Saturday, September 19, 2015


Hi all.. Just a quick post to let you know I won't be doing my Saturday Serenity series for at least two weeks.. or posting to my blog (probably).

I'm in the process of moving about 1-1/2 hours away from my current rental.. we bought a house! It's very exciting, being 68 and thinking you'd never own a home again........and to finally find a home that is pretty cute and awesome (but needs tons of work).......... so lots of labors of love involved right now.....lots of painting.... packing..... car trips....... sleeping on the floor!

I'll be back as soon as the major move is done.

Take care everyone... and I LOVE all of your comments... so very much. Each one makes my day a little bit brighter.  I'll be back!

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  1. How exciting! Have fun, try not to work too hard! Ha! Enjoy...can't wait to see it and your plans.

    1. It IS exciting! We've been looking for almost 1-1/2 years for the right place that we can AFFORD! Being "seniors" we have a pretty limited budget! I may start another section of my blog for the "before" and "after" of this house. I'm trying to take many "before" pictures! Have hardly started the "after" part.

  2. Marilyn, I am so happy for you! I had been wondering if you had moved already. I'm sure it will bring you much joy making it your own little piece of wonderful. Looking forward to seeing pictures. Take care and don't stress your back, if that is possible. Be Safe to you and your husband.

    1. Right now we're between the two places, which is very hard for me. I like ONE cozy little nest. I'm not good at going back and forth. I may start another section of my blog for restoring this little house and the "befores" and "afters". I'm trying to be careful with my back as have had problems with the darned thing since I was thrown from a horse when I was 22 years old! I'm glad you're safe and sound too and the fire didn't make it to your little piece of heaven!

  3. Can't wait to hear all about your new house. Hurry back. I love before and afters.
