Saturday, September 19, 2015


Hi all.. Just a quick post to let you know I won't be doing my Saturday Serenity series for at least two weeks.. or posting to my blog (probably).

I'm in the process of moving about 1-1/2 hours away from my current rental.. we bought a house! It's very exciting, being 68 and thinking you'd never own a home again........and to finally find a home that is pretty cute and awesome (but needs tons of work).......... so lots of labors of love involved right now.....lots of painting.... packing..... car trips....... sleeping on the floor!

I'll be back as soon as the major move is done.

Take care everyone... and I LOVE all of your comments... so very much. Each one makes my day a little bit brighter.  I'll be back!

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Saturday, September 12, 2015


I love trees......

of all kinds.............

they are so strong...................

and very graceful in their own way................

Rest is not idleness,
and to lie sometimes on the grass
under the trees on a summer’s day, 
listening to the murmur of water, 
or watching the clouds float across the blue sky, 
is by no means waste of time.
 ~John Lubbock, “Recreation,” The Use of Life, 1894

I always feel serene when I am around trees. Do you?

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How did I do this? circle pinwheel flowers!

I have an addiction to making different kinds of paper flowers! The other night on YouTube, I found another darling paper flower using 1" circles. Here's how.. in very few words!  as brief a format as possible (for me that's hard!)
I used vellum on this one. Gorgeous!
You can use any kind of paper, that's the glory of this cute little flower! Use either cardstock, or designer paper, one sided or double sided, pretty envelopes or pretty wrapping paper. I was going through my scraps and found a pretty envelope that I had saved for years, so decided to use it.

Here's one using old book pages. I  use a scalloped circle punch for this and love the results.
How did I put it together you say? Here's the video I watched by "putsomeblingonit" (below). If you're reading this in your email inbox and want to watch the video, you'll have to click on the title of my blog post to go to my blog.... and then you can watch the video there. 

Here are a few photos of how I glued the little circles onto another little circle.  You can use anywhere from 10 to 16 or 18 circles, depending on how tight you want the flower.

Fold your 16 circles in  half - cut an extra 1" circle and draw 4 quarters on it with a pen.

Put a pinch of hot glue on the corner of the folded circle (see below picture), with the folded side UP. Lay the folded circle, fold to the left, on the first vertical line so that the circle portion is on the right of the line.

Put glue on your next circle. Always be sure the fold is UP. Then place it inside of the first folded circle, so that the bottom points meet each other.
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These are nice and flat - easy to put on a card that is being mailed.
I like the thinness of these. They would be much easier to send through the mail on a card... they are much thinner than my accordian fold rosettes shown below that have about a quarter inch rise:

I have some of my paper rosettes for sale in My Etsy shop here.
If you're interested, here's my rosette tutorial for making the accordian fold paper rosettes. These are great for decorating canvas art, gift bags, picture frames or little gift boxes.

Have fun making some of these darling circle pinwheel flowers. The gal in the video glued each one to the end of a decorative straw, to make a pretty little bunch of flowers. 


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