched for another home of our own, after many toils and troubles in our lives. 

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.
Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow.
Let reality be reality.
Let things flow naturally forward
in whatever way they like.

Lao Tzu ~ 

In our home search during the last 2 years, we lost several homes we thought were just right for us.... but they were not meant to be....... and we had to let them go...... gracefully.....and with confidence that the flow of life would lead us to just the right place.

We are here now. I was walking the other day and with great delight saw that our little Willow Creek was happily flowing with water again! I love water....... and was missing it here in our little town where we've landed...... and I felt such serenity as I gazed out over the ripples and eddys.

Our reality today is from the natural and spontaneous changes that have brought us here. We will settle back and go with the flow of this journey set before us.

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